

中国医药科学 2014年1期


[摘要] 目的 检测静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)患者血清中抗凝血酶(AT3)、蛋白C(PC)、蛋白S(PS)水平,分析其与VTE的关系。 方法 回顾性分析251例VTE患者性别、年龄特点及血清中AT3、PC、PS的水平,并与60例正常人血样进行对比。 结果 251例VTE患者中,男94例,女157例,男︰女=1.11︰1.4,中位年龄43(5~81)岁。AT3、PC、PS三者均有不同程度降低,其中AT3占15.14%(38例),PC占10.36%(26例),PS占20.3%(51例)。 结论 血浆AT3、PC、PS缺陷是促发VTE的重要原因,检测其水平变化对静脉血栓栓塞症的预防、诊断及治疗有指导意义。

[关键词] 静脉血栓栓塞症;抗凝血酶-Ⅲ;蛋白C;蛋白S

[中图分类号] R654.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)01-12-03

静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism,VTE)是一个国际化健康问题,欧洲每年VTE导致的死亡大于500 000例,美国每年大约有300 000例VTE相关死亡发生,占人群疾病死因的第3位,仅次于肿瘤和心梗[1]。近年来,随着对静脉血栓的认识、医疗诊断水平的提高及流行病学研究的发展,静脉血栓栓塞症在亚洲人群的发病率逐步升高[2],大量研究表明,除产后、盆腔术后、外伤、癌症晚期、昏迷或长期卧床等获得性因素外,抗凝蛋白缺陷因素越来越不容忽视[3]。本研究对郑州大学第一附属


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 方法

观察组及对照组检测对象共311例,观察组样本取自我科251例已确诊VTE患者,对照组样本取自60例健康成年人,均空腹采外周血检测抗凝血酶(antithrombin Ⅲ,AT3)、蛋白C(proteinC,PC)、蛋白S(proteinS,PS)活性。

1.3 统计学处理


2 结果



3 讨论






[1] Cohen AT,Agnelli G,Anderson FA,et al.Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in Europe. The number of VTE events and associated morbidity and mortality[J].Thromb Haemost,2007,98(4):756-764.

[2] Zakai NA,Mcclure LA.Racial differences in venous thromboembolism[J].J Thromb Haemost,2011,9(10):1877-1882.

[3] Shen L,Dahlback B.Factor V and protein S as synergistic cofactors to activated protein C in degradation of factor VIIIa[J].J Biol Chem,1994,269(29):18735-18738.

[4] Prandoni P,Lensing A W,Cogo A,et al.The long-term clinical course of acute deep venous thrombosis[J].Ann Intern Med,1996,125(1):1-7.

[5] Souto JC,Almasy L,Borrell M,et al.Genetic susceptibility to thrombosis and its relationship to physiological risk factors:the GAIT study. Genetic Analysis of Idiopathic Thrombophilia[J].Am J Hum Genet,2000,67(6):1452-1459.

[6] Schafer AI,Levine MN,Konkle BA,et al.Thrombotic disorders:diagnosis and treatment[J].Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program,2003:520-539.

[7] De Stefano V,Simioni P,Rossi E,et al.The risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients with inherited deficiency of natural anticoagulants antithrombin, protein C and protein S[J].Haematologica,2006,91(5):695-698.

[8] Kuhli C,Jochmans K,Scharrer I,et al.Retinal vein occlusion associated with antithrombin deficiency secondary to a novel G9840C missense mutation[J].Arch Ophthalmol,2006,124(8):1165-1169.

[9] Hackeng TM,Maurissen LF,Castoldi E,et al.Regulation of TFPI function by protein S[J].J Thromb Haemost,2009,7(Suppl 1):165-168.

[10] Fernandes N,Mosnier LO,Tonnu L,et al.Zn2+-containing protein S inhibits extrinsic factor X-activating complex independently of tissue factor pathway inhibitor[J].J Thromb Haemost,2010,8(9):1976-1985.

[11] Chattopadhyay R,Sengupta T,Majumder R.Inhibition of intrinsic Xase by protein S: a novel regulatory role of protein S independent of activated protein C[J]. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,2012,32(10):2387-2393.

[12] 白春梅,潘家绮,范连凯.静脉血栓患者抗凝蛋白缺陷研究[J].中华内科杂志,2000,39(11):746.

[13] Shen MC,Lin JS,Tsay W.High prevalence of antithrombin Ⅲ,protein C and protein S deficiency,but no factor V Leiden mutation in venous thrombophilic Chinese patients in Taiwan[J].Thromb Res,1997,87(4):377-385.

[14] Liu HW,Kwong YL,Bourke C,et al.High incidence of thrombophilia detected in Chinese patients with venous thrombosis[J].Thromb Haemost,1994,71(4):416-419.

[15] Bertina RM,Koeleman BP,Koster T,et al.Mutation in blood coagulation factor V associated with resistance to activated protein C[J].Nature,1994,369(6475):64-67.

[16] Zhu T,Ding Q,Bai X,et al.Normal ranges and genetic variants of antithrombin,protein C and protein S in the general Chinese population. Results of the Chinese Hemostasis Investigation on Natural Anticoagulants Study I Group[J].Haematologica,2011,96(7):1033-1040.




[1] Cohen AT,Agnelli G,Anderson FA,et al.Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in Europe. The number of VTE events and associated morbidity and mortality[J].Thromb Haemost,2007,98(4):756-764.

[2] Zakai NA,Mcclure LA.Racial differences in venous thromboembolism[J].J Thromb Haemost,2011,9(10):1877-1882.

[3] Shen L,Dahlback B.Factor V and protein S as synergistic cofactors to activated protein C in degradation of factor VIIIa[J].J Biol Chem,1994,269(29):18735-18738.

[4] Prandoni P,Lensing A W,Cogo A,et al.The long-term clinical course of acute deep venous thrombosis[J].Ann Intern Med,1996,125(1):1-7.

[5] Souto JC,Almasy L,Borrell M,et al.Genetic susceptibility to thrombosis and its relationship to physiological risk factors:the GAIT study. Genetic Analysis of Idiopathic Thrombophilia[J].Am J Hum Genet,2000,67(6):1452-1459.

[6] Schafer AI,Levine MN,Konkle BA,et al.Thrombotic disorders:diagnosis and treatment[J].Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program,2003:520-539.

[7] De Stefano V,Simioni P,Rossi E,et al.The risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients with inherited deficiency of natural anticoagulants antithrombin, protein C and protein S[J].Haematologica,2006,91(5):695-698.

[8] Kuhli C,Jochmans K,Scharrer I,et al.Retinal vein occlusion associated with antithrombin deficiency secondary to a novel G9840C missense mutation[J].Arch Ophthalmol,2006,124(8):1165-1169.

[9] Hackeng TM,Maurissen LF,Castoldi E,et al.Regulation of TFPI function by protein S[J].J Thromb Haemost,2009,7(Suppl 1):165-168.

[10] Fernandes N,Mosnier LO,Tonnu L,et al.Zn2+-containing protein S inhibits extrinsic factor X-activating complex independently of tissue factor pathway inhibitor[J].J Thromb Haemost,2010,8(9):1976-1985.

[11] Chattopadhyay R,Sengupta T,Majumder R.Inhibition of intrinsic Xase by protein S: a novel regulatory role of protein S independent of activated protein C[J]. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,2012,32(10):2387-2393.

[12] 白春梅,潘家绮,范连凯.静脉血栓患者抗凝蛋白缺陷研究[J].中华内科杂志,2000,39(11):746.

[13] Shen MC,Lin JS,Tsay W.High prevalence of antithrombin Ⅲ,protein C and protein S deficiency,but no factor V Leiden mutation in venous thrombophilic Chinese patients in Taiwan[J].Thromb Res,1997,87(4):377-385.

[14] Liu HW,Kwong YL,Bourke C,et al.High incidence of thrombophilia detected in Chinese patients with venous thrombosis[J].Thromb Haemost,1994,71(4):416-419.

[15] Bertina RM,Koeleman BP,Koster T,et al.Mutation in blood coagulation factor V associated with resistance to activated protein C[J].Nature,1994,369(6475):64-67.

[16] Zhu T,Ding Q,Bai X,et al.Normal ranges and genetic variants of antithrombin,protein C and protein S in the general Chinese population. Results of the Chinese Hemostasis Investigation on Natural Anticoagulants Study I Group[J].Haematologica,2011,96(7):1033-1040.




[1] Cohen AT,Agnelli G,Anderson FA,et al.Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in Europe. The number of VTE events and associated morbidity and mortality[J].Thromb Haemost,2007,98(4):756-764.

[2] Zakai NA,Mcclure LA.Racial differences in venous thromboembolism[J].J Thromb Haemost,2011,9(10):1877-1882.

[3] Shen L,Dahlback B.Factor V and protein S as synergistic cofactors to activated protein C in degradation of factor VIIIa[J].J Biol Chem,1994,269(29):18735-18738.

[4] Prandoni P,Lensing A W,Cogo A,et al.The long-term clinical course of acute deep venous thrombosis[J].Ann Intern Med,1996,125(1):1-7.

[5] Souto JC,Almasy L,Borrell M,et al.Genetic susceptibility to thrombosis and its relationship to physiological risk factors:the GAIT study. Genetic Analysis of Idiopathic Thrombophilia[J].Am J Hum Genet,2000,67(6):1452-1459.

[6] Schafer AI,Levine MN,Konkle BA,et al.Thrombotic disorders:diagnosis and treatment[J].Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program,2003:520-539.

[7] De Stefano V,Simioni P,Rossi E,et al.The risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients with inherited deficiency of natural anticoagulants antithrombin, protein C and protein S[J].Haematologica,2006,91(5):695-698.

[8] Kuhli C,Jochmans K,Scharrer I,et al.Retinal vein occlusion associated with antithrombin deficiency secondary to a novel G9840C missense mutation[J].Arch Ophthalmol,2006,124(8):1165-1169.

[9] Hackeng TM,Maurissen LF,Castoldi E,et al.Regulation of TFPI function by protein S[J].J Thromb Haemost,2009,7(Suppl 1):165-168.

[10] Fernandes N,Mosnier LO,Tonnu L,et al.Zn2+-containing protein S inhibits extrinsic factor X-activating complex independently of tissue factor pathway inhibitor[J].J Thromb Haemost,2010,8(9):1976-1985.

[11] Chattopadhyay R,Sengupta T,Majumder R.Inhibition of intrinsic Xase by protein S: a novel regulatory role of protein S independent of activated protein C[J]. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,2012,32(10):2387-2393.

[12] 白春梅,潘家绮,范连凯.静脉血栓患者抗凝蛋白缺陷研究[J].中华内科杂志,2000,39(11):746.

[13] Shen MC,Lin JS,Tsay W.High prevalence of antithrombin Ⅲ,protein C and protein S deficiency,but no factor V Leiden mutation in venous thrombophilic Chinese patients in Taiwan[J].Thromb Res,1997,87(4):377-385.

[14] Liu HW,Kwong YL,Bourke C,et al.High incidence of thrombophilia detected in Chinese patients with venous thrombosis[J].Thromb Haemost,1994,71(4):416-419.

[15] Bertina RM,Koeleman BP,Koster T,et al.Mutation in blood coagulation factor V associated with resistance to activated protein C[J].Nature,1994,369(6475):64-67.

[16] Zhu T,Ding Q,Bai X,et al.Normal ranges and genetic variants of antithrombin,protein C and protein S in the general Chinese population. Results of the Chinese Hemostasis Investigation on Natural Anticoagulants Study I Group[J].Haematologica,2011,96(7):1033-1040.
