Strong Solu tions for Nonhom ogeneousIncom p ressib le Viscous Heat-Conductive Fluidsw ith Non-New tonian Poten tial
MENG Qiuand YUAN HongjunInstituteofM athematicsand Statistics,Beihua University,Jilin 132013,China.
2InstituteofM athematics,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China.
Strong Solu tions for Nonhom ogeneous
Incom p ressib le Viscous Heat-Conductive Fluidsw ith Non-New tonian Poten tial
MENG Qiu1,∗and YUAN Hongjun21InstituteofM athematicsand Statistics,Beihua University,Jilin 132013,China.
2InstituteofM athematics,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China.
Received 18 February 2014;Accep ted 13August2014Abstract.We consider the Navier-Stokes system w ith non-New tonian potential for heat-conducting incom p ressible fluids in a dom ainΩ⊂R3.The viscosity,heatconduction coefficients and specific heatat constant volum e are allow ed to depend sm ooth ly on the density and tem peratu re.We p rove the existence of unique local strong solutions forall initialdata satisfying a naturalcom patibility condition.The difficu ltof this typem odel ism ainly that theequationsare coup led w ith ellip tic,parabolicand hyperbolic,and the vacuum of density cause also m uch trouble,that is,the initial density need notbe positive and m ay vanish in an open set.
AM SSub jectClassifications:35A 05,35D35,76A 05,76D03
Chinese Lib rary Classifications:O 175.29
Strong solutions;heat-conductive fluids;vacuum;Poincar´e type inequality;non-New tonian potential.
1 In troduction
The governing system of equations for a heat-conducting viscous fluids under the selfgravitational forceand outer pow er can be described by them odelof the fluids dynam ic, that is,the incom p ressible fu ll Navier-Stokesequationsw ith non-New tonian poten tial:
ForΦ=0,the p roblem has been stud ied by m any au thors[1–8].Very recen tly,Cho and Kim[9]show ed that the p roblem hasa unique localsolu tion(ρ,u,P,θ)w ith them ain hypothesis
and som e natu ral com patibility cond itions:
for som e P0∈H1(Ω)and functions(g1,g2)∈L2(Ω).And fu rther they assum e an add itional cond ition,such that
for nonconstant coefficients.
The aim of this paper is to use them ethod of[9]to p rove the existence of unique localstrong solu tions to(1.1)-(1.7)w ith infρ0=0.Here it shou ld be noted that,in[9],the au thorsp rescribed thehom ogeneousDirich letboundary cond ition for the tem peratu reθ, i.e.θ|∂Ω=0,instead of thehom ogeneousNeum ann boundary cond ition,i.e.∇θ·n|∂Ω=0, for technical reasons,w e w ill use a Poincar´e type inequality[10,11]to circum ven t this d ifficu lty.
The follow ing isou r MA IN RESULT.
Theorem 1.1.Assume that thedata(ρ0,u0,θ0,h,f)satisfy the regu larity condition
for some 3<q≤6.Further assume the compatibility condition(1.9)and coefficient condition (1.10).Then there exists a small time T∗>0 and a unique strong solution(ρ,u,θ,P,Φ)to the initialboundary valueproblem(1.1)-(1.7)such that
The detailed p roof of Theorem 1.1 is given in the follow ing tw o sections.In Section 2,w e consider a linearized p roblem and derive som e local estim ates for the solutions independent of the low er bound of the initial density and in Section 3,w e p rove the theorem by app lying classical iteration argum entbased on the uniform estim ates.
2 A p rioriestim ates for a linearized p rob lem
In this section,w e consider the follow ing linearized p roblem:
in(0,T)×Ωtogetherw ith the boundary and the initial cond itions
w herew ew rite
for sim p licity,throughou t this section,w e assum e that the data(ρ0,u0,θ0)satisfy cond ition
for som e q∈(3,6],P0∈H1(Ω)and(g1,g2)∈L2(Ω).We assum e fu rther that the pair(v,σ) of know n vector and scalar fields satisfies
First,w e p rove an existence resu lt for the p roblem(2.1)-(2.7)for the case w hereρ0is bounded below aw ay from zero.
Lemm a 2.1.In addition to(2.8)-(2.9),weassume thatρ0≥δinΩforsome constantδ>0.Then there existsa uniquesolution(ρ,u,θ,P,Φ)to the linearized problem(2.1)-(2.7)such that
andρ≥δ/2 in(0,T∗)×Ω.
Proof.Since the p roof is the sam e as that in[9],w e om it the details here.
The purpose of this section is to derive som e local(in tim e)a p riori estim ates for (ρ,u,θ,P,Φ)w hich are independen t of the low er boundδofρ0.For this pu rpose,w e choose a fixed constant c0>1 such that
for som e constants c1,c2(independent ofδ),and T∗w ith 1<c0≤c1≤c2and 0<T∗≤T, w hich w illbe determ ined laterand depend only on c0and the param etersof C.Throughou t thisand the follow ing sections,w e denoteby C a generic positive constantdepend ing
on ly on the fixed constants q,T,kµkC1(R2),k CVkC1(R2)and kκkC1(R2).M oreover,M=M(·) denotes a generic increasing continuous function from[1,∞)to[1,∞)w hich depends on ly on the param etersof C,w ealso adop t the sim p lified notationµ(t)=µ(ρ(t),ρ(t)σ(t)), etc.
In[9],the au thors p roved the follow ing estim ates for the densityρ.
Lemm a 2.2.
Here and later on w ew illuse a∧b=m in(a,b)and a∨b=m ax(a,b). Using(2.11)-(2.13),w e easily show that
for 0≤t≤T1,q1=q∧4.M oreover,in view of(2.12)and(2.14),and using the Poincartype inequality[10,11]
Rem ark 2.1.The constant in(2.16)m ay depend onΩ,and thusw e do not know n how to solve the p roblem in an exterior dom ain w ith the hom ogeneous Neum ann boundary cond ition for the tem perature.
The next lemm a gives the estim ate on the non-New tonian gravitational potential.
Lemm a 2.3.Assume thatρ0≥δ>0 inΩ.Then there exists a unique strong solutionΦto the initialboundary valueproblem(2.5)-(2.7)such that
Proof.M u ltip lying(2.5)byΦand integrating overΩ,w e get,
Next,d ifferentiating(2.5)w ith respect to tim e,m u ltip lying itbyΦtand integrating overΩ,w e get
Finally,letusestim ate k∇Φ(t)kH1(Ω),w e consider Eq.(2.5),
The next lemm a gives the estim ate on the velocity u,the calcu lations are very sim ilar to those in[9,14],w ew illom it the detailed p roofhere.
Lemm a 2.4.
The next lemm a gives the estim ates on the tem peratu reθ,since w e consider the hom ogeneous Neum ann boundary cond ition forθ,w hich cou ld notbe dealw ith in[9],so w e detail the p roofshere.
Lemm a 2.5.
Proof.Differentiating(2.3)w ith respect to tim e,w e obtain
Thenm u ltip lying this byθtand integrating overΩ,w e have
We use(2.12),(2.15),(2.17),(2.19)-(2.21)and the Poincar´e type inequality
in[10,11]to bound Ii,1≤i≤6 as follow s:
Now using the interpolation inequality
The restof the calcu lations are the sam e as those in[9],w hich com p letes the p roof of the lemm a.
conclude that
Now w e are in a position to p rove them ain resu lt in this section.
Lemm a 2.6.Assume that(v,σ)satisfies(2.9)w ith T replaced by T∗,and
Then there exists a unique strong solution(ρ,θ,u,P,Φ)to the linearized problems(2.1)-(2.8)in [0,T∗]satisfying theestimates(2.25)-(2.28)aswellas theregularity
Proof.Since the p roofsare the sam e as those[9],w e om it the detailshere.
3 Proof of Theorem 1.1
Our p roofw illbe based on theusual iteration argum entand on the resu lts(in particu lar, Lemm a 2.6)in the last section.
Let u0,θ0∈C([0,∞);H2(Ω))∩L2(0,∞;H3(Ω))be theunique solutions to the follow ing linear parabolic p roblem s,respectively.
Then using the sam e p roofs as in[9],it is easy to p rove that
M oreover,sinceθ0∈C([0,∞);H2(Ω)),θ0t∈L2(0,∞;H1(Ω))andρ0∈L3(Ω),there isa sm all tim e T∗∈(0,1)such that
Throughout the p roof,w e denote by e C a generic constant depend ing on ly on c0and the param eters of the constan t C,bu t independen tof k.
From now on,w e show that the fu llsequence(ρk,uk,θk,Pk,Φk)converges to a solution to the originalnonlinear p roblem(1.1)-(1.7)in a strong sense.
Letus define
Then from(2.1)-(2.5),w e derive the equations for the d ifferences
w hereµk+1=µ(ρk+1,ρk+1θk),etc.
First,m u ltip lying(3.4)byρk+1and in tegrating overΩ,w e obtain
Thus,w e have
Fu rtherm ore,d ifferen tiating(2.5)in w hich one increases the index k and k+1w ith respect to tim e,respectively,m u ltip lying them byΦkandΦk+1,then integrating overΩ,w e can easily deduce that
Hence by virtue of Young,s inequality,w e have
By virtue of Young,s inequality and(3.3),w e have
Now for a sm all fixedε>0,letus define YkandΨkby
w hich im p lies in view of Gronw all,s inequality that
From(3.13),w e easily deduce that in[9]
w hich obviously im p lies that
as k→∞for som e lim itsρ,u,θandΦ.By virtue of this strong convergence,one easily verifies that(ρ,θ,u,Φ)is aw eak solution to the originalnon linear p roblem(1.1)-(1.7)for som e p ressu re P.M oreover,it follow s from(2.25)-(2.28)that
Then adap ting the argum ents of[9],w e can easily p rove the continuity in tim e of the solu tion(ρ,u,θ,P,Φ).The p roofof uniqueness is sim ilar to the calcu lations above and w e om it the details here.
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10.4208/jpde.v27.n3.6 Sep tem ber 2014
∗Correspond ing au eng),hjy@j
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