Unit 11 Across Generations Lesson 3 Structure教学设计及反思


黑龙江教育·中学 2014年6期



本节课所授内容是2013年教育部审定的,由教育科学出版社出版的义务教育教科书(五·四学制)英语七年级下册第十一单元第三课,本节课是一节语法课,要求学生学会区分和运用must, have to, dont have to, must not。通过本课的学习,使学生熟练运用这4个词进行本单元的话题讨论。


(1) 知识目标:

词汇: environment, ourselves, stair, anyone

句型: Parents must try to understand their children more.

She has to study for the final exams.

I dont have to go to school on Sundays.

I mustnt be late for school.

(2) 能力目标:

学会区分和运用must, have to, dont have to, must not, 并能用这4个词进行本单元的话题讨论。

(3) 情感目标:



教学重点:区分和运用must, have to, dont have to, must not。

教学难点:准确使用dont have to和must not及have to有人称、数和时态的变化。


Step1 Lead in

T: All the parents love their children and they expect to understand their children more, right?

Ss: Yes.

T: Then, please choose the correct answer. Parents _____ try to understand their children more. ( must / have to)

Ss: Must.

T: Thats right. “must”表示“必须”“一定要”,强调说话人的主观意愿,多指现在或将来的情况。

Ss: Why cant we use “have to” in this sentence?

T: If you use “have to”, it means parents dont care for their children but others make them do this. Thats wrong. “have to” 表示“不得不”“只好”,表示客观上的必要性。此句若用了“have to”,则表示父母本不关心孩子,只是外界或他人要求他们这样做,他们不得不做,所以选“have to”不合情理。

T: Now, look at this one. Please choose the correct answer. Change the word forms if necessary. She _____ study for the final exams. ( must / have to)

Ss: Have to.

T: You are wrong. Pay attention to “she”.

Ss: Has to.

T: Thats right. 注意:have to有人称、数和时态的变化,而must则没有人称、数和时态的变化。Why cant we use “must” in this sentence?

Ss: Because the final exams are coming and she wants to get a good mark. Though she wants to play, she still studies for the final exams.

T: Well done.

Step2 New words

T: First, guess the meaning of the phrases, working environment, school environment, family environment and friendly environment.


T: Then, look at this sentence. Please choose the correct answer. We _____ protect the environment for future generation. ( must / have to)

Ss: Must.

T: Right. Please explain the reason.

Ss: We all hope to have a good environment. We all do it actively to protect the environment.

T: Good job. Then, look at the sentences.

We ______do our homework ourselves. ( must / have to)

The elevator is broken, so I ________ climb the stairs. (must / have to)

Without anyone knowing, I _____find out the truth myself.( must / have to)

(设计意图:用同样的方式讲解其他单词,可以让学生更清楚这些单词的用法及must和have to的区别,并准确地应用。)

Step3 Structure

T: Watch the two sentences carefully and find the difference between “dont have to” and “mustnt”.

I dont have to go to school on Sundays.

I mustnt be late for school.

Ss: 第一句是“我周日不必上学”,第二句是“我一定不要上学迟到”。

T:Good. “mustnt”译为“不得”“一定不要”,而“dont have to”译为“不必”“没必要”,第一句是周日休息所以不必上学,而第二句上学不得迟到是规定,是必须执行的。

T: Then,complete Exercise C.


Step4 Exercises

T: First, finish Exercise A and Exercise B. Then check out the answers.


Ss: (Tell the answers one by one.)


Fill in the blanks with must, have to, dont have to and mustnt. Change the word forms if necessary.

1. We ________remember the date of the next meeting.

2. I _________ tell him the truth at last.

3. Susan _________ go to the station this tomorrow.

4. He _________ go to work on Sundays.

5. When the traffic lights are red, the people ________ cross the street.

6. Were going to eat out. We _______ cook dinner.

7. Amy ________ study yesterday because she has a test today.

8. You have a cold, so you _______ go out to play with your friends.

(设计意图:通过补充练习,除了让学生能够准确选词外,还要注意用have to 和dont have to 的时候,要考虑人称、数和时态的变化。)

Step5 Discuss in groups

T: Work and discuss in groups of four. First, you can choose a topic about your parents and your classmates that you understand well. Then, you must use the four words “must, have to, dont have to and mustnt” to make sentences and write them down. Finally, one or two of the groups show their sentences in class.

Topic: Advice that your parents got from their parents.Advice about how to get on well with your parents and your classmates. The school rules.

Ss: Parents must understand that kids are just kids.

We all know we must study hard to succeed in life.

We mustnt play computer games in class.

I have cleaned the classroom. You dont have to clean it.

If you are so busy tomorrow, you wont have to come to my party.

The exam is coming. Liu Chang has to go over again and again.

T: Underline the verbs which are behind the four words “must, have to, dont have to and mustnt”. What can you find out?

Ss: must, have to, dont have to,must not + do


Step6 Sum up

T: Please sum up what we have learned today. You can speak in Chinese.

Ss: 不同点:“must”表示“必须”“一定要”,强调说话人的主观意愿,多指现在或将来的情况;“have to” 表示“不得不”“只好”,表示客观上的必要性; “mustnt”译为“不得”“一定不要”,而“dont have to”译为“不必”“没必要”; have to和dont haveto有人称、数和时态的变化,而must和mustnt则没有人称、数和时态的变化。共同点:其后都接动词原形。

T: Perfect!


Step7 Homework


设计至少4个题,分别用这4个词must, have to, dont have to和must not的正确形式填空。



Unit 11 Across Generations

Lesson 3 Structure

Parents must try to understand their children more.

She has to study for the final exams.

I dont have to go to school on Sundays.

I mustnt be late for school.

Note:must, have to, dont have to,must not + do



通过本课教学课后反思,我认为第六步骤和第五步骤互换可能效果更好一些,学生先总结本课知识点、重点和难点,后面的小组讨论和小组展示的准确率就可以高一些,也可以让学生更多地体验成功的喜悦。另外,有部分小组讨论后呈现的句子比较少,因为学生的生活经历少,在有限的时间内还不能组织太多的句子。所以,可以在组织讨论之前,先给学生部分短语,(比如:be late for class, chat in class, keep quiet in the library, be afraid of failure, see the doctor, help parents do housework, understand parents等)然后再让学生在此基础上进行讨论和补充,比一比哪组补充的多并且语境还好,这样做的好处是既帮助学生打开了思路,又产生了良性竞争,可以对学生进行潜移默化的情感教育,将品德教育注入日常教学中,则效果会更好。


1. I enjoy _________ football.(play)

2. We are looking forward to _______ Beijing.(visit)

3. You dont have to _______there early.(get)The shop opens at 9:00a.m.

4. My dad allowed me __________ to the party. (go)

5. I must _________ now. (go) Its 9:00p.m.

6. We mustnt _________ snacks at the movie. (eat)



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