范路,张利/FAN Lu, ZHANG Li
Constructing Innovation and Social Care: An Interview with Shigeru Ban
范路,张利/FAN Lu, ZHANG Li
坂茂/Shigeru Ban
1977-1980 南加州建筑学院
1980-1982 库珀联盟建筑学院
1984 获库珀联盟建筑学院建筑学学士学位
1982-1983 矶崎新工作室,东京
1985 在东京成立私人工作室
1995 创立非政府组织——建筑师志愿者网络(VAN)1995-1999 联合国难民事务高级专员顾问
1993-1995 多摩美术大学建筑系兼职教授
1995-1999 横滨国立大学建筑系兼职教授
1996-2000 日本大学建筑系兼职教授
2000 哥伦比亚大学客座教授
2001-2008 庆应义塾大学教授
2010 哈佛大学客座教授
2011- 京都艺术与设计大学教授
2001 时代杂志年度创新人物
2004 美国建筑师学会荣誉资深会员(HFAIA)2005 英国皇家建筑师学会国际奖学金(IFRIBA)
2006 加拿大皇家建筑师学会荣誉院士
2006-2009 普利兹克建筑奖评委会成员
2009 慕尼黑工业大学名誉博士学位
2010 法国艺术与文学学院硕士
2011 法国国家荣誉勋章
2014 库珀联盟名誉博士学位
2014 普利兹克建筑奖
August 5,1957, Tokyo, Japan
1977-1980 Southern California Institute of Architecture 1980-1982 Cooper Union School of Architecture
1984 Received Bachelor of Architecture from Cooper Union
1982-1983 Arata Isozaki, Tokyo
1985 Established private practice in Tokyo
1995 Established NGO, Voluntary Architects' Network (VAN)
1995-1999 Consultant of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
1993-1995 Adjunct Professor of Architecture at Tama Art University
1995-1999 Adjunct Professor of Architecture at Yokohama National University
1996-2000 Adjunct Professor of Architecture at Nihon University
2000 Visiting Professor of Columbia University Visiting Fellow of Donald Keen Center, Columbia University
2001-2008 Professor of Keio University
2010 Visiting Professor of Harvard University GSD Visiting Professor of Cornell University
2011- Professor, Kyoto University of Art and Design Recognition
2001 Time Magazine Innovator of the Year
2004 Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (HFAIA)
2005 International Fellowship of the Royal Institute of British Architects (IFRIBA)
Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Amherst College
2006 Honorary Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (HRAIC)
2006-2009 Jury Member of the Pritzker Architecture Prize
2009 Honorary Doctorate of Technical University of Munich
2010 l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in France
2011 l'Ordre National du Mérite in France
2014 Honorary Doctorate of Cooper Union
2014 The Pritzker Architecture Prize
坂茂:可以说是,也可以说不是。在许多不同的文化中——西方的、伊斯兰的等等,都有这种之间的空间(in between spaces)存在。
坂茂:从这些项目一开始,我都是与一位瑞士木结构工程师赫尔曼·布鲁默(Hermann Blumer)合作。WA:您还十分重视项目中的家具设计,经常花精力设计用于储藏和展示的格架。是否这意味着您十分关注建筑中发生的日常生活?
WA: Paper tubes, beer crates and containers are often used as fundamental architectural elements in your projects. Does your attitude towards these ready-made products benefit from your educational experience in SCI-Arc and Pop Art aesthetics in California?
Ban: No.
WA: Paper tubes are your favourite building material. Besides they are cheap and available everywhere, are there any other advantages for using them, such as suitable for different types of joint or rhythmical image?
Ban: I like any material even concrete and steel. Other advantage of paper tube is light weight, so that the construction can be done even by students. Also it creates totally different type of architectural forms.
WA: When paper tubes are transported from one country to another, will the freight cost more than the expense of buying local materials?
Ban: I never transport paper tube except the Paper Church in Taiwan relocated from Kobe. Although it should be cheaper to use locally available paper tube in Taiwan, at this time it has other important message and meaning to re-use Paper Church used for the victims of the Kobe earthquake for the victims of the Taiwan earthquake.
WA: In both humanitarian work and monumental projects, innovation related to building materials and structures is always your focus. But what is the difference between innovative strategies in those two types of projects?
Ban: There is no difference.
WA: Spatial continuity between interior and exterior and translucent magical atmosphere are also your design themes. Do those themes come from traditional Japanese housing space?
Ban: Yes or (and) No. Those kind of in between spaces exists in many spaces of different culture, west, Islamic…
WA: In Chinese projects - Paper Temporary Chengdu Hualin Elementary School and Lushan Cardboard Tubes Kindergarten, did you get in any special troubles in construction process?
Ban: Yes. For Hualin Elementary school, the wooden joint made by a local company was a defective product. It had to be solid wood joint, but it was empty inside.
WA: In projects of Korean Golf Club House, Centre Pompidou-Metz, and Zurich Tamedia Building, how did you cooperate with structural engineers during the process of those innovative and expressive timber structures design?
Ban: I collaborated with the same Swiss timber engineer, Hermann Blumer, from the beginning of the project.
WA: Furniture design such as shelves for storage and display is also paid a lot of attention in your work. Does this express your care for everyday living in buildings?
Ban: Yes. Also I would like to design everything by myself.
WA: One element that makes humanitarian projects more convincing is the long-term social effect. Do you trace the long-term usage of your humanitarian projects? If so, what are the results?
Ban: I come back to see those projects after a while. Always maintenances are necessary.
WA: We are living in a time of political correctness. Is political correctness over rated in contemporary architecture?
Ban: I never thought about it.