中图分类号:F301 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-1161(2014)04-0010-02
1 数据来源
2 研究内容与方法
1) 研究内容:一是农户农地经营规模与土地生产率的关系;二是农户农地经营规模与资金生产率的关系;三是农户农地经营规模与劳动生产率的关系;四是农地适度经营规模衡量指标选取。
2) 研究方法:运用数理统计法对调研数据进行分类统计分析;运用对比分析法对样本数据进行对比分析;运用综合分析法确定最优标准。
3 土地经营规模与土地生产率、资金生产率和劳动生产率的关系分析
3.1 土地经营规模与土地生产率的关系
土地生产率是指农地单位面积的粮食产量,在本文中指每667 m2平均玉米或水稻产量。其计算公式为:土地生产率=农地粮食总产量/农地总面积。经综合统计计算,结果见表1。
由表1可见:玉米在1.00~1.33 hm2(15~20亩)的经营区间土地生产率是最高的,而水稻则在0.67~1.00 hm2(10~15亩)的经营区间具有最高的土地生产率。农地经营规模与土地生产率的关系并不是十分明确,但种植玉米和水稻的农户在经营1.33 hm2(20亩)及以上的土地规模时,土地生产率均相对较为可观。对于土地生产率,大部分研究认为该指标与农地经营规模是反向关系,有些则证明是正向、U型或倒U型的关系。经分析可知,在辽宁省进行适度农地规模经营是能够提高土地生产率的。
3.2 土地经营规模与资金生产率的关系
资金生产率是指资金消耗所取得的效果或效率。通常用单位资金所生产的产品量或产值来表示。其计算公式如下:农户粮食每667 m2平均总收入/每667 m2平均总成本。这一指标表明农业生产投入的单位资金在生产年度内所提供的净产值或总产值。提供的产值越多,经济效益越好。本文用单位投入所带来的单位总收入来表示资金生产率(见表2)。
由表2可见:水稻的资金生产率在各区间均高于玉米的资金生产率;玉米种植规模在0.67~1.00 hm2(10~15亩)区间内资金生产率最低、为1.96,水稻种植规模在0.33~0.67 hm2(5~10亩)区间内资金生产率最低、为2.21。虽然总体上农地经营规模与资金生产率的关系不是很明确,但是种植玉米与水稻的农户在经营1.33 hm2(20亩)及以上的土地规模时,资金生产率是最高的。这说明进行农地适度规模经营可以提高资金生产率。
3.3 土地经营规模与劳动生产率的关系
劳动生产率是指单位农业劳动者在单位时间内(一般指1 a内)生产的产品价值,其取决于农业总产值和农业就业人口。该指标计算公式为:农业劳动生产率=农户农业总产值/农户农业就业人口。对于劳动生产率,几乎所有的研究证明其与农地经营规模是正向关系,少数学者证明是U型的。由计算公式可以看出,人均经营规模与劳动生产率呈正相关关系。根据前述统计计算数据得到表3。
由表3可见:劳动生产率随着经营规模的扩大而显著增加,且水稻的劳动生产率普遍大于玉米的劳动生产率。当农户经营1.33 hm2(20亩)及以上规模的农地时,玉米和水稻种植户的人均收入均在万元以上。由此可以初步得出,适度规模经营可以显著提高农地的劳动生产率。
4 结论与讨论
通过数据分析得出,土地经营规模与土地生产率的关系并不是十分明确,土地经营规模与资金生产率的变动关系也不是很明确,而劳动生产率与土地经营规模则具有明显的正向变动关系,因而选取劳动生产率作为评价适度经营规模的标准最优。通过对比分析发现,当农户经营1.33 hm2(20亩)及以上的农地时,能够产生较高的土地生产率、资金生产率和劳动生产率。因此,本文认为存在农地规模经营效应,进行适度规模经营研究具有现实意义。
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[3] 邵晓梅.鲁西北地区农户家庭农地规模经营行为分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2004,14(6):120-125.
[4] 林善浪.农村土地规模经营的效率评价[J].当代经济研究,2000(2):37-43.
Abstract: With the development of social economy, the contradiction between human and land is increasing sharply. How to produce more food on limited land has been becoming the current hot topic. Land moderate scale operation is one of the ways to solve the problem. This article selects three most commonly used evaluation index of moderate scale operation, namely, land productivity, capital productivity and labor productivity. Their relationships with the land operation scale were studied respectively. The data analysis shows that only the labor productivity has an obvious positive change with the land operation scale, therefore choosing the labor productivity as the evaluation criteria of land moderate operation scale is optimal.
Key words: land moderate operation scale; evaluation criteria; land productivity; capital productivity; labor productivity
[3] 邵晓梅.鲁西北地区农户家庭农地规模经营行为分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2004,14(6):120-125.
[4] 林善浪.农村土地规模经营的效率评价[J].当代经济研究,2000(2):37-43.
Abstract: With the development of social economy, the contradiction between human and land is increasing sharply. How to produce more food on limited land has been becoming the current hot topic. Land moderate scale operation is one of the ways to solve the problem. This article selects three most commonly used evaluation index of moderate scale operation, namely, land productivity, capital productivity and labor productivity. Their relationships with the land operation scale were studied respectively. The data analysis shows that only the labor productivity has an obvious positive change with the land operation scale, therefore choosing the labor productivity as the evaluation criteria of land moderate operation scale is optimal.
Key words: land moderate operation scale; evaluation criteria; land productivity; capital productivity; labor productivity
[3] 邵晓梅.鲁西北地区农户家庭农地规模经营行为分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2004,14(6):120-125.
[4] 林善浪.农村土地规模经营的效率评价[J].当代经济研究,2000(2):37-43.
Abstract: With the development of social economy, the contradiction between human and land is increasing sharply. How to produce more food on limited land has been becoming the current hot topic. Land moderate scale operation is one of the ways to solve the problem. This article selects three most commonly used evaluation index of moderate scale operation, namely, land productivity, capital productivity and labor productivity. Their relationships with the land operation scale were studied respectively. The data analysis shows that only the labor productivity has an obvious positive change with the land operation scale, therefore choosing the labor productivity as the evaluation criteria of land moderate operation scale is optimal.
Key words: land moderate operation scale; evaluation criteria; land productivity; capital productivity; labor productivity