

世界建筑 2014年6期




1 场地模型,可看出酒店建筑位于现代城市(灰色部分)与老的棚户区(木制部分)的交界处/Site model, showing the building as a threshold between the modern city (in grey) and the old shantytown (in wood)

南达遗址酒店坐落在曼谷新城与一个历史老棚户区的交界处,在新旧世界间的夹缝地带。酒店前面是一条快速干道,通往跨越湄南河的拉玛8号桥,酒店背后就是百年老城区布里那裕·春冲(Purinayok Chumchon)。建筑的前身是始建于1920年的传统欧式柚木建筑,重建后被改造成充满现代气息、环境宜人的特色酒店。



内庭这种即兴拼凑的设计是学习棚户区的经验——那里的人们用各种回收材料建造家园。纯净的白色钢制构件将各种老旧的木制品框固起来,使它们像博物馆中的一件艺术品一样被展示。这样设计的目的不是试图重现怀旧的场景,而是客观展示这些历史木制品的真实状态——在这里,现代的建筑元素钢和混凝土就显然是格格不入、不合时宜的了。□(覃莺 译)

The Nanda Heritage Hotel sits on a site between the old and the new world, a threshold between Bangkok's new city and an old historic shanty town. With a high-speed on ramp to Rama 8 Bridge crossing the Chao Phraya River in front and a 100-year-old Purinayok Chumchon (community) in back, the heritage of its ancestor, a European style teak house built in 1920, is reworked as a unique hotel with a contemporary modern design and a charming surrounding atmosphere.

The dark billboard-like concrete outer shell is filled with guest rooms. It acts as a protective buffer zone to the central open air "secret" courtyard in the middle of the building. The monumental street front elevation, with its horizontal "speed" lines (actually, they are functional drip edges), responds to the large scale and fast pace of the modern world. The initial intent of the horizontal lines was to use them as typographical lines for names to be stenciled onto the facade. The elevation becomes a functional sign or billboard for the area, a meeting place of modern avenues and historic alleys. Once the mass of the hotel turns the corner into the side alley, it dips down to a four-storey height to match the scale of the shophouses along the smaller side street. Here, the horizontal speed lines turn 90 degrees to become vertical "Koohah" (building) lines that mimic the shophouse bay. Thus, even a simple concrete edge detail can become a responsive tool at the urban level. These lines also speak to the tangle of electrical and telephone lines strewn above the sidewalk. The blend of elements follows the "if you can’t beat them, join them" philosophy. The building drops another two storeys to frame the view of the Chumchon from the courtyard.

The hotel's hidden courtyard, unlike it's zippy exterior, is inspired by the past. Its delicate frame of thin white steel members and old historic wood--from the remains of the owner's family's 100-yearold teak wood mansion--is adapted to produce new meaning. Dismantled doors, wood windows, floorboards, ventilation panels, wood staircase and handrails, recycled Sino-Portuguese paving ceramic tiles, old photos, wooden chairs and tables saved from an old teahouse are all recombined to create a vintage atmosphere. It is a mysterious eclectic space of the old and new accessed through a small portal from the street.

The inner court improvises its design from lessons learned in the shantytown where people constructed their homes from scavenged building materials. The clean white steel members frame each individual antique wooden element like a museum artifact. The attempt is not to create a nostalgic environment, but rather to present the historic wooden elements as they truly are-out-of-place and out-of-time amongst the modern elements of steel and concrete.□

2 沿街立面全景/Overall view of the street elevation

3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

4 3、4层平面/Floor 2&3 plans

5 从入口庭院望向抬起的泳池内院/View from the entry court to the elevated pool court






HAN Linfei: The Nanda Heritage Hotel is located between the old and new cities of Bangkok. The building is positioned between a highway ramp and an old residential community, a locus of community history and culture for more than a hundred years. The black facades of the building wrap a light courtyard at the center of the scheme. From the lanes surrounding the hotel, the pure black color is impressive and modern. But in the context of the neighborhood, it seems incompatible with the historic fabric of the surrounding buildings. The inner courtyard incorporates a lot of local wood as well as reclaimed old windows and shutters that are more in keeping with the traditional building motifs of the neighborhood.The space is flexible and attractive. The strong contrast between the black exterior of the building and the gentler natural finishing of this inner core gives the building a witty and humorous tone.

WANG Yan: A Complicated Construction.

The solid black volume is supported by a light-coloured graceful podium. The calm enclosing wall of the hotel keeps out the hustle and bustle of the modern city while it embraces a quiet and peaceful inner courtyard. Two-hundred year old wooden doors punctuate the steel structure of the building's corridors. This mixing of new and old construction materials is truly interesting. The hotel's exterior window sills run on beyond the openings they serve. They morph into the strong horizontal datum of the facade. The hotel stands out in its site and environment. The black color of the building too easily absorbs the heat of this place but also establishes an imposing tone that makes people feel a little nervous. Although the wood material used in places at street level is warm and kind, it is used in a way that is opaque and does not open up the experience of the hotel interior to passersby in the street.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Clients: Sarnanda and Medhavin Lekhyananda

室内设计/Interior Designers: 公共区域/Public Areas:CHAT建筑师事务所(与瓦鲁德·沙马叻巴合作)/CHAT Architects (in collaboration with Varoot Samalapa);客房/ Guest Rooms: 客户/Owner

场地面积/Site Area: 1266m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 4000m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2009

摄影/Photos: Ketsiree Wongwan

Nanda Heritage Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014

Architects: CHAT Architects, Varoot Samalapa

6 私密内庭实景/View within the secret courtyard


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