摘 要 在理论上通过推导首次得出了BlackLitterman模型(BL模型)最优权重与信心水平的公式.在各资产收益不相关及单一绝对观点的假设下,得出各资产的BL模型最优权重与信心水平的简化表达式.借助于此,还对信心水平与最优权重公式的进一步理论分析,并以光大证券的“乌龙指”做实证,详细分析投资者在没有市场观点、拥有内幕信息、以及信心水平在某范围变化时,其所持各投资品权重的特点.
关键词 资产配置;BlackLitterman 模型;信心水平;内幕交易;乌龙指
中图分类号 F830.91 文献标识码 A
The Further Theoretically Derivation and Empirical
Analysis of the BlackLitterman Portfolio Model
LIU Chao
(School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
Abstract This paper deduced the function of optimal weight and confidence levels, and then simplified this formula under the assumptions that all the assets to be invested are uncorrelated, and the investor has only one absolute view. Based on this, this paper also analysed the formula of the confidence levels and optimal weight. Finally, this paper figured out how the investor would establish his portfolio and how much his profit would be (including the insidertrading case), according to his view, and the confidence level of this view. The ‘Fat finger trading error, caused by Everbright Securities Company Limited on August 16, 2013, was taken as an example to analyse.
Key words asset allocation; BlackLitterman Model; confidence level; insider trading; Fat finger trading error
1 引 言
BlackLitterman投资组合模型由Fisher Black和Robert Litterman[1]在1991年首先提出,简称BL模型,其理论在Black& Litterman[2]得到详尽阐述.该模型从市场数据出发,结合投资者观点,通过变换投资者效用函数、结合Markowitz[3]的均值方差理论和贝叶斯分析等导出最优权重.该模型在市场的一致预期和投资者自己的观点间达到一种均衡,近20年被国内外多家著名量化投资机构使用,同时其理论也得到发展与完善.此后,He与Litterman[4]给出了该模型的变量在理论上的意义,Idzorek[5]率先将信心水平引入BL模型,并将其理论进一步发展[6].此外Mankert[7],温琪[8]等也对该模型进行了理论完善和实证补充.
通过参考国内外多篇文献,发现很少有论文研究BL模型与信心水平的关系.实证论文中,2011 年贾慧[9]用ARMAGARCH 模型预测BL模型的投资者观点收益向量,同时较早地在国内结合信心水平进行BL模型实证.该文结合10%、50%、80%三种信心水平进行分析.2012年,王楠溪[10]用ARMAEGARCH模型预测BL模型的投资者观点收益向量,同时结合20%、50%、90%三种信心水平进行分析.这些极少数研究过BL模型资产收益与信心水平关系的实证论文,其选取的信心水平也都很少,甚至还不对称.Idzorek等的理论性论文中也没有给出最优权重与信心水平的直接关系式.
6 结 论
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[7] C MANKERT. The BlackLitterman modelmathematical and behavioral finance approaches towards its use in practice[D]. Sweden:Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industral Engineering and Management.Department of Industrial Economics and Management, 2006.
[8] 温琪,陈敏,梁斌. 基于BlackLitterman框架的资产配置策略研究[J]. 数理统计与管理, 2011, 30(4): 741-751.
[9] 贾慧. BlackLitterman 模型在中国股票市场资产配置中的应用研究[D].西安:西北大学经济学院数量经济系,2011.
[10]王楠溪. BlackLitterman模型在中国市场中的应用——考虑非对称投资者观点的扩展模型[D]. 北京:北京大学金融数学系,2012.
[11]S C NORRBIN, K C CHAN, P LAI. Are stock and bond prices collinear in the long run[J]. International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, 1997, 6(2) : 193-201.
[12]常丽莉. 债券市场与股票市场相关性问题及对策研究[D]. 重庆:重庆大学产业经济学系,2009.
[13]Z BODIE, A KANE, A J MARCUS. Investment[M]. (8th edition)Beijing: China Machine Press, 2011.endprint
[1] F BLACK, R LITTERMAN. Asset alloeation: Combining investor views with market equilibrium [J]. The Journal of Fixed Income, 1991, 1(2): 7-18.
[2] F BLACK, R LITTERMAN. Global portfolio optimization [J]. The Financial Analysts Journal,1992, 48(5): 28-43.
[3] H MARKOWITZ. Portfolio selection [J]. Journal of Finance, 1952, 7(1): 77-91.
[4] Guangliang HE, R LITTERMAN. The intuition behind BlackLitterman model portfolios[R]. Investment Management Research, New York:Goldman Sachs,1999.
[5] T IDZOREK. A stepbystep guide to the BlackLitterman model[R]. Chicago, Illlinois: Ibbotson Associates,2002.
[6] T IDZOREK. A stepbystep guide to the BlackLitterman model: Incorporating userspecified confidence levels [R].Chicago, Illlinois: Ibbotson Associates,2005.
[7] C MANKERT. The BlackLitterman modelmathematical and behavioral finance approaches towards its use in practice[D]. Sweden:Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industral Engineering and Management.Department of Industrial Economics and Management, 2006.
[8] 温琪,陈敏,梁斌. 基于BlackLitterman框架的资产配置策略研究[J]. 数理统计与管理, 2011, 30(4): 741-751.
[9] 贾慧. BlackLitterman 模型在中国股票市场资产配置中的应用研究[D].西安:西北大学经济学院数量经济系,2011.
[10]王楠溪. BlackLitterman模型在中国市场中的应用——考虑非对称投资者观点的扩展模型[D]. 北京:北京大学金融数学系,2012.
[11]S C NORRBIN, K C CHAN, P LAI. Are stock and bond prices collinear in the long run[J]. International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, 1997, 6(2) : 193-201.
[12]常丽莉. 债券市场与股票市场相关性问题及对策研究[D]. 重庆:重庆大学产业经济学系,2009.
[13]Z BODIE, A KANE, A J MARCUS. Investment[M]. (8th edition)Beijing: China Machine Press, 2011.endprint
[1] F BLACK, R LITTERMAN. Asset alloeation: Combining investor views with market equilibrium [J]. The Journal of Fixed Income, 1991, 1(2): 7-18.
[2] F BLACK, R LITTERMAN. Global portfolio optimization [J]. The Financial Analysts Journal,1992, 48(5): 28-43.
[3] H MARKOWITZ. Portfolio selection [J]. Journal of Finance, 1952, 7(1): 77-91.
[4] Guangliang HE, R LITTERMAN. The intuition behind BlackLitterman model portfolios[R]. Investment Management Research, New York:Goldman Sachs,1999.
[5] T IDZOREK. A stepbystep guide to the BlackLitterman model[R]. Chicago, Illlinois: Ibbotson Associates,2002.
[6] T IDZOREK. A stepbystep guide to the BlackLitterman model: Incorporating userspecified confidence levels [R].Chicago, Illlinois: Ibbotson Associates,2005.
[7] C MANKERT. The BlackLitterman modelmathematical and behavioral finance approaches towards its use in practice[D]. Sweden:Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industral Engineering and Management.Department of Industrial Economics and Management, 2006.
[8] 温琪,陈敏,梁斌. 基于BlackLitterman框架的资产配置策略研究[J]. 数理统计与管理, 2011, 30(4): 741-751.
[9] 贾慧. BlackLitterman 模型在中国股票市场资产配置中的应用研究[D].西安:西北大学经济学院数量经济系,2011.
[10]王楠溪. BlackLitterman模型在中国市场中的应用——考虑非对称投资者观点的扩展模型[D]. 北京:北京大学金融数学系,2012.
[11]S C NORRBIN, K C CHAN, P LAI. Are stock and bond prices collinear in the long run[J]. International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, 1997, 6(2) : 193-201.
[12]常丽莉. 债券市场与股票市场相关性问题及对策研究[D]. 重庆:重庆大学产业经济学系,2009.
[13]Z BODIE, A KANE, A J MARCUS. Investment[M]. (8th edition)Beijing: China Machine Press, 2011.endprint