

世界建筑 2014年6期




1 建筑水景/Waterscape dominates architecture

因陀般若佛学档案馆(BIA) ,也被称为“曼谷解脱自在园”,该场所用于传承伟大的法师——佛使比丘尊者的文化遗产。建造BIA的目的是为了收集、保存、保护、研究以及传播佛使因陀般若的著作。出于对佛使比丘的尊重和信仰之情,建筑团队志愿参与设计并且积极推动项目的进展。最初的设想只是建造一个用于存储文档的地方,但是建筑师们一致认为这座建筑的用途可以提高一个层次:作为一个帮助人们学习理解佛法场所。于是,BIA被建造成为一个当代佛法的学习与教育娱乐中心,可以方便地开展讲坛、冥想、论道、展览等佛学认识与交流活动。佛使比丘尊者的宏伟意愿是向国际、国内社会广泛弘扬佛法,不论当地的宗教信仰为何。他是伟大的信徒,信仰不同宗教间的对话与所有宗教的合法性。




该项目的成功来自多方真诚的合作和公众参与式的设计方法。下至普通的公园游客,上至土地的所有者——泰国国家铁路联盟成员,都积极参与到设计过程中。他们的意见被听取;一些其他方面的看法也被纳入设计的考虑范围。例如,现在建筑的选址就是经过慎重考虑后所采纳的对公园生态影响最小的决定之一。因陀般若佛学档案馆,也因此真正实现了服务于公众的承诺。□(覃莺 译)

The Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives (BIA), also known as "Suan Mokkh Bangkok" is dedicated to the heritage of the great Dharma teacher, the Venerable Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. The Foundation aims to use the BIA for gathering, preserving, studying and propagating the works of Buddhadasa Indapanno.The architectural team approached this project in a spirit of faith and respect for Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, providing their design and administrative services on a pro bono basis. At first, the idea was to merely build document storage, but it was agreed that a higher purpose could be served if the archives were seen as a house that helped people understand Buddha's teachings. As a result, the BIA was established as a contemporary Dharma Learning and Edutainment Center facilitating lectures, meditation classes, discussions, exhibitions etc. The Venerable Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's glorious intention was to spread the Dharma to society-domestic and international-regardless of their religious beliefs. He was a great believer in interfaith dialog and the validity of all religions.

The BIA building is one of the few truly successful post-modernist buildings. It sits partially over a large pond at the far northern end of Suan Wachira Benchathat Park. In the middle, there is a large semi-circular outdoor hall or "Tai-Tun" (the underneath space of a traditional Thai house) with several stone carvings illustrating the path to Dharma (Truth). The first floor holds a spacious classroom as well as a large meditation room offering a "Taste of Nibanna".

The multipurpose courtyard is inspired by the original court at Suan Mokkh Chaiya in Surat Thani province. The key feature is a curved wall with a statue of the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva at the center of the wall, surrounded by Buddhist story low relief stone carvings. A modern Zen garden also implements the concept that Dhamma in nature conveys deep meanings of life. Hidden in landscape elements under the shady Zen garden is knowledge and many of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's core teachings. Natural materials such as pebbles, stones, grasses combined with raw rustic surfaces like iron, rusted iron, bare concrete, and wood pull the whole concept together.

This contemporary tropical architecture is designed to be in harmony with the natural environment, allowing the power of nature to enhance the human spirit. Interpreting the essential elements of Suan Mokkh Chaiya, the architects brought in techniques of shade and shadow, used ventilation blocks for effect and included the use of assorted natural materials composed neatly, simply, and plainly in each area. The view of the pond and trees allows waterscape to dominate the structure. Natural ventilation brought into the building is the passive approach to energy efficiency, creating a comfortable zone for users of interior spaces. The place represents a sacred mindfulness retreat and the peacefulness resulting from the design is favorable to any meditation exercise.

The success of this project comes from out of sincere collaboration and a participatory design approach. Park users, members of the Thai State Railways Union and the landowner were all actively involved in the design process. Their opinions were heard and taken into consideration. The present location of the Archives was decided after careful deliberations about causing the least ecological damage to the original park. The Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives are therefore truly dedicated to the public.□

2 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 因陀般若佛学档案馆基金会/Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives Foundation

室内设计/Interior Designers: August Design Consultant Co., Ltd.

结构工程师/Structural Engineers: SSK Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd.

机电工程师/Mechanical and Electrical Engineers: Arun Chaiseri Consulting Engineers Co., Ltd.

承建商/Contractor: Italian-Thai Development PCL.

场地面积/Site Area: 9500m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 3377m2

结构/Structure: 桩基、预制混凝土楼板、带防水系统的钢筋混凝土屋顶/Driven Pile Foundation, Pre-tensioned Concrete Floor, Reinforced Concrete Roof with Water Proof System

设计时间/Design Period: 2007

摄影/Photos: Pit Yaopirom

3 观音道场/Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva teaching ground

4 立面/Elevation

5 那利革池塘/"Na-li-ke" pond

6 立面/Elevation




7“泰屯”——半室外的展示空间/"Tai-Tun", semi-out door exhibition hall


ZHANG Lufeng: This building has a double height colonnade along the lake where their rhythm is reinforced by the reflection of the water. Like these columns, this apparently ordinary building spirit seems to be activated by the lake's reflection. The columns are laid out in such a way that the overall asymmetrical mass of the building takes on a sense of the sacred and monumental. Its massing is heaviest on top and is reduced step-by-step towards the bottom creating a naturally shaded area underneath it all. Such space cleverly and quietly provides the unique shading and ventilation requirements of the local tropical climate. QI Bin: Outside to inside, as well as in its spaces, materials, structure and ornament, the building is permeated with peace, humility, restraint, and the abandonment of earthly desires. Open spaces gradually emerge from the lower part of the building where they coordinate with transitional areas behind the colonnade and work in concert with the nice waterfront prospect. It is as if the scene is a recreation a classic modernist composition. The ring-shaped gallery on the ground floor has a quiet and elegant atmosphere and irregularly placed trees invoke the former state of the site. The hollow brick corridor at the top of the building seems to both exposes and hides the surrounding landscape. This kind of austerity-this light touch-reveals a trace of spiritual abundance.

Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009

Architects: Ashram of Community and Environmental Architect, Arsom Silp Institute of the Arts

8 位于二层的沃瓦达·巴迪莫教义冥想厅/Ovada Patimok meditation hall on floor 1

9 通向档案室的走廊内部空间/Ventilation blocks to interior space of corridor leading to archives room

