集装箱临时住宅,女川, 日本


世界建筑 2014年10期


集装箱临时住宅,女川, 日本


1 夜景/Night view










现场叠置的集装箱临时住宅带来的大间距为社区中心的设计提供了可能性。与临时住宅的6m高的集装箱一样,社区中心两侧各有一个集装箱,分别是设备间和仓库。两个集装箱之间架起一个木屋顶,可以同时容纳70人就座。天花板为日本柳杉,地板来自宫城县本地。(尚晋 译)

Since the 3.11 earthquake, we have visited more than 50 evacuation facilities with 1800 units of 2m × 2m with family privacy. During that time, I learned that Onagawa had difficulty in constructing enough temporary shelters due to the lack of flat land. Therefore, we proposed threestory temporary residential buildings made from shipping containers. By stacking these containers in a checkerboard fashion, bright open living spaces were created between the containers. The standard temporary housing provided by the government was of poor quality and there was not enough storage space. We installed built-in closets and shelves in all of our houses with the help of volunteers and with the donation fund. It will become an example of new standards for the evacuation facilities and temporary housing provided by the government.

The Characteristics of Temporary Container Housing

Temporary housing has been deployed in disaster areas. However, the amount of housing is insufficient. The main reason is that most of the damaged coastal areas are not flat lands. As temporary housing is suitable for flat lands, it is difficult provide the numbers of unit needed. In Onagawa, Miyagi prefecture we built residential buildings by stacking existing shipping containers (about 6.1 meters or 20 feet high) in a checkerboard pattern up to three stories.

The characteristics of temporary container housing: Shortening the construction period by usage of existing containers; the wide space between buildings can be used as parking lots, community facility and privacy of families are ensured; open living space can be obtained in the checkerboard pattern; having excellent seismic performance; can be used as a permanent apartment building.

Unit plan

There are three types of plans, 19.82, 29.72and 39.62. 19.82is for one or two residents, 29.72for three to four and 39.62for more than four.

Paper Atelier

This atelier is designed to be donated to Onagawa, Miyagi prefecture, by Japanese painter Hiroshi Senju. The temporary container housing is located in an existing baseball field. The sloped structural frame is composed of wood joints and paper tubes with a diameter of 336mm. Ten frameworks are spaced 1.2m apart. Between the frames there are shelves, which can be used for storage as well as for display. The backboard of the shelves prevents deformation of the frame. Corrugated polycarbonate sheets make up the exterior of the atelier, with clerestory along the north facade to allow soft and natural light to get in.

Community Center

By stacking the temporary container housing on site, wide spacing is achieved for the community center. Similar to the 20 foot containers of the temporary housing, two containers are placed on either side of the community center, which serve as mechanical and storage spaces. Between the containers a wooden roof structure is constructed, which provides seating for 70 people. The Japanese cedar wood is used for the ceiling and the floor came from Miyagi prefecture.

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目团队/Project Team: Shigeru Ban, Nobutaka Hiraga,

Jun Matsumori, Yasunori Harano, Reiji Watabe, Voluntary Architects' Network

结构设计/Structural Engineers: Arup

设备设计/Mechanical Engineers: TSP Taiyo Inc.

总承建方/General Contractor: TSP Taiyo Inc.

建成时间/Construction Period: 2011.11

摄影/Photos: Hiroyuki Hirai

2 19.8m2户型/19.8m2type

3 29.7 m2户型/29.7 m2type

4 39.6 m2户型/39.6 m2type

5 市场/Market

6 分解示意/Exploded diagram

7 轴测/Axonometric view





LIU Tongtong: This work could be the best footnote for "To Build with Care". The biggest highlight of this design is to ensure privacy between families in the limited space of temporary housing, and to raise the living quality for its residents. Super professional skills are poured into the design, as well as endless caring for its residents. Here the architect is no longer a superior "almsgiver". What he offers is also no longer a shelter from the storm, but a living space full of hope, a space in which dignity and privacy can be contained.

LIU Yichun: Wherever there is an earthquake, there will be Shigeru Ban. Disasters force us to reflect on the basic requirements a living space, such as security, speed, and psychological consolation. While shipping containers satisfy the needs of quick construction, effective cutting opens up spaces and allows a better quality of life. Although Shigeru Ban's light paper tube structural system is not suitable for mass production, it fulfills the role of a "heart shelter" in face of disaster, for it is absolutely light, warm, round, soft, and able to give people a sense of security after their suffers. In this way, architecture is able to break away from the fetter of history and return to the discussions on the values of shelter brought about by basic construction.

Container Temporary Housing, Onagawa, Japan, 2011

Architects: Shigeru Ban Architects

8.9 内景/Interior view

10 社区中心外景/Community center exterior

11 社区中心内景/Community center interior

12 纸造画室外景/Atelier exterior

13 纸造画室内景/Atelier interior

14 市场开业典礼/Market at opening ceremony

15 市场内景/Market interior


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