Distance Spectral Radius of Bicyclic Graphs with Disjoint Cycles
Zhu Zhongxun, Luo Jing, Lu Hongyan
(College of Mathematics and Statistics, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China)
1 Introduction
LetG=(V(G),E(G)) be a connected simple graph with |V(G)| =nand |E(G)| =m. Ifm=n+c-1,thenGis called ac-cyclic graph. Specially, ifc=0,1 or 2, thenGis called a tree, a unicyclic graph or bicyclic graph, respectively. For verticesvi,vj∈V(G), the distancedG(vi,vj) is defined as the length of the shortest path betweenviandvjinG. LetD(G) =(dij)vi,vj∈V (G)be the distance matrix ofG,wheredij=dG(vi,vj). SinceD(G) is a symmetric real matrix, its eigenvalues are real. The maximum eigenvalue ofD(G) is called the distance spectral radius ofG, denoted byρ(G).
图1 图
In order to discuss our results, we first introduced some terminology and notation. Other undefined notation may refer to Ref[14]. Denote byPn,SnandCnthe path and the cycle onnvertices, respectively. LetGconsist of connected graphG1and pendant treesTi(1 ≤i≤k) with orderti, whereTi∩G1=vi. Vertexviis called the root of the treeTionG1. Ifti≥ 2, thenTiis called the nontrivial attaching tree toG1with rootvi(or rooted atvi). IfV(Ti)={vi}, thenTiis called the trivial attaching tree toG1. LetNG(v) be the neighbor set of vertexvinG. SetNG[v] =NG(v) ∪ {v}. The degree ofvinG, denoted bydG(v), is equal to |NG(v)|, i.e. the order ofNG(v). Letx= (xv1,xv2,… ,xvn) be the Perron eigenvector ofD(G) corresponding to the spectral radiusρ(G), in whichxvicorresponds tovi.
2 The transformations
It is easy to see that:
Lemma 3[6]Letwbe a vertex of the nontrivial connected graphGand for nonnegative integerspandq, letG(p,q) denote the graph obtained fromGby attaching pendant pathsP=wv1v2…vpandQ=wu1u2…uq. Ifp≥q≥ 1, thenρ(G(p+1,q-1)>ρ(G(p,q)).
Lemma 4[7]Supposeuvis a cut-edge of connected graphG, butuvis not a pendent edge. Letudenote the vertex obtained from identifyinguandvinGuv, andG′=Guv+uv, thenρ(G) >ρ(G′).
3 The bicyclic graph with minimal distance spectral radius in Bn
LetG*be the graph in Bnwith minimal distance spectral radius. Repeatedly by Lemma 4, we have the following two propositions.
Ifqis odd, let
Note that for any vertexvt∈V(G*)V(Tu), all the path fromutovtwith lengthdG′(u,vt) passes only throughwor only throughvinG′. By Lemma 1, we haveρ(G′)<ρ(G*), it is a contradiction.
Ifqis even, let
by Lemma 2, we haveρ(G′)<ρ(G*), it is also a contradiction.
Similarly, we can provep=3.
Fig.2 The graph B(p1; q1, q2, q3, q4)图2 图B(p1; q1, q2, q3, q4)
B(3, 1, 3) = {B(p1;q1,q2,q3,q4)|5 +p1+
Remark 1 In order to find the graphG*with minimal distance spectral radius in Bn, by Proposition 1-3, we only need to consider the graphs in B(3, 1, 3).
Proposition 4 Ifq1≥1,ρ(B(p1;q1,q2,q3,q4))>ρ(B(p1+q1;0,q2,q3,q4)).
Proof LetA1=B(p1;q1,q2,q3,q4),A2=B(p1+q1;0,q2,q3,q4), and
Letxbe the Perron vector ofD(A2). By the Rayleigh quotient we have:
By the symmetry of components ofx, we can let:
From the eigenvalue equationD(A2)x=ρ(A2)x,we have:
Note that
Remark 2 Repeatedly by Proposition 4, we know thatρ(B(p1;q1,q2,q3,q4)>ρ(B(p1+q1+q2+q3+q4;0,0,0,0)).
Theorem 1 For a graphG∈Bn,ρ(G)≥ρ(B(n-5;0,0,0,0)),whereρ(B(n-5;0,0,0,0)) is the solution of the cubic equation inρ:
The equality holds if and only ifG≅B(n-5;0,0,0,0).
Proof By Remark 1 and 2, we haveρ(G)≥ρ(B(n-5;0,0,0,0)), and the equality holds if and only ifG≅B(n-5;0,0,0,0).
From the eigenvalue equationD(B(n-5;0,0,0,0))x=ρx, we have:
Then we haveρ3-(2n-7)ρ2-(7n-21)ρ-3n+7=0.
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