

江苏教育·中学教学版 2014年8期

王明霞 夏春来

【摘 要】本文针对当前高中英语写作教学“高投入、低效率”的现状,提出教师将作文批改过程中学生的典型错误、亮点句子、优秀范文、教师下水作文等按试卷来源、体裁、题材等进行整理,组成英语作文语料库。作文素材库的建立有利于学生建立写作“支架”,减轻写作焦虑,调动写作积极性,也减轻了教师挑选作文试题的负担。

【关键词】作文语料库 高中英语 写作教学

一、 引言


二、 建立作文语料库的好处

1. 作文语料库。


2. 作文语料库的优点。


三、 作文语料库在高中英语写作教学中的应用








Nattinger和DeCarrico(1992)根据结构和功能角度把词块分为4类:聚合词(polywords)、惯常的表达形式(institutionalized utterances)、短语限制结构(collocates)、句子构造成分(sentence frames and heads)。笔者(2010)通过对2009年全国各地20套高考英语作文参考范文研究发现,聚合词、短语限制结构、句子构造成分是高考英语书面表达中的高频目标词块。因此,增加学生在这几方面的词块输入,对于学生在限时写作中的有效输出将起到重要作用。针对这个话题,教师可以帮助学生提取的写作词块有:

according to, such as/like,There may be several possible reasons accounting for/contributing to this phenomenon. for one thing,for another thing, in ones opinion, be expected to, besides, last but not least,...





2.教师评价。在学生评价的基础上,教师对学生作文进行二次评价以了解学情。教师批阅作文时,要善于发现学生习作中的美词佳句,并用不同符号标识,如美词旁打上“☆”,佳句下划上波浪线或使用文字,如Super!/ Excellent!/ Perfect!/Wonderful!/ Fantastic!/ Marvelous!)等(陈凤梅,2011;王青,2007)。为便于操作,笔者将学生作文中的错误用不同符号进行标识。如,用词不当用W(Word);搭配不当用P(Phrase);句型误用用S(Sentence);语法错误用G(Grammar);时态错误用T(Tense);审题不清用R(Reread);谋篇布局不合理用A(Arrangement);等等。



A.词性误用。如Boys tend to have behaviour problems such as lying,thefting and so on. (theft为名词,不应加ing)

B.粘连句。如 11.6% students are trapped in emotional problems,among them girls have the higher rate.(改为among whom)

C.句子结构不完整。如For one thing,too many punishments and interference,they cant live in harmony with their parents.(too many punishments and interference不能单独组成句子)

D.主谓不一致。如 For another thing, students who suffers from study cant get along well with others. (suffers改为suffer)

E.中式表达。如One is mood problem, such as rather anxiety, lacking confidence and so on.(“极度焦虑”应为extreme anxiety)

F.结构单调。如For another thing, students are put more pressure on study. It results in many difficuties in friendship.(改为...,which...)

G. 盲目使用复杂结构,造成句子冗长。如For another thing, giant as the pressure is,which comes from study, that students have difficulty getting well with others.(改为...from study is,...)


如: ①As a famous saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.②Male students cover 16.2% while the percentage of female students is 11.4%. ③From the survey, we find that 16.2% of the boys suffer from mental problems while girls account for 11.4%.④In additon, they can turn to friends for help when confused with mental problems.⑤They are not supposed to give students too much punishement and interference in the name of love.等等。




According to the survey,16.2 percent of the boys and 11.4 percent of the girls have psychological problems. 11.6 percent of them,a large percentage of whom are girls, suffer from emotional problems,such as feeling upset, lacking self-confidence and etc. 8.8 percent,most of whom are boys,have abnormal behaviors,such as lying,stealing and so on.

There may be several possible reasons accounting for this phenomenon. For one thing,some parents cant build a harmonious family. Some have tight control of their children and punish them too often. For another,many students are under heavy pressure from study and unable to get along well with people around.

In my opinion, parents should give their children enough freedom and space and often communicate with them. Besides,schools are expected to establish campus counseling centers to offer timely help. Last but not the least,students had better keep optimistic and develop more hobbies.




四、 结语



[1]James R. Nattinger,Jeanette S. DeCarrico. Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1992(3).


[3]刘庆思. 关于中学生英语作文评判方法的思考[J].中小学外语教学:中学篇,2009(3).

[4]缪四平. “支架”理论在初中英语课文记忆中的运用[J].中小学英语教学与研究,2013(5).

[5]杨励吾. 高中生英语作文语病分析与训练策略[J].基础教育外语教学研究,2008(12).



A.词性误用。如Boys tend to have behaviour problems such as lying,thefting and so on. (theft为名词,不应加ing)

B.粘连句。如 11.6% students are trapped in emotional problems,among them girls have the higher rate.(改为among whom)

C.句子结构不完整。如For one thing,too many punishments and interference,they cant live in harmony with their parents.(too many punishments and interference不能单独组成句子)

D.主谓不一致。如 For another thing, students who suffers from study cant get along well with others. (suffers改为suffer)

E.中式表达。如One is mood problem, such as rather anxiety, lacking confidence and so on.(“极度焦虑”应为extreme anxiety)

F.结构单调。如For another thing, students are put more pressure on study. It results in many difficuties in friendship.(改为...,which...)

G. 盲目使用复杂结构,造成句子冗长。如For another thing, giant as the pressure is,which comes from study, that students have difficulty getting well with others.(改为...from study is,...)


如: ①As a famous saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.②Male students cover 16.2% while the percentage of female students is 11.4%. ③From the survey, we find that 16.2% of the boys suffer from mental problems while girls account for 11.4%.④In additon, they can turn to friends for help when confused with mental problems.⑤They are not supposed to give students too much punishement and interference in the name of love.等等。




According to the survey,16.2 percent of the boys and 11.4 percent of the girls have psychological problems. 11.6 percent of them,a large percentage of whom are girls, suffer from emotional problems,such as feeling upset, lacking self-confidence and etc. 8.8 percent,most of whom are boys,have abnormal behaviors,such as lying,stealing and so on.

There may be several possible reasons accounting for this phenomenon. For one thing,some parents cant build a harmonious family. Some have tight control of their children and punish them too often. For another,many students are under heavy pressure from study and unable to get along well with people around.

In my opinion, parents should give their children enough freedom and space and often communicate with them. Besides,schools are expected to establish campus counseling centers to offer timely help. Last but not the least,students had better keep optimistic and develop more hobbies.




四、 结语



[1]James R. Nattinger,Jeanette S. DeCarrico. Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1992(3).


[3]刘庆思. 关于中学生英语作文评判方法的思考[J].中小学外语教学:中学篇,2009(3).

[4]缪四平. “支架”理论在初中英语课文记忆中的运用[J].中小学英语教学与研究,2013(5).

[5]杨励吾. 高中生英语作文语病分析与训练策略[J].基础教育外语教学研究,2008(12).



A.词性误用。如Boys tend to have behaviour problems such as lying,thefting and so on. (theft为名词,不应加ing)

B.粘连句。如 11.6% students are trapped in emotional problems,among them girls have the higher rate.(改为among whom)

C.句子结构不完整。如For one thing,too many punishments and interference,they cant live in harmony with their parents.(too many punishments and interference不能单独组成句子)

D.主谓不一致。如 For another thing, students who suffers from study cant get along well with others. (suffers改为suffer)

E.中式表达。如One is mood problem, such as rather anxiety, lacking confidence and so on.(“极度焦虑”应为extreme anxiety)

F.结构单调。如For another thing, students are put more pressure on study. It results in many difficuties in friendship.(改为...,which...)

G. 盲目使用复杂结构,造成句子冗长。如For another thing, giant as the pressure is,which comes from study, that students have difficulty getting well with others.(改为...from study is,...)


如: ①As a famous saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.②Male students cover 16.2% while the percentage of female students is 11.4%. ③From the survey, we find that 16.2% of the boys suffer from mental problems while girls account for 11.4%.④In additon, they can turn to friends for help when confused with mental problems.⑤They are not supposed to give students too much punishement and interference in the name of love.等等。




According to the survey,16.2 percent of the boys and 11.4 percent of the girls have psychological problems. 11.6 percent of them,a large percentage of whom are girls, suffer from emotional problems,such as feeling upset, lacking self-confidence and etc. 8.8 percent,most of whom are boys,have abnormal behaviors,such as lying,stealing and so on.

There may be several possible reasons accounting for this phenomenon. For one thing,some parents cant build a harmonious family. Some have tight control of their children and punish them too often. For another,many students are under heavy pressure from study and unable to get along well with people around.

In my opinion, parents should give their children enough freedom and space and often communicate with them. Besides,schools are expected to establish campus counseling centers to offer timely help. Last but not the least,students had better keep optimistic and develop more hobbies.




四、 结语



[1]James R. Nattinger,Jeanette S. DeCarrico. Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1992(3).


[3]刘庆思. 关于中学生英语作文评判方法的思考[J].中小学外语教学:中学篇,2009(3).

[4]缪四平. “支架”理论在初中英语课文记忆中的运用[J].中小学英语教学与研究,2013(5).

[5]杨励吾. 高中生英语作文语病分析与训练策略[J].基础教育外语教学研究,2008(12).


