[摘要] 目的 探讨肿瘤标记物NSE与非小细胞肺癌患者化疗效果的相关性。 方法 回顾性分析我院62例非小细胞肺癌患者,48例(77.4%)患者接受2个周期培美曲赛联合顺铂治疗方案,14例(22.6%)接受易瑞沙靶向治疗的方案。治疗前后比较NSE水平的变化以及按照RECIST标准比较肿瘤大小。 结果 2周期化疗后,在肿瘤缩小或稳定的患者中NSE水平较治疗前降低 56%。NSE水平下降≥16%, 总反应率80%,18.1% 病例稳定,1.9% 进展。然而,NSE下降<16%,总反应率 6.1% ,60.6%稳定,33.3%进展。NSE下降≥16%患者无进展生存期(19.12±2.31)个月长于NSE下降<16%的(8.56±1.49)个月(P<0.001)。NSE下降水平与患者总生存率无关(P>0.05)。 结论 NSE是非小细胞肺癌患者预后的一个敏感的特异性指标,同时是一个可以预测非小细胞肺癌患者化疗及靶向治疗疗效的指标。NSE下降超过16%的非小细胞肺癌患者无进展生存期更长。
[关键词] 非小细胞肺癌;化疗;靶向治疗;NSE;预后
[中图分类号] R734.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)17-0032-03
Prospective value of NSE in non small-cell lung cancer patients with chemotherapy
CAO Liang GUO Yanwei WANG Zhiwei LIU Chao LIU Yan PAN Jing
Department of Medical Oncology,the Peoples Hospital of Zhengzhou Yihe Hospital,Zhengzhou 450000,China
[Abstract] Objective To evaluating the prognoses of tumor marker NSE (neuron-specific enolase) regarding to chemotherapy response in non small- cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Methods Sixty-two with locally advanced NSCLC patients were included in this study. All these patients were given 2 courses of pemetrexed plus cisplatin chemotherapy (77.4%) or tyrosine kinase inhibitor (22.6%). The treatment response was determined by the changes of NSE serum level and RECIST criteria before and after 2 courses chemotherapy. Results After two cycles of chemotherapy treatments, the patients who reached an objective response showed a reduction of NSE levels of 56% compared to its basal level. For a NSE reduction achieved ≥16% showed an overall response in 80% of cases, stable disease in 18.1 % and progression in 1.9 %, while patients that did not achieve a reduction ≥16% had an overall response of 6.1 %, stable disease of 60.6 % and progression of 33.3 %. PFS was longer in patients with a ≥16% reduction in NSE(19.12±2.31 vs 8.56±1.49 months,P < 0.001). Reduction of NSE was not a predictive factor of OS. Conclusion NSE is a sensitive and specific tumor marker of NSCLC,and A NSE level reduction is also a sensitive prognosis factor of chemotherapy and TKI therapy in NSCLC patients. A ≥16% reduction in NSE levels is associated with a longer PFS.
[Key words] Non small-cell lung cancer;Chemotherapy; TKI; NSE;Prognosis
肺癌是世界范围内第一高发肿瘤。同时也是男性癌症患者中第一死亡原因,在女性癌症患者中排位第二。其中非小细胞肺癌在肺癌总数中占据80%~85%[1,2]。目前手术切除仍是可切除的肺癌患者首选治疗手段,但是多数肺癌发现时已经到了中晚期。早期诊断和治疗可显著提高患者长期生存率[3,4]。近年来,随着分子生物学、基因学以及肿瘤药理学的研究进展,越来越多的靶向治疗为一部分基因突变的肺癌患者带来了希望。因此,化疗和靶向治疗成为大多数非小细胞肺癌患者首选的治疗手段,并被列入2013年NCCN指南。MILES-3 以及MILES-4研究结果显示在老年局部晚期非小细胞肺癌患者培美曲塞联合顺铂可以作为一线治疗方案[5]。Kawano Y 等[6]在一项Ⅱ期非小细胞肺癌的临床试验研究的结论表明培美曲塞联合顺铂化疗副反应小,无进展生存期达到4.3个月,总生存期达到22.3个月。因此,培美曲塞联合顺铂在非小细胞肺癌治疗中的地位也逐渐被更多的肿瘤学专家和肿瘤科医生所接收和认可。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料
选择2008年1月~2012年12月由我院经治的非小细胞肺癌患者62例。患者均经过术前纤维支气管镜或穿刺活检病理确诊为非小细胞肺癌。ECOG(Eastern cooperative oncology group)分期在0~2。生存期预计均超过3个月以上。心肺功能检查及肝肾功能检查提示可耐受化疗。化疗2周期前后均经过胸部增强CT了解肺部肿块大小。治疗包括培美曲赛(通用名:培美曲塞二钠,国药准字H20080230,生产单位:德州德药制药有限公司,生产日期:2007.12~2012.12)联合顺铂(通用名:顺铂,国药准字H37021356,生产单位:齐鲁制药厂,生产日期:2007.12~2012.12)方案,以及易瑞沙(通用名:吉非替尼片,生产厂家:Astra Zeneca UK Limited,注册证号H20090759,生产日期:2007.11~2012.12)靶向治疗方案。根据2002年AJCC/UICC肺癌第6版TNM分期标准进行临床分期。见表1。
1.2 治疗方法
培美曲赛500 mg/m2联合顺铂75 mg/m2。两药均于化疗周期第1天滴注,每3周重复1次,共2个周期。易瑞沙250 mg口服,每日1次,连续2周为1个周期,连续2个周期,患者如出现胃肠道反应或骨髓抑制均给予对症处理,如出现Ⅲ度和/或Ⅳ度反应可减量或停药。末次化疗后2周复查胸部增强CT及NSE测定。NSE结果:化疗前1天以及化疗2周期完成后第1天抽取外周血化验。
1.3 统计学方法
应用统计学软件SPSS17.0进行数据分析,NSE升降与非小细胞肺癌化疗疗效比较使用Kaplan-Meier 和Log-rank检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2.1 NSE水平与易瑞沙靶向治疗预后的关系
2.2 NSE下降≥16%及下降<16%PFS、OS平均值
依据RECIST标准,NSE下降幅度≥16%患者的无进展生存期(PFS)的均值为(19.115±2.31)个月(95%CI 14.587~23.643), NSE下降幅度<16%的患者的PFS的均值为(8.563±1.488)个月(95%CI 5.646~11.479)。比较NSE下降幅度≥16%患者的PFS与NSE下降幅度<16%的患者的PFS,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)(见表2)。NSE下降幅度大者显示长PFS。
NSE下降幅度≥16%患者的总生存期(OS)均值为(23.045±1.556)个月(95%CI 19.996~26.049), NSE下降幅度<16%的患者的OS的均值为(17.031±0.950)个月(95%CI 15.170~18.893), 两组比较在统计学上无明显差异(P>0.05)(见表2),由此得出,NSE下降幅度大小与患者的总生存期(OS)无关。
表2 NSE下降≥16%及下降<16%PFS、OS平均值(x±s)
2.3 Kaplan- Meier分析得出 PFS与NSE下降幅度≥16%及NSE下降幅度<16%关系
经Kaplan- Meier分析,PFS和OS与NSE下降幅度≥16%及NSE下降幅度<16%关系,见图1、图2。
图1 Kaplan- Meier分析得出 PFS与NSE下降幅度≥16%及NSE下降幅度<16%关系(P<0.001)
图2 Kaplan- Meier分析得出 OS与NSE下降幅度≥16%及NSE下降幅度<16%关系(P>0.05)
3 讨论
[1] Siegel R,Naishadham D,Jemal A,et al. Cancer statistics[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2012,62(1):10-29.
[2] Jemal A,Bray F,Center MM,et al. Global cancer statistics[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2011,61(2):69-90.
[3] Oak CH,Wilson D,Lee HJ,et al. Potential molecular approaches for the early diagnosis of lung cancer(review)[J]. Mol Med Rep,2012,6(5): 931-936.
[4] National Lung Screening Trial Research Team,Aberle DR,Adams AM,et al. Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening[J]. N Engl J Med,2011,365(5):395-409.
[5] Gridelli C,Rossi A,Di Maio M ,et al. Rationale and design of MILES-3 and MILES-4 studies:Two randomized phase 3 trials comparing single-agent chemotherapy versus cisplatin-based doublets in elderly patients with advanced non-small-Cell lung cancer[J]. Clin Lung Cancer,2014,15(2):166-170.
[6] Kawano Y,Ohyanagi F,Yanagitani N,et al. Pemetrexed and cisplatin for advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer in Japanese patients:phase II study[J]. Anticancer Res,2013,33(8):3327-3333.
[7] Yu D,Du K,Liu T,et al. Prognostic value of tumor markers,NSE,CA125 and SCC in operable NSCLC patients[J]. Int J Mol Sci,2013,14(6):11145-11156.
[8] Wang Y, Tang D, Sui A, et al. Prognostic significance of NSE mRNA in advanced NSCLC treated with gefitinib[J]. Clin Transl Oncol,2013,15(5):384-390.
[9] Petrovic M,Baskic D,Bankovic D,et al. Neuroendocrine differentiation as an indicator of chemosensitivity and prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Biomarkers,2011,16(4): 311-320.
[10] Jemal A,Siegel R,Xu J,et al. Cancer statistics,2010[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2010,60(5): 277-300.
[11] Yu Y,Chen Z,Dong J,et al. Folate receptor-positive circulating tumor cells as a novel diagnostic biomarker in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Translational Oncology,2013,6(6):697-702.
[12] Wang P,Piao Y,Zhang X,et al. The concentration of CYFRA 21-1,NSE and CEA in cerebro-spinal fluid can be useful indicators for diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis of lung cancer[J]. Cancer Biomark,2013,13(2):123-130.
[13] Sitthinamsuwan P,Angkathunyakul N,Chuangsuwanich T,et al. Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the uterine cervix:A clinicopathological study[J]. J Med Assoc Thai,2013, 96(1): 83-90.
[14] Franjevi A,Pavi evi R,Bubanovi G. Differences in initial NSE levels in malignant and benign diseases of the thoracic wall[J]. Clin Lab,2012,58(3-4):245-252.
[15] Pujol JL,Boher JM,Grenier,et al. Cyfra21-1,neuron specific enolase and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer:Prospective study in 621 patients[J]. Ling Cancer,2001,31(2-3):221-231.
[16] Jacot W,Quantin X,Boher JM,et al. Association dEnseignement et de Recherche des Internes en Oncologie,Brain metastases at the time of presentation of non-small cell lung cancer: A multi-centric AERIO analysis of prognostic factors[J]. Br J Cancer,2001,84(7):903-909.
[1] Siegel R,Naishadham D,Jemal A,et al. Cancer statistics[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2012,62(1):10-29.
[2] Jemal A,Bray F,Center MM,et al. Global cancer statistics[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2011,61(2):69-90.
[3] Oak CH,Wilson D,Lee HJ,et al. Potential molecular approaches for the early diagnosis of lung cancer(review)[J]. Mol Med Rep,2012,6(5): 931-936.
[4] National Lung Screening Trial Research Team,Aberle DR,Adams AM,et al. Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening[J]. N Engl J Med,2011,365(5):395-409.
[5] Gridelli C,Rossi A,Di Maio M ,et al. Rationale and design of MILES-3 and MILES-4 studies:Two randomized phase 3 trials comparing single-agent chemotherapy versus cisplatin-based doublets in elderly patients with advanced non-small-Cell lung cancer[J]. Clin Lung Cancer,2014,15(2):166-170.
[6] Kawano Y,Ohyanagi F,Yanagitani N,et al. Pemetrexed and cisplatin for advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer in Japanese patients:phase II study[J]. Anticancer Res,2013,33(8):3327-3333.
[7] Yu D,Du K,Liu T,et al. Prognostic value of tumor markers,NSE,CA125 and SCC in operable NSCLC patients[J]. Int J Mol Sci,2013,14(6):11145-11156.
[8] Wang Y, Tang D, Sui A, et al. Prognostic significance of NSE mRNA in advanced NSCLC treated with gefitinib[J]. Clin Transl Oncol,2013,15(5):384-390.
[9] Petrovic M,Baskic D,Bankovic D,et al. Neuroendocrine differentiation as an indicator of chemosensitivity and prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Biomarkers,2011,16(4): 311-320.
[10] Jemal A,Siegel R,Xu J,et al. Cancer statistics,2010[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2010,60(5): 277-300.
[11] Yu Y,Chen Z,Dong J,et al. Folate receptor-positive circulating tumor cells as a novel diagnostic biomarker in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Translational Oncology,2013,6(6):697-702.
[12] Wang P,Piao Y,Zhang X,et al. The concentration of CYFRA 21-1,NSE and CEA in cerebro-spinal fluid can be useful indicators for diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis of lung cancer[J]. Cancer Biomark,2013,13(2):123-130.
[13] Sitthinamsuwan P,Angkathunyakul N,Chuangsuwanich T,et al. Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the uterine cervix:A clinicopathological study[J]. J Med Assoc Thai,2013, 96(1): 83-90.
[14] Franjevi A,Pavi evi R,Bubanovi G. Differences in initial NSE levels in malignant and benign diseases of the thoracic wall[J]. Clin Lab,2012,58(3-4):245-252.
[15] Pujol JL,Boher JM,Grenier,et al. Cyfra21-1,neuron specific enolase and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer:Prospective study in 621 patients[J]. Ling Cancer,2001,31(2-3):221-231.
[16] Jacot W,Quantin X,Boher JM,et al. Association dEnseignement et de Recherche des Internes en Oncologie,Brain metastases at the time of presentation of non-small cell lung cancer: A multi-centric AERIO analysis of prognostic factors[J]. Br J Cancer,2001,84(7):903-909.
[1] Siegel R,Naishadham D,Jemal A,et al. Cancer statistics[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2012,62(1):10-29.
[2] Jemal A,Bray F,Center MM,et al. Global cancer statistics[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2011,61(2):69-90.
[3] Oak CH,Wilson D,Lee HJ,et al. Potential molecular approaches for the early diagnosis of lung cancer(review)[J]. Mol Med Rep,2012,6(5): 931-936.
[4] National Lung Screening Trial Research Team,Aberle DR,Adams AM,et al. Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening[J]. N Engl J Med,2011,365(5):395-409.
[5] Gridelli C,Rossi A,Di Maio M ,et al. Rationale and design of MILES-3 and MILES-4 studies:Two randomized phase 3 trials comparing single-agent chemotherapy versus cisplatin-based doublets in elderly patients with advanced non-small-Cell lung cancer[J]. Clin Lung Cancer,2014,15(2):166-170.
[6] Kawano Y,Ohyanagi F,Yanagitani N,et al. Pemetrexed and cisplatin for advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer in Japanese patients:phase II study[J]. Anticancer Res,2013,33(8):3327-3333.
[7] Yu D,Du K,Liu T,et al. Prognostic value of tumor markers,NSE,CA125 and SCC in operable NSCLC patients[J]. Int J Mol Sci,2013,14(6):11145-11156.
[8] Wang Y, Tang D, Sui A, et al. Prognostic significance of NSE mRNA in advanced NSCLC treated with gefitinib[J]. Clin Transl Oncol,2013,15(5):384-390.
[9] Petrovic M,Baskic D,Bankovic D,et al. Neuroendocrine differentiation as an indicator of chemosensitivity and prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Biomarkers,2011,16(4): 311-320.
[10] Jemal A,Siegel R,Xu J,et al. Cancer statistics,2010[J]. CA Cancer J Clin,2010,60(5): 277-300.
[11] Yu Y,Chen Z,Dong J,et al. Folate receptor-positive circulating tumor cells as a novel diagnostic biomarker in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Translational Oncology,2013,6(6):697-702.
[12] Wang P,Piao Y,Zhang X,et al. The concentration of CYFRA 21-1,NSE and CEA in cerebro-spinal fluid can be useful indicators for diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis of lung cancer[J]. Cancer Biomark,2013,13(2):123-130.
[13] Sitthinamsuwan P,Angkathunyakul N,Chuangsuwanich T,et al. Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the uterine cervix:A clinicopathological study[J]. J Med Assoc Thai,2013, 96(1): 83-90.
[14] Franjevi A,Pavi evi R,Bubanovi G. Differences in initial NSE levels in malignant and benign diseases of the thoracic wall[J]. Clin Lab,2012,58(3-4):245-252.
[15] Pujol JL,Boher JM,Grenier,et al. Cyfra21-1,neuron specific enolase and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer:Prospective study in 621 patients[J]. Ling Cancer,2001,31(2-3):221-231.
[16] Jacot W,Quantin X,Boher JM,et al. Association dEnseignement et de Recherche des Internes en Oncologie,Brain metastases at the time of presentation of non-small cell lung cancer: A multi-centric AERIO analysis of prognostic factors[J]. Br J Cancer,2001,84(7):903-909.