

世界建筑 2014年6期

建筑设计:Office AT有限公司


建筑设计:Office AT有限公司

1 从停车场看建筑/View from parking

曼谷大学国际学院和美术馆(BUIC & BUG)项目的最初构想是创建一个汇聚多元文化、生活方式以及社会活动的当代美术馆。在研究了大学的总体规划之后,校园的活动轴线被作为设计要考虑的主要因素。在轴线的一端,三角形的项目地块与城市主路相连。为了延续校园轴线上的所有活动,令学校更具活力,设计师决定将活动轴线延伸到新建筑的内部并穿过建筑直至校外。




整座建筑的墙体材料也根据其功能变化多样。美术馆的大部分外墙采用了裸露的预制混凝土板,通道部分覆以铝制盖板。而整个国际学院部分的外墙则采用透明玻璃与铝翅片,并与美术馆的混凝土板相连锁。建筑6层外包一圈磨砂玻璃。大学与校外之间的衔接区域则覆以穿孔铝板。□(覃莺 译)

The project, the Bangkok University International College and Art Gallery (BUIC & BUG), started with an idea about creating a contemporary art gallery that would exist in conjunction with cultural and lifestyle activities. Analysis of the University's master plan made the activities axis a main factor of consideration. At one end of this axis, connected to the main road, was the triangle-shaped piece of land that became the site of the project. To continue all the activities of the main axis and make the university more dynamic, the designers decided to continue the activities axis into and through the new building to the city beyond.

Simply and strictly following the permitted zoning envelope to create the maximum allowable volume, the new building was built to over 3000m2and 6 floors. Carving out some of this volume at the ground floor along the axis created a new access to the university-the hole created on the ground floor became a new gateway to the campus. On the first and second level above the new activities axis entrance, another big hole-a new multi-purpose spacepenetrates the building. This hole creates a view corridor between off-campus areas and the University outside and vise versa. From this space, users can view all of the campus along the activities axis and also look beyond the school to its Bangkok context. This space is between outside and inside, one that links exterior and interior views. Furthermore, it creates a visual connection on the first and second floors and a physical connection on the ground floor.

The highlight of the building is the Event Stair, created between the visible hole on the second and third floors. It is functionally flexible, accommodates the challenge of different activities and changing events and eliminates the traditional distinction between gallery and other programs. It is a space that continues activities from the activities axis. On a regular day it can be used as circulation or a space for installing art pieces. For a gallery opening, it can be a reception hall or special even podium and so on.

The new building is a mixed use design composed of two main programs: international college and art gallery. Designed as a contemporary art gallery together with a mix of lifestyle activities and serving the mixing cultures of the University's International College, this building adds energy to the already lively City Campus. The Art Gallery programs include a café and bookstore on the ground floor, a gallery office on the first, and the gallery's main programs on the first and third floor. International College programs are located on the second and third floors with a student lounge on the forth and an 80-seat lecture room and 96-seat auditorium on the fifth.

A variety of materials were used in the building. Most of the Art Gallery's exterior walls are of exposed precast concrete panels and with circulation marked with aluminum cladding. All international college programs are housed behind clear glass with aluminum fins-a system that engages the with the gallery's concrete panels. The fifth floor is clad with frosted glass. The "hole" connecting the University to the city is clad with perforated aluminum.□

2 总平面/Site plan

3 剖面/Section

4 从城市主路看建筑外立面/View from main roads

5 位于三层的“活动大厅”/Event hall on the 2ndfloor






项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 曼谷大学/Bangkok University

室内设计/Interior Designers: Office AT Co., Ltd.

场地面积/Site Area: 1032m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 3641m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2004

摄影/Photos: Wison Tungthunya

6 “活动阶梯”/"Event stair"


HAO Lin: A Road to Thai Modern

The Grand Cayman International School and Gallery has a clear program-related massing. Its open lane circulation, exposed elevated theater and associated outdoor plaza reflect the nature of a modern university. It provides openness for the campus, promotes natural ventilation and encourages a spirit of inclusiveness. Such high-quality buildings, executed in a skilled design language, are being seen more and more in the modern Thailand. Whether the design is sophisticated or not, such projects exhibit the current Thai drive to pursue modernism. But when modern Thai architecture becomes detached from its local craftsmanship, cultural heritage and climaterelated traditions it loses its identity. This building, no doubt represents Thailand's growing aspirations and confidence as a developing country en route to a modern educational system and twenty-first-century identity. The building utilizes a Richard Meier-esque design vocabulary and its form, choreography of light and shadow and city-scale design moves are worth praise. But what does the building mean in relation to the rich architectural history of Thailand, its tradition of exotic decoration influenced by climate, its craftsmanship or its rich habit of urban and landscape layers? This new modernity is of high quality but does it offer a unique perspective on the modern-thought or architecture-in Asia? Isn't this the time to reflect on the identity of modern Thai? Thailand, as the only country in Southeast Asia never to be colonized by a Western power, is an important place for this kind of reflection on modernity, a conversation particularly important for the nurturing of the new generations ofThais on campus.

LI Ye: Contradictory Modernism

The building's attitude to its urban context appears successful: the open breezy ground floor plan and section have a nice spatial quality and respond well to the building's environment. But these gestures are the strongest thing about the project and there is little evidence here of creative thinking about the program of a college + gallery in such a context. There seems to be a basic contradiction between the strict cold materiality and scale of the building and the architect's ambition of creating vivid spaces for meetings and communication.

Bangkok University International College and Art Gallery (BUIC & BUG), Bangkok,Thailand, 2006

Architects: Office AT Co., Ltd.


钢·美术馆二层展厅 钢·美术馆一层展厅
曼谷Kaizen Cofee咖啡馆