Principal Architect: XU Weiguo
Qinzhou Ofce Building, Qinzhou, Guangxi, China, 2013
Principal Architect: XU Weiguo
2 渲染图/Rendering view
3 内景渲染/Rendering of interior view
This office building is located in Guangxi Province’s Qinzhou, a place that is very hot year round. Taking local houses-their walls typically covered by creepers-as a model, we proposed the concept of a bio-climate bufer layer (as is the skin of many organisms, a mechanism for adaptation to the complicated and variable environment). The final skin as built-fabricated out of inexpensive materials but detailed using digital technologystands 75cm of the main structure. It protects the interior spaces of the building from extreme swings in temperature while creating a comfortable interior environment full of natural illumination and vivid shadow.
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: XWG建筑工作室/XWG Archistudio: Nikolaus Wabnitz
建筑面积/Floor Area: 12000m2
摄影/Photos: 徐卫国/XU Weiguo
4 庭院/Courtyard
5 风模拟/Wind analysis
6 首层平面/Floor 0 plan