

中国医学创新 2014年23期


【摘要】 目的:检测宫颈活检组织中上皮内瘤变(CIN)及其旁组织中hTERC基因的表达情况,对比分析其阳性率的变化,试图找到基因水平上CIN手术治疗范围。方法:采用荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)检测63例宫颈活检标本中hTERC基因的表达变化情况。结果:宫颈高级别上皮内瘤变(HSIL)区、瘤变边缘≤1 mm、1 mm<瘤变边缘≤2 mm、2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm以及3 mm<瘤变边缘≤4 mm的hTERC基因阳性率分别为100%、92.31%、87.18%、64.10%和30.77%,其中,HSIL与瘤变边缘2 mm以内范围各点比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);HSIL与瘤变边缘2 mm以外范围各点比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);宫颈低级别上皮内瘤变(LSIL)区、瘤变边缘≤1 mm范围、1 mm<瘤变边缘≤2 mm、2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm以及3 mm<瘤变边缘≤4 mm的hTERC基因阳性率分别为41.67%、25.00%、4.17%、4.17%和4.17%,其中,LSIL与瘤变边缘1 mm以内范围各点比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而LSIL与瘤变边缘1 mm以外范围点比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:活检标本中,随着距瘤变区范围的增加,hTERC基因的阳性率明显下降,其中,距瘤变边缘>2 mm和>1 mm或许可以分别作为HSIL和LSIL基因水平上(更精确意义上的)CIN的手术治疗范围。

【关键词】 荧光原位杂交; 宫颈上皮内瘤变; hTERC基因; 宫颈活检组织; 手术治疗范围

在世界范围内,女性宫颈癌发病率居女性生殖系统恶性肿瘤第2位[1]。近年来,其发病呈年轻化趋势,但因宫颈癌有较长的癌前病变期,早期诊断及合理治疗便成为改善预后的关键[2]。目前研究得知,宫颈细胞由非典型性异常病变细胞转化成癌细胞的过程中几乎都伴有3号染色体长臂的扩增,其中涉及到的最重要的基因可能是人染色体末端酶基因(human telomerase gene,hTERC),它有望成为非典型细胞癌变的基因[3]。Heselmeyer-haddad等[4]研究认为hTERC基因可以作为预测高度病变(HSIL)的指标,随访这些病例1~3年后,hTERC基因扩增病例中CINⅠ/Ⅱ进展到CINⅢ多于hTERC基因不扩增病例,表明特异的基因组改变是CIN发展到宫颈癌所必需的[5]。同时,多项研究表明,采用FISH技术检测宫颈细胞hTERC基因的阳性率,可作为宫颈上皮内瘤变由低级别进展到高级别的指标,还可以提高宫颈癌前病变的筛查几率,是一种损伤较小的、比较可靠的检测手段[6-10]。有研究报道不同制片方法中,hTERC基因杂交成功率石蜡包埋组织切片为85.7%,其荧光信号满意率也最高,且在指导宫颈病变及宫颈癌的治疗中,石蜡包埋组织切片法的染色体破坏最小,实际意义更大。因而,不同于以往的使用脱落细胞进行的研究,本实验全部采用组织活检标本。同时,除检测CIN处的hTERC基因阳性率外,还对病变旁组织做不同范围的hTERC基因表达研究,试图找到规律性变化,探讨基因水平上CIN的手术治疗范围。现报道如下。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料 选取2013年10月-2014年7月本院宫颈组织活检标本63例,每例均完整包含连续的瘤变组织及其旁组织(距瘤变边缘≥4 mm)。其中,低级别病变24例,高级别病变39例,年龄22~62岁,取标本前所有患者均未进行放疗、化疗及其他特殊治疗。另外选取20例正常宫颈组织活检标本建立阈值。

1.2 FISH探针 北京金菩嘉医疗科技有限公司生产的TERC/CSP3 DNA双色探针。TERC基因标记在3q26.3位点,CSP3 DNA标记在3号染色体着丝粒处(3q11.1-q11.1),分别用红色和绿色荧光信号标记,以CSP3探针作为对照。

1.3 方法

1.3.1 样本制备 将普通载玻片清洗干净后,涂多聚赖氨酸以防脱片,自然晾干备用。将预先筛选出的石蜡包埋组织做2 μm连续切片,展开后捞片,置70 ℃烤箱中2 h。

1.3.2 样本预处理 将玻片置于二甲苯中脱蜡,两缸,各10 min,依次经100%乙醇、85%乙醇、75%乙醇至去离子水,各1缸,各2 min,然后置于火力60的微波炉内水煮20 min,在2×SSC溶液中浸泡5 min后晾干,加胃蛋白酶20 μL(20 mg/mL),消化5 min左右,室温下2×SSC溶液中漂洗2次,5 min/次。最后将玻片依次置于75%乙醇、85%乙醇、100%乙醇各2 min脱水,烤片至56 ℃,干燥备用。

1.3.3 杂交 避光环境中,将探针混合液10 μL(2 μL探针,8 μL杂交缓冲液)滴于玻片杂交区域,加上盖玻片,封胶;83 ℃水浴中变性5 min,将玻片置于预热的湿盒中,42 ℃恒温培养箱中过夜杂交。

1.3.4 洗片 第2天在暗处移去盖玻片,依次经46 ℃预热的2×SSC溶液和NP40溶液(40 mL 2×SSC溶液,40μL NP40洗涤液)洗涤,各1缸,分别为10 min和5 min,70%乙醇浸泡3 min,自然干燥,滴加15 μL DAPI(联咪二苯吲哚)复染剂,加盖玻片,分析。

1.4 FISH信号分析 复染后的玻片用OLYMPUS B×51荧光显微镜在DAPI/FIFC/RHOD三色滤光镜激发下,观察间期细胞的荧光杂交信号。

1.5 阈值建立 20例正常宫颈组织活检标本,在100×10油镜下观察,每例随机计数100个细胞。单个间期细胞核中红绿信号比2:2为正常细胞;红色信号>2个,绿色信号≥2个判断为阳性细胞。计算每例出现阳性细胞的百分比,建立阈值,阈值=平均数(x)+3×标准差(SD)。本例阈值为8.66%,取整数9。

1.6 结果判定 100×10倍油镜下观察,每例随机计数100个间期细胞,单个间期细胞核中红绿信号比2∶2为正常细胞;红色信号>2个,绿色信号≥2个判断为阳性细胞。记录红绿信号数hTERC:CSP3,阳性细胞个数≥阈值(本实验为9个)为hTERC基因扩增阳性。endprint

1.7 统计学处理 采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件对数据进行处理,计数资料比较采用 字2检验,以P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.2 宫颈活检高级别上皮内瘤变(HSIL)区及其旁组织中hTERC基因的扩增情况 宫颈高级别上皮内瘤变(HSIL)区、瘤变边缘≤1 mm、1 mm<瘤变边缘≤2 mm、2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm以及3 mm<瘤变边缘≤4 mm的hTERC基因阳性率分别为100%、92.31%、87.18%、64.10%和30.77%,其中,HSIL与瘤变边缘≤1 mm、1 mm<瘤变边缘≤2 mm比较差异无统计学意义(字2=5.10,P>0.05;字2=3.20,P>0.05);HSIL与2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm、HSIL与3 mm<瘤变边缘≤4 mm、1 mm<瘤变边缘≤2 mm范围与2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm、2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm与3 mm<瘤变边缘≤4 mm范围的比较差异均有统计学意义(字2=17.06,P<0.05; 字2=41.29,P<0.05; 字2=5.64,P<0.05; 字2=8.69,P<0.05)。

2.3 宫颈活检低级别上皮内瘤变(LSIL)区及其旁组织中hTERC基因的扩增情况 宫颈低级别上皮内瘤变(LSIL)区、瘤变边缘≤1 mm、1 mm<瘤变边

缘≤2 mm、2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm以及3 mm<瘤变边缘≤4 mm范围的hTERC基因阳性率分别为41.67%、25.00%、4.17%、4.17%和4.17%,其中,LSIL与瘤变边缘≤1 mm、1 mm<瘤变边缘≤2 mm与2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm、2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm与3 mm<瘤变边缘≤4 mm比较差异均无统计学意义(字2=1.50,P>0.05; 字2=0,P>0.05; 字2=0,P>0.05),而LSIL与1 mm<瘤变边缘≤2mm、LSIL与2 mm<瘤变边缘≤3 mm、LSIL与3 mm<瘤变边缘≤4 mm、瘤变边缘≤1 mm与1 mm<瘤变边缘≤2 mm的比较差异均有统计学意义(字2=9.55,P<0.05; 字2=9.55,P<0.05; 字2=9.55,P<0.05; 字2=4.18,P<0.05)。

3 讨论


目前宫颈癌的早期筛查主要依靠TCT和HPV检测,但两者的临床应用有一定局限性。细胞学检查(TCT)是一种形态学检查,受观察者主观因素的影响,有时难以做出正确诊断[13];而针对HPV DNA的实验也只能测出当时HPV的状态,大多数妇女特别是性生活活跃的年轻女性,HPV感染是暂时的,且HPV阳性不能反映细胞变异的状态,使HPV阳性的预测意义较低,事实上ASCUS和轻度细胞学异常在年轻女性中很常见,但低度病变发展到宫颈癌的比率并不高。因此需要寻找其他检测指标以弥补这些检测方法的不足。



本研究中,应用FISH技术检测宫颈活检组织细胞中hTERC基因的表达情况,利用测微尺连续观察宫颈活检高级别上皮内瘤变(HSIL)区及其旁组织中hTERC基因的扩增情况,发现:(1)随着距瘤变部位距离的增加,hTERC基因的扩增表达是逐渐下降的,即病变处hTERC基因的扩增100%表达,距病变区越远该基因的扩增率越小并逐渐达到正常,说明hTERC基因的扩增率与距瘤变部位的距离有相关性;(2)HSIL在距瘤变边缘约2 mm处以外hTERC基因的表达下降至接近正常鳞状上皮水平,其各范围阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),表明2 mm以内虽然HE染色镜下观察细胞已无明显异型性,但是2 mm及以外是基因水平上较正常上皮,是否可以在HSIL术中将距病变2 mm作为安全的手术范围仍是值得探讨的问题;(3)对LSIL区及其旁组织中hTERC基因扩增情况的观察表明,病变旁1 mm处两侧的组织中hTERC基因表达率有差异,即距病变部位边缘约1 mm处该基因的表达率可能降至正常鳞状上皮表达水平,其各范围阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。虽然对LSIL患者不主张手术治疗,但在临床上常遇到患者hTERC基因检测表达率升高,患者因过分紧张、担心而要求手术者,在这种情况下,将距病变1 mm作为安全的手术范围也是值得探讨的。



[1] Liu H Q,Liu S L,Wang H,et al.Genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (hTERC) associated with human papillomabirus is related to the progression of uterine cervical dysplasia to infasive cancer[J].Diagnostic Pathology,2012,7(4):147.



[4] Heselmeyer-Haddad K,Janz V,Castle P E,et al.Detection of genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (TERC) in cytologic specimens as a genetic test for the diagnosis of cervical dysplasia[J].Am J of Pathol,2003,163(15):1406-1416.

[5] Heselmeyer-Haddad K,Sommerfeld K,White N M,et al.Genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (TERC) in pap smears predicts the development of cervical cancer[J].Am J Pathol,2005,166(8):1229-1238.

[6] Lan Y L,Yu L,Jia C W,et al.Gain of human telomerase gene is associated with progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I or II[J].Chinese Medical Journal,2012,125(9):1599-1602.

[7] Yin G P,Li J,Zhu T Y,et al.The detection of hTERC amplification using fluorescence in situ hybridization in the diagnosis and prognosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia:a case control study[J].World Journal of Surgical Oncology,2012,10(8):168.

[8] Zheng X H,Liang P H,Zheng Y R,et al.Clinical significance of hTERC gene detection in exfoliated cervical epithelial cells for cervical lesions[J].Gynecol Cancer,2013,23(5):785-790.

[9] Xiang L B,Yang H J,Li J,et al.Different amplification patterns of the human telomerase RNA gene in invasive cervical carcinomas and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III[J].Diagnostic Cytopatholoty,2011,163(5):1206-1213.


[11] Ren F F,Zhao S P,Ma D H,et al.The study of the production methods to detect the hTERC gene with Fluorescence in situ hybridization[J].Progress in Modern Biomedicine,2009,9(5):4126-4129.


[13] Hopman A H N,Theelen W,Hommelberg P P H,et al.Genomic integration of HPV and gain of human telomerase gene TERC at 3q26 are strongly associated events in the progression of uterine cervical dysplasia to invasive cancer[J].J Pathol,2006,210(4):412-419.


[15] Jehan Z,Uddin S,AL-Kuraya K S.Insitu hybtidization as a molecular tool in cancer diagnosis and treatment[J].Curr Med Chem,2012,19(22):3730-3738.

[16] Schwenner C,Stenzl A,Gakis G.Monitoring high-risk bladder cancer[J].Curr Opn Urol,2012,22(5):421-426.

[17] Li Y,Ye F,Lu W G,et al.Detection of human telomerase RNA gene in cervical cancer and precancerous lesions:comparison with cytological and human papillomavirus DNA test findings[J].Int J Gynecol Cancer,2010,20(4):631-637.





(收稿日期:2014-07-16) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint


[1] Liu H Q,Liu S L,Wang H,et al.Genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (hTERC) associated with human papillomabirus is related to the progression of uterine cervical dysplasia to infasive cancer[J].Diagnostic Pathology,2012,7(4):147.



[4] Heselmeyer-Haddad K,Janz V,Castle P E,et al.Detection of genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (TERC) in cytologic specimens as a genetic test for the diagnosis of cervical dysplasia[J].Am J of Pathol,2003,163(15):1406-1416.

[5] Heselmeyer-Haddad K,Sommerfeld K,White N M,et al.Genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (TERC) in pap smears predicts the development of cervical cancer[J].Am J Pathol,2005,166(8):1229-1238.

[6] Lan Y L,Yu L,Jia C W,et al.Gain of human telomerase gene is associated with progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I or II[J].Chinese Medical Journal,2012,125(9):1599-1602.

[7] Yin G P,Li J,Zhu T Y,et al.The detection of hTERC amplification using fluorescence in situ hybridization in the diagnosis and prognosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia:a case control study[J].World Journal of Surgical Oncology,2012,10(8):168.

[8] Zheng X H,Liang P H,Zheng Y R,et al.Clinical significance of hTERC gene detection in exfoliated cervical epithelial cells for cervical lesions[J].Gynecol Cancer,2013,23(5):785-790.

[9] Xiang L B,Yang H J,Li J,et al.Different amplification patterns of the human telomerase RNA gene in invasive cervical carcinomas and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III[J].Diagnostic Cytopatholoty,2011,163(5):1206-1213.


[11] Ren F F,Zhao S P,Ma D H,et al.The study of the production methods to detect the hTERC gene with Fluorescence in situ hybridization[J].Progress in Modern Biomedicine,2009,9(5):4126-4129.


[13] Hopman A H N,Theelen W,Hommelberg P P H,et al.Genomic integration of HPV and gain of human telomerase gene TERC at 3q26 are strongly associated events in the progression of uterine cervical dysplasia to invasive cancer[J].J Pathol,2006,210(4):412-419.


[15] Jehan Z,Uddin S,AL-Kuraya K S.Insitu hybtidization as a molecular tool in cancer diagnosis and treatment[J].Curr Med Chem,2012,19(22):3730-3738.

[16] Schwenner C,Stenzl A,Gakis G.Monitoring high-risk bladder cancer[J].Curr Opn Urol,2012,22(5):421-426.

[17] Li Y,Ye F,Lu W G,et al.Detection of human telomerase RNA gene in cervical cancer and precancerous lesions:comparison with cytological and human papillomavirus DNA test findings[J].Int J Gynecol Cancer,2010,20(4):631-637.





(收稿日期:2014-07-16) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint


[1] Liu H Q,Liu S L,Wang H,et al.Genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (hTERC) associated with human papillomabirus is related to the progression of uterine cervical dysplasia to infasive cancer[J].Diagnostic Pathology,2012,7(4):147.



[4] Heselmeyer-Haddad K,Janz V,Castle P E,et al.Detection of genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (TERC) in cytologic specimens as a genetic test for the diagnosis of cervical dysplasia[J].Am J of Pathol,2003,163(15):1406-1416.

[5] Heselmeyer-Haddad K,Sommerfeld K,White N M,et al.Genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (TERC) in pap smears predicts the development of cervical cancer[J].Am J Pathol,2005,166(8):1229-1238.

[6] Lan Y L,Yu L,Jia C W,et al.Gain of human telomerase gene is associated with progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I or II[J].Chinese Medical Journal,2012,125(9):1599-1602.

[7] Yin G P,Li J,Zhu T Y,et al.The detection of hTERC amplification using fluorescence in situ hybridization in the diagnosis and prognosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia:a case control study[J].World Journal of Surgical Oncology,2012,10(8):168.

[8] Zheng X H,Liang P H,Zheng Y R,et al.Clinical significance of hTERC gene detection in exfoliated cervical epithelial cells for cervical lesions[J].Gynecol Cancer,2013,23(5):785-790.

[9] Xiang L B,Yang H J,Li J,et al.Different amplification patterns of the human telomerase RNA gene in invasive cervical carcinomas and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III[J].Diagnostic Cytopatholoty,2011,163(5):1206-1213.


[11] Ren F F,Zhao S P,Ma D H,et al.The study of the production methods to detect the hTERC gene with Fluorescence in situ hybridization[J].Progress in Modern Biomedicine,2009,9(5):4126-4129.


[13] Hopman A H N,Theelen W,Hommelberg P P H,et al.Genomic integration of HPV and gain of human telomerase gene TERC at 3q26 are strongly associated events in the progression of uterine cervical dysplasia to invasive cancer[J].J Pathol,2006,210(4):412-419.


[15] Jehan Z,Uddin S,AL-Kuraya K S.Insitu hybtidization as a molecular tool in cancer diagnosis and treatment[J].Curr Med Chem,2012,19(22):3730-3738.

[16] Schwenner C,Stenzl A,Gakis G.Monitoring high-risk bladder cancer[J].Curr Opn Urol,2012,22(5):421-426.

[17] Li Y,Ye F,Lu W G,et al.Detection of human telomerase RNA gene in cervical cancer and precancerous lesions:comparison with cytological and human papillomavirus DNA test findings[J].Int J Gynecol Cancer,2010,20(4):631-637.





(收稿日期:2014-07-16) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint

