

中国现代医生 2014年23期

陈慧芳 刘志军 刘微

[摘要] 目的 探讨窄带成像技术在大肠息肉诊断中的临床价值。 方法 2010年1月~2013年6月常规结肠镜发现88例110个直结肠息肉样病变,应用窄带及放大内镜观察其腺管开口类型,研究其与病理组织学的关系。结果 NBI放大内镜对结肠肿瘤性病变的诊断符合率为91.8%,敏感性为91.4%,特异性为92.0%,准确性优于普通内镜,但差异无统计学意义。 结论 应用窄带及放大内镜观察结肠息肉的腺管开口类型,对息肉样病变的肿瘤性、非肿瘤性可更好地鉴别,接近病理学检查。

[关键词] 窄带成像;大肠息肉;临床应用

[中图分类号] R735.34 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)23-0149-03

[Abstract] Objective To approach the efficacy of narrow-band imaging(NBI) in colonic polyps. Methods All 110 colonic polyps of 88 patients were discovered by conventional colonoscopy from January 2010 to June 2013. The pit pattern were observed by NBI and magnifying endoscope,and analyzed the relation of the pit pattern and histopathology. Results The diagnose accordance rate of NBI and magnifying endoscope in colonic polyps was 91.8%,sensitivity was 91.4%,specificity was 92.0%,accuracy was better than ordinary endoscope, but had no statisticantly different. Conclusion NBI is superior to conventional colonoscopy in differentiation between neoplasm and non-neoplasm by observing the pit pattern.

[Key words] NBI magnifying endoscope;Colonic polyps;Clinical application

结肠镜检查可发现大肠癌、大肠肿瘤性息肉及非肿瘤性息肉,而大部分大肠癌由结肠息肉演变而来,结肠镜下息肉切除术可有效地减少结肠癌死亡率[1]。内镜窄带成像技术(narrow band imaging,NBI)的突出优势在于对消化道黏膜表面细微形态的清晰显示,可使一些普通内镜难以发现的病灶突显出来,有助于提高消化道癌及其癌前病变的检出率[2]。本文我们对2010年1月~2013年6月发现的结肠息肉应用窄带及放大技术进行观察其腺管开口类型(pit pattern),研究其与病理组织学的关系,现总结如下。





1.2.1 器械 所有患者均采用Olympus GIF H260Z放大结肠镜与NBI模式检查。

1.2.2 术前准备 术前当天4 h口服50%硫酸镁100 mL及口服补液盐1000~1500 mL做肠道清洁准备。

1.2.3 评价标准 腺管分型采用工藤Kudo分类方法[3],分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢS、ⅢL、Ⅳ及Ⅴ型。将Ⅰ型及Ⅱ型腺管开口判断为非肿瘤性病变,Ⅲ、Ⅳ及Ⅴ型腺管开口定义为肿瘤性病变。

1.2.4 病变最终诊断标准 依据病理组织学诊断。



2 结果

2.1 结肠息肉腺管开口类型与病理组织学的关系


3 讨论

结肠癌是一种常见的消化道恶性肿瘤,结肠镜检查可以减少结肠癌的死亡率,常规内镜附加NBI功能可对黏膜表面形态、黏膜微血管的清楚显像,特别是加上NBI技术对血管的清楚显像能力,能明显提高内镜医师对肿瘤的早期识别[4]。Ikematsu H等[5]随机将患者分两组先后使用NBI结肠镜及普通结肠镜检查比较发现,NBI结肠镜不能提高腺瘤性息肉的发现率,表明使用NBI技术对患者肠道息肉发现率无明显改变,所以NBI技术不提倡应用于常规肠镜检查,但有助于肠道息肉性质的判定。

病理学将结直肠黏膜息肉样病变分为肿瘤性和非肿瘤性息肉,以往鉴别息肉需经内镜活检行病理学检查,需要数天才能获得结果,因此临床需要能依据内镜下形态学变化判断病变性质。上世纪90年代Kudo等[3,6]明确了放大内镜下大肠黏膜腺管开口的5个分型:Ⅰ型为圆形,常见于正常黏膜;Ⅱ型为星芒状或乳头状开口,较正常腺管开口变大,常见于增生性病变; Ⅲ型分为 L型和 S 型两个亚型,前者腺管开口呈管状或类圆形,较正常腺管开口大,常见于腺瘤,多为隆起性病变;后者腺管开口呈管状或类圆形,较正常腺管开口小,常见于腺瘤或早期结肠癌。Ⅳ型腺管开口呈分支状、脑回状或沟回状,常见于绒毛状腺瘤;V型分为Ⅰ型和 N型两个亚型,前者腺管开口排列不规则,大小不均,常见于早期结肠癌;后者腺管开口消失或无结构,多为浸润癌。将Ⅰ型及Ⅱ型腺管开口判断为非肿瘤性病变,Ⅲ、Ⅳ及Ⅴ型腺管开口定义为肿瘤性病变。endprint

本研究结果表明,采用工藤Kudo分类方法进行腺管分型,腺管分型对病变性质的判断与病理诊断有较高的一致性,准确率达91.8%,能较准确判断病变的性质,敏感性为91.4%,特异性为92.0%,准确性优于普通肠镜检查,与文献报道相似[7-9],说明NBI对判断病变是否为肿瘤性病变有很高的准确性、敏感度和特异性,对肿瘤性病变判断准确率高。同时Wu L等[10]指出NBI结肠镜通过观察息肉的血管纹理及黏膜开口对肿瘤性息肉具有很高的准确诊断性。虽然NBI对肿瘤性病变判断准确率高,但仍不能代替病理检查,目前染色放大内镜及共聚焦显微内镜对肠道息肉性质的辨认也是研究热门。Shahid MW等[11]研究指出共聚焦显微内镜比NBI内镜对预测小息肉病理类型有更高的敏感性,但没有NBI特异性强,联合应用可提高病理诊断符合率。



[1] Zauber AG, Winawer SJ, OBrien MJ,et al. Colonoscopic polypectomy and long-term prevention of colorectal-cancer deaths[J]. N Engl J Med,2012,366:687-696.

[2] 高孝忠,褚衍六,乔秀丽,等. 内镜窄带成像技术在早期胃癌及异型增生诊断中的应用[J]. 中华消化内镜杂志,2009,26:134-137.

[3] Kudo S,Tamura S,Nakajima T,et al. Diagnosis of colorectal tumorous lesions by magnifying endoscopy[J]. Gastrointest Endosc,1996,44:8-14.

[4] East JE,Tan EK,Bergman JJ,et al. Meta-analysis:Narrow band imaging for lesion characterization in the colon,oesophagus,duodenal ampulla and lung[J]. Aliment Pharmacol Ther,2008,28(7):854.

[5] Ikematsu H,Saito Y,Tanaka S,et al. The impact of narrow band imaging for colon polyp detection:A multicenter randomized controlled trial by tandem colonoscopy[J]. J Gastroenterol,2012,47(10):1099-1107.

[6] Kudo S, Kashida H, Nakajima T,et al. Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of early colorectal cancer[J]. World J Surg,1997,2l(7):694-701.

[7] Mc Gill SK,Evanqelou E,Loannidis JP,et al. Narrow band imaging to differentiate neoplastic and non-neoplastic colorectal polyps in real time:A meta-analysis of diagnostic operating characteristics[J]. Gut,2013,62(12):1704-1713.

[8] Hewett DG,Huffman ME,Rex DK. Leaving distal colorectal hyperplastic polyps in place can be achieved with high accuracy by using narrow-band imaging:An observational study[J]. Gastrointest Endosc,2012,76(2):374-380.

[9] Kato S,Fu KI,Sano Y,et al. Magnifying colonoscopy as a non-biopsy technique for differnerial diagnosis of non-neplastic and neoplastic lesions[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2006,12:1416-1420.

[10] Wu L,Li Y,Li Z,et al. Diagnostic accuracy of narrow-band imaging for the differentiation of neoplastic from non-neoplastic colorectal polyps:A meta-analysis[J]. Colorectal Dis,2013,15(1):3-11.

[11] Shahid MW,Buchner AM,Heckman MG, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy and narrow band imaging for small colorectal polyps:A feasibility study[J]. Am J Gastroenterol,2012, 107(2):231-239.


本研究结果表明,采用工藤Kudo分类方法进行腺管分型,腺管分型对病变性质的判断与病理诊断有较高的一致性,准确率达91.8%,能较准确判断病变的性质,敏感性为91.4%,特异性为92.0%,准确性优于普通肠镜检查,与文献报道相似[7-9],说明NBI对判断病变是否为肿瘤性病变有很高的准确性、敏感度和特异性,对肿瘤性病变判断准确率高。同时Wu L等[10]指出NBI结肠镜通过观察息肉的血管纹理及黏膜开口对肿瘤性息肉具有很高的准确诊断性。虽然NBI对肿瘤性病变判断准确率高,但仍不能代替病理检查,目前染色放大内镜及共聚焦显微内镜对肠道息肉性质的辨认也是研究热门。Shahid MW等[11]研究指出共聚焦显微内镜比NBI内镜对预测小息肉病理类型有更高的敏感性,但没有NBI特异性强,联合应用可提高病理诊断符合率。



[1] Zauber AG, Winawer SJ, OBrien MJ,et al. Colonoscopic polypectomy and long-term prevention of colorectal-cancer deaths[J]. N Engl J Med,2012,366:687-696.

[2] 高孝忠,褚衍六,乔秀丽,等. 内镜窄带成像技术在早期胃癌及异型增生诊断中的应用[J]. 中华消化内镜杂志,2009,26:134-137.

[3] Kudo S,Tamura S,Nakajima T,et al. Diagnosis of colorectal tumorous lesions by magnifying endoscopy[J]. Gastrointest Endosc,1996,44:8-14.

[4] East JE,Tan EK,Bergman JJ,et al. Meta-analysis:Narrow band imaging for lesion characterization in the colon,oesophagus,duodenal ampulla and lung[J]. Aliment Pharmacol Ther,2008,28(7):854.

[5] Ikematsu H,Saito Y,Tanaka S,et al. The impact of narrow band imaging for colon polyp detection:A multicenter randomized controlled trial by tandem colonoscopy[J]. J Gastroenterol,2012,47(10):1099-1107.

[6] Kudo S, Kashida H, Nakajima T,et al. Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of early colorectal cancer[J]. World J Surg,1997,2l(7):694-701.

[7] Mc Gill SK,Evanqelou E,Loannidis JP,et al. Narrow band imaging to differentiate neoplastic and non-neoplastic colorectal polyps in real time:A meta-analysis of diagnostic operating characteristics[J]. Gut,2013,62(12):1704-1713.

[8] Hewett DG,Huffman ME,Rex DK. Leaving distal colorectal hyperplastic polyps in place can be achieved with high accuracy by using narrow-band imaging:An observational study[J]. Gastrointest Endosc,2012,76(2):374-380.

[9] Kato S,Fu KI,Sano Y,et al. Magnifying colonoscopy as a non-biopsy technique for differnerial diagnosis of non-neplastic and neoplastic lesions[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2006,12:1416-1420.

[10] Wu L,Li Y,Li Z,et al. Diagnostic accuracy of narrow-band imaging for the differentiation of neoplastic from non-neoplastic colorectal polyps:A meta-analysis[J]. Colorectal Dis,2013,15(1):3-11.

[11] Shahid MW,Buchner AM,Heckman MG, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy and narrow band imaging for small colorectal polyps:A feasibility study[J]. Am J Gastroenterol,2012, 107(2):231-239.


本研究结果表明,采用工藤Kudo分类方法进行腺管分型,腺管分型对病变性质的判断与病理诊断有较高的一致性,准确率达91.8%,能较准确判断病变的性质,敏感性为91.4%,特异性为92.0%,准确性优于普通肠镜检查,与文献报道相似[7-9],说明NBI对判断病变是否为肿瘤性病变有很高的准确性、敏感度和特异性,对肿瘤性病变判断准确率高。同时Wu L等[10]指出NBI结肠镜通过观察息肉的血管纹理及黏膜开口对肿瘤性息肉具有很高的准确诊断性。虽然NBI对肿瘤性病变判断准确率高,但仍不能代替病理检查,目前染色放大内镜及共聚焦显微内镜对肠道息肉性质的辨认也是研究热门。Shahid MW等[11]研究指出共聚焦显微内镜比NBI内镜对预测小息肉病理类型有更高的敏感性,但没有NBI特异性强,联合应用可提高病理诊断符合率。



[1] Zauber AG, Winawer SJ, OBrien MJ,et al. Colonoscopic polypectomy and long-term prevention of colorectal-cancer deaths[J]. N Engl J Med,2012,366:687-696.

[2] 高孝忠,褚衍六,乔秀丽,等. 内镜窄带成像技术在早期胃癌及异型增生诊断中的应用[J]. 中华消化内镜杂志,2009,26:134-137.

[3] Kudo S,Tamura S,Nakajima T,et al. Diagnosis of colorectal tumorous lesions by magnifying endoscopy[J]. Gastrointest Endosc,1996,44:8-14.

[4] East JE,Tan EK,Bergman JJ,et al. Meta-analysis:Narrow band imaging for lesion characterization in the colon,oesophagus,duodenal ampulla and lung[J]. Aliment Pharmacol Ther,2008,28(7):854.

[5] Ikematsu H,Saito Y,Tanaka S,et al. The impact of narrow band imaging for colon polyp detection:A multicenter randomized controlled trial by tandem colonoscopy[J]. J Gastroenterol,2012,47(10):1099-1107.

[6] Kudo S, Kashida H, Nakajima T,et al. Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of early colorectal cancer[J]. World J Surg,1997,2l(7):694-701.

[7] Mc Gill SK,Evanqelou E,Loannidis JP,et al. Narrow band imaging to differentiate neoplastic and non-neoplastic colorectal polyps in real time:A meta-analysis of diagnostic operating characteristics[J]. Gut,2013,62(12):1704-1713.

[8] Hewett DG,Huffman ME,Rex DK. Leaving distal colorectal hyperplastic polyps in place can be achieved with high accuracy by using narrow-band imaging:An observational study[J]. Gastrointest Endosc,2012,76(2):374-380.

[9] Kato S,Fu KI,Sano Y,et al. Magnifying colonoscopy as a non-biopsy technique for differnerial diagnosis of non-neplastic and neoplastic lesions[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2006,12:1416-1420.

[10] Wu L,Li Y,Li Z,et al. Diagnostic accuracy of narrow-band imaging for the differentiation of neoplastic from non-neoplastic colorectal polyps:A meta-analysis[J]. Colorectal Dis,2013,15(1):3-11.

[11] Shahid MW,Buchner AM,Heckman MG, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy and narrow band imaging for small colorectal polyps:A feasibility study[J]. Am J Gastroenterol,2012, 107(2):231-239.


