[摘要] 目的 观察加巴喷丁治疗腹膜透析患者(CAPD)皮肤瘙痒及睡眠障碍的临床疗效。 方法 选取我院行持续不卧床腹膜透析患者中有皮肤瘙痒和睡眠障碍的患者22例,随机分为试验组和对照组各11例,试验组患者透析后每日晚间服用加巴喷丁300 mg,对照组每日晚间服用盐酸西替利嗪片10 mg。12周后根据视觉模拟评分(VAS)、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)进行疗效评定。 结果 (1)试验组治疗后皮肤瘙痒症状明显改善。试验组用药前平均VAS得分(8.64±1.22),加巴喷丁治疗12周后平均VAS得分(1.34±0.98),VAS得分值平均下降(7.12±1.27)。对照组用药前平均VAS得分(8.12±1.42),对照组用药后平均VAS得分(7.35±1.56),VAS得分值平均下降(1.22±1.50),两组VAS得分下降值比较有显著统计学差异(P<0.01)。(2)试验组治疗后睡眠障碍明显改善。试验组治疗后除催眠药物外的各项睡眠质量指标及总分分数均降低,与治疗前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。除睡眠质量外,对照组的各项睡眠质量指标及总分治疗前后比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 短期服用加巴喷丁能够有效治疗腹膜透析患者的皮肤瘙痒,同时改善睡眠障碍,提高患者的生活质量。
[关键词] 加巴喷丁;腹膜透析;皮肤瘙痒;睡眠障碍
[中图分类号] R692.5 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)32-0028-03
Clinical research of gabapetin in treatment of cutaneous pruritus and sleeping disorder in peritoneal dialysis patients
SHI Zhen HUANG Wen PAN Min WANG Hong ZHOU Zhihong
Department of Nephrology,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical Univercity, Wenzhou 325000,China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the treatment effect of gabapetin on cutaneous pruritus in peritoneal dialysis patients. Methods Twenty-two CAPD patients with continuous cutaneous pruritus and sleeping disorder were randomly divided into treatment group(gabapentin 300 mg before sleep on dialysis day) and control group(cetirizine 10 mg before sleep). The efficacy was assessed by visual analogue score(VAS) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results (1)After treatment,the frequency and degree of pruritus in patients of treatment group significantly reduced, the VAS score in treatment group decreased from (8.64±1.22) to (1.34±0.98),compared to that of (8.12±1.42) to (7.35±1.56) in control group(P<0.01); (2)After treatment,the sleeping disorder in patients of treatment group significantly improved. The PSQI scores in treatment group significantly decreased(P<0.01). Conclusion Gabapentin is an effective drug for cutaneous pruritus and sleeping disorder in peritoneal dialysis patients,and it can improve the quality of life of patients.
[Key words] Gabapetin; Peritoneal dialysis; Pruritus; Sleeping disorder
1 对象与方法
1.2 方法
将22例患者按照随机数字表随机分为两组,试验组11例和对照组11例。试验组患者透析后每日晚间服用加巴喷丁300 mg(派汀,江苏恒瑞药业,批号13080792),对照组每日晚间服用盐酸西替利嗪片10 mg(西可韦,苏州东瑞制药,批号130712054)。皮肤瘙痒评分:12周后采用视觉模拟评分(VAS)[5],采用10 cm直尺,由患者根据瘙痒程度由无(0分~0 cm)到最重(10分~10 cm)自行评分。睡眠质量评分:采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,PSQI)量表评定患者的睡眠质量[6]。该量表有7个成分:主观睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍、催眠药物、日间功能障碍。每个成分按0~3分计分,很好记0分,较好记1分,较差2分,很差3分,累计各分值得出PSQI总分(0~21分),总分越高,睡眠质量越差。
2 结果
2.1 两组患者一般资料比较
表1 两组患者一般资料比较
表2 两组治疗前后VAS得分比较(x±s,分)
2.3 两组治疗前后PSQI评分比较
表3 两组治疗前后PSQI评分比较(x±s,n=11)
3 讨论
皮肤瘙痒是尿毒症患者常见的慢性并发症之一,最近一项针对18 000例患者进行的透析预后与实践模式研究(DOPPS)发现,在成人尿毒症患者中,42%~52%曾出现瘙痒症状[2],不仅严重影响患者生活质量,而且还降低此类患者的生存率[7]。其具体原因可能与皮肤干燥、肥大细胞增生、中大分子毒性物质存留、继发甲亢、周围神经病变等有关,特别是中大分子的毒素刺激是导致瘙痒的主要原因。其具体机制尚未明确,其中神经病变是较为公认的假说之一,慢性肾衰竭患者并发神经病变,损伤神经对外界感知阈值降低,外界各种刺激就会使损伤神经异常放电从而产生瘙痒的感觉[8]。
加巴喷丁是一种新型抗癫痫药,于1993年获得美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准用于部分发作的癫痫的辅助治疗,是一种γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)类似物,结合位点分布于新皮层和海马,但不与GABA受体产生相互作用,它既不能代谢转化为GABA或GABA激动剂,也不是GABA摄取或降解的抑制剂,但是,其具有增加GABA介导通路的抑制性输入,对电压依赖性钙通道电流具有独特的作用,抑制损伤神经异常放电,因此对于神经痛具有良好的疗效。虽然瘙痒和疼痛是两种完全不同的躯体感受,但两者都是在皮肤感受器受刺激后,神经冲动沿着无髓鞘C纤维上传,达到大脑皮层某些运动区域,引起搔抓的欲望,而搔抓后能通过刺激带鞘A纤维远端的感觉器来缓解瘙痒[9],目前认为加巴喷丁对尿毒症瘙痒的疗效可能与治疗神经痛的作用机制相似[10]。据报道,每次透析后给予患者100~300 mg(起始剂量100 mg)的加巴喷丁,可有效减轻CKD患者的瘙痒症[11,12]。
[1] Lugon JR. Uremic pruritus:A review[J]. Hemodial Int,2005,9: 180-188.
[2] Pisoni RL,Wikstrom B,Elder SJ,et al. Pruritus in hemodialysis patients: International results from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS)[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant,2006,21:3495-3505.
[3] Vila T,Gommer J,Scates AC. Role of gabapentin in the treatment of uremic pruritus[J]. Ann Pharmacother,2008, 42:1080-1084.
[4] Gunal AI,Ozalpl G,Yoldaset TK,et al. Gabapentin therapy for pruritus in hemodialysis patients:A randomized placebo-controlled,double-blind trial[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant,2004,19:3137-3139.
[5] Subach RA,Marx MA. Evaluation of uremic pruritus at an outpatient hemodialysis unit[J]. Renal Failure,2002,24(5):609-614.
[6] Buysse DJ,Reynolds CF,Monk TH,et al. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index:A new instrument for psychiatric practice and research[J]. Psychiatry Res,1989,28(2):193-213.
[7] Patel TS,Freedman BI,Yosipovitch G. An update on pruritus associated with CKD[J]. Am Kidney Dis.,2007,50(1):11-20.
[8] Zakrzewska-Pniewska B,Jedras M. Is pruritus in chronic uremic patients related to peripheral somatic and autonomic neuropathy?Study by R-R interval variation(RRIV) test and by sympathetic skin response(SSR)[J]. Neuro-physiol Clin,2001,31(3):181-193.
[9] Naini AE,Harandi AA,Khanbabapour S,et al. Gabapentin: A promising drug for the treatment sf uremic pruritus[J]. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant JT-Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantion,2007,18(3):378-381.
[10] 陈荟仿.低钙腹透液和碳酸钙治疗腹透患者皮肤瘙痒疗效观察[J].中华全科医师杂志, 2014,11(7):79-80.
[11] Manenti L,Vaglio A,Costantino E,et al. Gabapentin in the treatment uremic itch:An index case and pilot evaluation[J]. Nephrol,2005,18(1):86-91.
[12] Razeghi E,Eskandari D,Ganji MR,et al. Gabapentin and uremic pruritus in hemodialysis patients[J]. Ren Fail,2009, 31(2):85-90.
[13] Gunal AI,Ozalp G,Yoldas TK,et al. Gabapentin therapy for pruritus in hemodialysis patients:A randomized, placebo-controlled,double-blind trial[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2005,20(6):1278-1279.
[14] 王志刚. 血液净化学[M]. 第2版. 北京:北京科学技术出版社,2003:612-614.
[15] 董晓辉,吕希峰,徐岩,等. 加巴喷丁治疗血液透析患者皮肤瘙痒并改善睡眠质量的临床研究[J]. 中华全科医师杂志,2011,10(6):425-427.
[16] Lee CH,Tsai TS,Liou HH. Gabapentin activates ROMK1 channels by a protein kinase A-dependent mechanism[J].Br J Pharmacol,2008,154:216-225.
[17] 李林, 梅长林, 孙丽君,等.加巴喷丁治疗血液透析患者顽固性尿毒症皮肤瘙痒的临床研究[J]. 中华肾脏病杂志,2010,26:335-338.
[1] Lugon JR. Uremic pruritus:A review[J]. Hemodial Int,2005,9: 180-188.
[2] Pisoni RL,Wikstrom B,Elder SJ,et al. Pruritus in hemodialysis patients: International results from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS)[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant,2006,21:3495-3505.
[3] Vila T,Gommer J,Scates AC. Role of gabapentin in the treatment of uremic pruritus[J]. Ann Pharmacother,2008, 42:1080-1084.
[4] Gunal AI,Ozalpl G,Yoldaset TK,et al. Gabapentin therapy for pruritus in hemodialysis patients:A randomized placebo-controlled,double-blind trial[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant,2004,19:3137-3139.
[5] Subach RA,Marx MA. Evaluation of uremic pruritus at an outpatient hemodialysis unit[J]. Renal Failure,2002,24(5):609-614.
[6] Buysse DJ,Reynolds CF,Monk TH,et al. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index:A new instrument for psychiatric practice and research[J]. Psychiatry Res,1989,28(2):193-213.
[7] Patel TS,Freedman BI,Yosipovitch G. An update on pruritus associated with CKD[J]. Am Kidney Dis.,2007,50(1):11-20.
[8] Zakrzewska-Pniewska B,Jedras M. Is pruritus in chronic uremic patients related to peripheral somatic and autonomic neuropathy?Study by R-R interval variation(RRIV) test and by sympathetic skin response(SSR)[J]. Neuro-physiol Clin,2001,31(3):181-193.
[9] Naini AE,Harandi AA,Khanbabapour S,et al. Gabapentin: A promising drug for the treatment sf uremic pruritus[J]. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant JT-Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantion,2007,18(3):378-381.
[10] 陈荟仿.低钙腹透液和碳酸钙治疗腹透患者皮肤瘙痒疗效观察[J].中华全科医师杂志, 2014,11(7):79-80.
[11] Manenti L,Vaglio A,Costantino E,et al. Gabapentin in the treatment uremic itch:An index case and pilot evaluation[J]. Nephrol,2005,18(1):86-91.
[12] Razeghi E,Eskandari D,Ganji MR,et al. Gabapentin and uremic pruritus in hemodialysis patients[J]. Ren Fail,2009, 31(2):85-90.
[13] Gunal AI,Ozalp G,Yoldas TK,et al. Gabapentin therapy for pruritus in hemodialysis patients:A randomized, placebo-controlled,double-blind trial[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2005,20(6):1278-1279.
[14] 王志刚. 血液净化学[M]. 第2版. 北京:北京科学技术出版社,2003:612-614.
[15] 董晓辉,吕希峰,徐岩,等. 加巴喷丁治疗血液透析患者皮肤瘙痒并改善睡眠质量的临床研究[J]. 中华全科医师杂志,2011,10(6):425-427.
[16] Lee CH,Tsai TS,Liou HH. Gabapentin activates ROMK1 channels by a protein kinase A-dependent mechanism[J].Br J Pharmacol,2008,154:216-225.
[17] 李林, 梅长林, 孙丽君,等.加巴喷丁治疗血液透析患者顽固性尿毒症皮肤瘙痒的临床研究[J]. 中华肾脏病杂志,2010,26:335-338.
[1] Lugon JR. Uremic pruritus:A review[J]. Hemodial Int,2005,9: 180-188.
[2] Pisoni RL,Wikstrom B,Elder SJ,et al. Pruritus in hemodialysis patients: International results from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS)[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant,2006,21:3495-3505.
[3] Vila T,Gommer J,Scates AC. Role of gabapentin in the treatment of uremic pruritus[J]. Ann Pharmacother,2008, 42:1080-1084.
[4] Gunal AI,Ozalpl G,Yoldaset TK,et al. Gabapentin therapy for pruritus in hemodialysis patients:A randomized placebo-controlled,double-blind trial[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant,2004,19:3137-3139.
[5] Subach RA,Marx MA. Evaluation of uremic pruritus at an outpatient hemodialysis unit[J]. Renal Failure,2002,24(5):609-614.
[6] Buysse DJ,Reynolds CF,Monk TH,et al. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index:A new instrument for psychiatric practice and research[J]. Psychiatry Res,1989,28(2):193-213.
[7] Patel TS,Freedman BI,Yosipovitch G. An update on pruritus associated with CKD[J]. Am Kidney Dis.,2007,50(1):11-20.
[8] Zakrzewska-Pniewska B,Jedras M. Is pruritus in chronic uremic patients related to peripheral somatic and autonomic neuropathy?Study by R-R interval variation(RRIV) test and by sympathetic skin response(SSR)[J]. Neuro-physiol Clin,2001,31(3):181-193.
[9] Naini AE,Harandi AA,Khanbabapour S,et al. Gabapentin: A promising drug for the treatment sf uremic pruritus[J]. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant JT-Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantion,2007,18(3):378-381.
[10] 陈荟仿.低钙腹透液和碳酸钙治疗腹透患者皮肤瘙痒疗效观察[J].中华全科医师杂志, 2014,11(7):79-80.
[11] Manenti L,Vaglio A,Costantino E,et al. Gabapentin in the treatment uremic itch:An index case and pilot evaluation[J]. Nephrol,2005,18(1):86-91.
[12] Razeghi E,Eskandari D,Ganji MR,et al. Gabapentin and uremic pruritus in hemodialysis patients[J]. Ren Fail,2009, 31(2):85-90.
[13] Gunal AI,Ozalp G,Yoldas TK,et al. Gabapentin therapy for pruritus in hemodialysis patients:A randomized, placebo-controlled,double-blind trial[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2005,20(6):1278-1279.
[14] 王志刚. 血液净化学[M]. 第2版. 北京:北京科学技术出版社,2003:612-614.
[15] 董晓辉,吕希峰,徐岩,等. 加巴喷丁治疗血液透析患者皮肤瘙痒并改善睡眠质量的临床研究[J]. 中华全科医师杂志,2011,10(6):425-427.
[16] Lee CH,Tsai TS,Liou HH. Gabapentin activates ROMK1 channels by a protein kinase A-dependent mechanism[J].Br J Pharmacol,2008,154:216-225.
[17] 李林, 梅长林, 孙丽君,等.加巴喷丁治疗血液透析患者顽固性尿毒症皮肤瘙痒的临床研究[J]. 中华肾脏病杂志,2010,26:335-338.