摘 要 利用同胚映射原理、线性矩阵不等式和构造的Lyapunov泛函研究了一类CohenGrossberg神经网络平衡点的全局渐近稳定性,优化了现有文献中关于全局渐近稳定性的判据.
关键词 广义CohenGrossberg神经网络;全局渐近稳定性;线性矩阵不等式;同胚
中图分类号 O175.1 文献标识码 A
Global Asymptotic Stability of Generalized
CohenGrossberg Neural Networks with Delays
QUAN Zhiyong, WU Qifeng
(College of Mathematics and Econometrics, Hunan University,Changsha, Hunan 410082, China)
Abstract By means of Homeomorphism theory, linear matrix inequality and constructing a Lyapunov functional, we studied the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point for a class of CohenGrossberg neural networks. In our results, the criteria for the global asymptotical stability are better than that in existing papers.
Key words generalized CohenGrossberg neural networks; global asymptotic stability; linear matrix inequality; Homeomorphism
1 引 言
由于CohenGrossberg神经网络(CGNN)在并行计算、联想记忆,特别是最优化计算等领域的重要作用,近年来,有或无时滞的 CGNN特别是一维CGNN的稳定性问题已为国内外学者所广泛关注和研究,各种有趣的结果也被发表[1-6].然而,只有几个作者讨论了二维CGNN模型的稳定性问题[7-10].在许多应用中,由于二维CGNN考虑两个神经网络之间的相互作用,因此对二维CGNN稳定性的研究比对一维CGNN稳定性的研究更有趣.这促使我们研究二维CGNN的稳定性.
2 模型及假设
5 结 论
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[10]X B NIE, J D CAO. Stability analysis for the generalized CohenGrossberg neural networks with inverse Lipschitz neuron activations [J]. Computer and Math Appli, 2009, 57(9):1522-1536.
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