

中国骨与关节杂志 2014年8期

李 军 付 强

. 脊柱微创外科 Minimally invasive spine surgery .


李 军 付 强

目的探讨经皮内镜椎板间入路技术治疗钙化型腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效及手术技巧。方法2011 年 11月 至 2013 年 6 月,我院收治的钙化型腰椎间盘突出症患者共 56 例,分别采用经皮内镜椎板间入路手术 ( I 组,28 例 ) 和传统开窗手术 ( II 组,28 例 ) 治疗。于术前及术后 1 天、3 个月、6 个月,采用 Oswestry 功能障碍指数 ( oswestry disability index,ODI )、视觉疼痛模拟评分 ( visual analogue scale,VAS )和 MacNab 改良的疗效评定标准对患者进行评估,并统计手术时间、术中出血量、切除骨量、术后并发症、住院时间等指标。结果两组手术疗效明显,术后 1 天、3 个月、6 个月两组 VAS 评分分别为 ( 3.52±0.23,2.99±0.11,3.15±0.19;4.02±0.23,3.48±0.13,3.03±0.04 ),较术前 ( 7.36±0.29;7.29±0.28 ) 均有明显改善;ODI 指数分别从术前 ( 70.18±1.63;69.82±1.31 ) 降至 ( 34.24±1.39,32.84±1.38,33.33±1.40;36.51±1.39,33.50±1.50,32.48±2.87 ),术后 6 个月两组 VAS 评分和 ODI 指数差异均无统计学意义( P=0.34,P=0.80 )。术后 6 个月,依据 MacNab 标准,两组患者优良率差异无统计学意义 ( 96.4%∶92.9%,P=0.62 )。I 组在术中出血量、切除骨量、住院时间均明显优于 II 组 ( P<0.001 );手术时间 I 组长于 II 组( 52.93±6.66 分:41.79±7.85 分,P<0.001 )。术后并发症,I 组 2 例下肢麻木,1 例硬膜破裂;II 组 1 例下肢麻木,4 例经保守对症治疗后均痊愈,无永久性神经损害或症状加重。结论与传统开窗手术相比,经皮内镜椎板间入路技术治疗钙化型腰椎间盘突出症可以达到相同的临床疗效,同时具有组织损伤小、手术时间及住院康复时间短等优势。


钙化型腰椎间盘突出症 ( calcified lumbar disc herniation ) 是腰椎间盘突出症中一种较为特殊的类型,是在椎间盘退行性病变的基础上伴发椎间盘钙化,多发生于中老年患者[1-3]。以往多采用传统开放手术治疗,但该手术方式存在组织损伤大、并发症多、手术时间及住院时间长等诸多不足之处。因钙化的椎间盘组织坚硬,并多伴有神经根压迫、硬膜囊粘连,在经皮内镜下切除钙化的椎间盘组织存在一定的困难与挑战,既往认为钙化型腰椎间盘突出症是经皮内镜手术的禁忌证。近年来,随着内镜微创手术技术及手术器械的不断提高和完善,少数脊柱微创外科医生对此进行了探索。目前,经皮内镜椎板间入路技术治疗钙化型腰椎间盘突出症病例数仍然较少,文献报道少见。2011 年 11 月至 2013 年6 月,我院对 28 例钙化型腰椎间盘突出症患者采用经皮内镜椎板间入路技术进行治疗,现报道如下。



2011 年 11 月至 2013 年 6 月,我院收治钙化型腰椎间盘突出症患者共计 56 例,其中经皮内镜椎板间入路技术治疗 28 例 ( I 组,男 20 例,女 8 例 )中,平均年龄 35.71±13.03 ( 19~66 ) 岁,平均病程48.07±10.36 ( 30~72 ) 个月;L4~5椎间隙 11 例,L5~S1椎间隙 17 例。传统开窗手术组 28 例 ( II 组,男 21 例,女 7 例 ) 中,平均年龄 36.89±13.01 ( 18~65 ) 岁,平均病程 50.25±9.04 ( 38~68 ) 个月;L4~5椎间隙 12 例,L5~S1椎间隙 16 例。分别对患者的术前一般情况、手术情况、手术疗效及恢复状况进行记录并评价,包括手术时间、术中出血量、切除骨量、术后并发症、住院时间、术后 ODI 指数、术后 VAS 评分和 MacNab 标准评估。


1. 纳入标准:( 1 ) 腰背痛伴单侧下肢放射痛和( 或 ) 麻木感,直腿抬高试验<70°;( 2 ) 术前 CT 证实为明显的钙化型腰椎间盘突出;( 3 ) 症状严重,经正规保守治疗 2 个月以上无效或病史>1 年,影响正常工作和生活;( 4 ) 均为单一节段突出[4]。

2. 排除标准:( 1 ) 初发病程短,症状轻,且影像学表现不明显者;( 2 ) 非钙化型腰椎间盘突出患者;( 3 ) 合并脊柱肿瘤占位性病变、腰椎不稳、严重腰椎管狭窄、腰椎结核、感染等病变者;( 4 )伴有凝血功能障碍、慢性心肺疾病等不能耐受手术者[5]。


1. 术前准备:术前评估腰椎 X 线、CT、MRI 等影像学资料,仔细观察突出钙化椎间盘组织大小、位置及神经根和硬膜囊的毗邻关系;分析关节突关节、侧隐窝、神经根管、椎间孔大小和髂脊高度等情况,根据以上资料综合确认切口部位。术前仔细检查并按量表进行评分。

2. 手术过程:I 组全身麻醉成功后,患者取俯卧位,术野常规碘伏消毒铺无菌巾,在“C”型臂X 线机辅助下确定病变椎间隙,于病变椎间隙棘突旁取一长约 8 mm 的纵行切口。切开皮肤、皮下组织及筋膜,逐级置入扩张管抵达椎板间隙,钝性剥离黄韧带及椎板上附着肌肉组织。置入外径 7 mm 工作套管至椎板间黄韧带后方,放入内镜。在镜下用punch 钳切除部分黄韧带后,探查神经根、硬膜囊位置。从神经根肩部推入工作套管 ( 斜口向内 ),确定推至椎间隙深度后,旋转套管将神经根向内侧推移出视野。探查椎间盘突出及钙化情况,采用镜下磨钻、环钻、工作套管、激光、骨凿及咬骨钳等工具将钙化组织切除。髓核钳取出突出的椎间盘组织,严密止血,探查确认神经根、硬膜囊无受压。取出工作套筒及内镜,缝合切口[6]( 图 1 )。

II 组按常规开窗手术进行。

3. 术后处理:术后 6 h 内绝对卧床,给予脱水剂、地塞米松、抗生素等处理,并监测患者基本生命体征。术后 1 天进行神经系统检查和相应评分;术后第 1 天可进行翻身、搀扶慢走,下床活动时给予腰围保护。术后 7~10 天内仍以卧床休息为主,嘱患者术后 3 个月内避免从事重体力劳动,并减少弯腰、持重物等活动。


所有获得数据应用 SPSS 19.0 软件进行统计学分析,计量资料以±s 表示,采用 t 检验,计数资料采用 χ2检验,P<0.05 为差异有统计学意义。对两组组内手术前、后各项评价指标分别进行配对 t 检验,探讨两种手术方法的临床疗效如何;对两组组间手术前、后各项指标分别进行独立样本 t 检验,对比分析两种手术方法治疗疗效是否存在差异。

图 1 患者,男,37 岁,下腰痛伴坐下左下肢放射性疼痛 2 年,加重 1 个月 a:术前 CT 横切位示钙化灶 ( 钙化灶 );b:术前 CT 示向下方脱出的髓核组织;c:术前MRI T1WI 示 L5 ~ S1 髓核脱出;d:术前 MRI T2WI示 L5 ~ S1 髓核脱出,混杂低信号影;e:术前 MRIT2WI 横切位示 L5 ~ S1 椎间盘左侧突出,混杂低信号影;f:镜下见钙化灶 (?钙化灶 );g:在镜下用环锯切除钙化灶;h:钙化灶切除后可见下面的椎间盘及向下方脱出的髓核 (?脱出的髓核 );i:术中切除的钙化灶及脱出髓核组织 (?切除的钙化灶;切除的髓核组织 );j:术后 CT 横切位示钙化灶被切除Fig.1 A 37-year-old male patient with low back pain combined with radiating pain in the left lower limb for 2 years which were aggravated for 1 month a: The preoperative transverse section CT showed the calcifcation (?calcifcation ); b: The preoperative CT showed the nucleus pulposus protruded downward; c: The preoperative saggital MRI showed the protruded nucleus pulposus of level L5-S1 on T1-weighted images; d: The preoperative saggital MRI showed the protruded nucleus pulposus was combined with hypointensity rim of level L5-S1 on T2-weighted images; e: The preoperative transverse section MRI showed the L5-S1 intervertebral disc protruded to the left side and was combined with hypointensity rim; f: The calcifcation was exposed under the endoscope (?calcifcation ); g: The resection of the calcifcation under the endoscope by a trephine; h: The disc and protruded nucleus pulposus could be seen after the resection of the calcifcation (?protruded nucleus pulposus ); i: The excisional calcifed tissues and parts of the protruded nucleus pulposus (?calcifed tissues;?protruded nucleus pulposus ); j: The postoperative transverse section CT showed the calcifcation had been removed

结 果

对各项记录指标进行统计分析:VAS 评分术前与术后 1 天、3 个月、6 个月随访比较,I 组分别从术前 7.36±0.29 降至 3.52±0.23,2.99± 0.11,3.15±0.19 ( P<0.001 );II 组分别从术前7.29±0.28 降至 4.02±0.23,3.48±0.13,3.03±0.04 ( P<0.001 )。ODI 指数术前与术后 1 天、3 个月、6 个月随访比较,I 组分别从术前 70.18±1.63 降至 34.24±1.39,32.84±1.38,33.33±1.40 ( P<0.001 );II 组分别从术前 69.82±1.31 降至36.51±1.39,33.50±1.50,32.48±2.87 ( P<0.001 ) ( 表 1 )。两组间比较:术后 1 天 VAS 评分,I 组( 3.52±0.23 ) 优于 II 组 ( 4.02±0.23 ) ( P<0.01 );术后 6 个月,两组 VAS 评分差异无统计学意义 ( P=0.34 )。术后 1 天 ODI 指数,I 组 ( 34.24±1.39 ) 优于II 组 ( 36.51±1.39 ) ( P<0.05 );术后 6 个月两组 ODI指数差异无统计学意义 ( P=0.80 )。术后 6 个月随访时根据改良 MacNab 标准评价术后疗效,其中 I 组优24 例、良 3 例、可 1 例、差 0 例,优良率为 96.4% ( 27 / 28 );II 组优 23 例、良 3 例、可 2 例、差 0 例,优良率为 92.9% ( 26 / 28 ),两组差异无统计学意义( P=0.62 ) ( 表 2 )。I 组术中平均出血量、切除骨量及术后平均住院时间均优于 II 组,各项指标差异均有统计学意义 ( P<0.001 );I 组平均手术时间长于II 组 ( 52.93±6.66 分:41.79±7.85 分,P<0.001 )。并发症:术后 I 组发生下肢麻木 2 例,硬膜破裂1 例;II 组发生 1 例下肢麻木。4 例经保守对症治疗后均痊愈,无永久性神经损害或症状加重者,两组并发症比较差异无统计学意义 ( P=0.31 ) ( 表 3 )。术中所切除的突出椎间盘组织均切取标本送病理检查,镜下见纤维环断裂、肿胀,为致密结缔组织包绕并有软骨细胞浸润,髓核明显变性钙化,基质中有钙盐沉着。

表2 两组术前、术-后 1 天、3 个月、6 个月 VAS 评分、ODI 指数及 MacNab 比较 (±s )Tab.2 Comparison of the VAS, ODI and MacNab scores preoperatively and at 1- day, 3months and 6 months after the surgery between the 2 groups (±s )

表2 两组术前、术-后 1 天、3 个月、6 个月 VAS 评分、ODI 指数及 MacNab 比较 (±s )Tab.2 Comparison of the VAS, ODI and MacNab scores preoperatively and at 1- day, 3months and 6 months after the surgery between the 2 groups (±s )

指标 I 组 II 组 P 值术前 VAS 7.36±0.29 7.29±0.28 0.21术后 1 天 VAS 3.52±0.23 4.02±0.23 <0.01术后 3 个月 VAS 2.99±0.11 3.48±0.13 <0.05术后 6 个月 VAS 3.15±0.19 3.03±0. 04 0.34术前 ODI 70.18±1.63 69.82±1.31 0.42术后 1 天 ODI 34.24±1.39 36.51±1.39 <0.05术后 3 个月 ODI 32.84±1.38 33.50±1.50 0.18术后 6 个月 ODI 33.33±1.40 32.48±2.87 0.80 MacNab优24 ( 85.71% ) 23 ( 82.14% ) 0.62良3 ( 10.71% ) 3 ( 10.71% )可1 ( 3.52% ) 2 ( 7.14% )差0 0

表3 患者一般指标比较 (±s )Tab.3 Comparison of patient demographics and characteristics at baseline (±s )

表3 患者一般指标比较 (±s )Tab.3 Comparison of patient demographics and characteristics at baseline (±s )

指标 I 组 II 组 P 值病例数 28 28 -性别 ( 男 / 女 ) 20 / 8 21 / 7 0.77年龄 ( 岁 ) 35.71±13.03 36.89±13.01 0.099病史 ( 月 ) 48.07±10.36 50.25± 9.04 0.21手术时间 ( 分 ) 52.93± 6.66 41.79± 7.85 <0.001术中出血量 ( ml ) 20.08± 1.82 40.14± 3.65 <0.001切除骨量 ( g ) 2.57± 0.48 13.71± 1.50 <0.001住院时间 ( 天 ) 3.20± 0.38 7.38± 0.54 <0.001并发症 3 ( 10.71% ) 1 ( 3.57% )切口感染 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 )硬膜破裂 1 ( 3.57% ) 0 ( 0 ) 0.31下肢麻木 2 ( 7.14% ) 1 ( 3.57% )

表1 I、II 两组术前与术后 1 天、3 个月、6 个月 VAS 评分、ODI 指数比较 (±s )Tab.1 Comparison of the VAS and ODI scores preoperatively and at 1 day, 3months and 6 months after the surgery in group I and group II (±s )

表1 I、II 两组术前与术后 1 天、3 个月、6 个月 VAS 评分、ODI 指数比较 (±s )Tab.1 Comparison of the VAS and ODI scores preoperatively and at 1 day, 3months and 6 months after the surgery in group I and group II (±s )

注:a术后 1 天与术前比较;b术后 6 个月与术前比较Notice:aMeant the comparison between the preoperative scores and the scores at 1 day after the operation;bMeant the comparison between the preoperative scores and the scores at 6 months after the operation

组别 指标 术前 术后 1 天 P 值a 术后 3 个月 术后 6 个月 P 值bI 组 VAS 7.36±0.29 3.52±0.23 <0.001 2.99±0.11 3.15±0.19 <0.001 ODI 70.18±1.63 34.24±1.39 <0.001 32.84±1.38 33.33±1.40 <0.001 II 组 VAS 7.29±0.28 4.02±0.23 <0.001 3.48±0.13 3.03±0.04 <0.001 ODI 69.82±1.31 36.51±1.39 <0.001 33.50±1.50 32.48±2.87 <0.001

讨 论

近年来,钙化型腰椎间盘突出症发病率越来越高,据文献报道发生率在 4.7%~15.9%[1-2],且有逐年升高的趋势。其发病机制尚不明确,国内外学者进行了相关研究[7-10]。Wu 等[11]研究认为随着年龄增加,软骨终板逐渐钙化,引发椎间盘的退变、钙化,而椎间盘的钙化这一病理过程,会极大影响椎间盘的营养供应及其自身代谢,因而又会加速椎间盘的退行性变,这就形成了一个恶性循环;Peng等[12]的研究也验证了椎间盘钙化与椎间盘退变之间的关系。根据本组资料显示,钙化型腰椎间盘突出症的发病年龄逐步年轻化。分析原因大多数患者都有应用多种中医药或者介入治疗史,且病程较长。在椎间盘退行性病变的基础上,合并各种外界因素的刺激作用,使得局部血管等组织增生机化,从而加速椎间盘的钙化[2]。



随着脊柱微创手术技术的不断成熟和手术器械的不断发展,钙化型腰椎间盘突出症已不再是经皮内镜技术的禁忌证。本组 28 例钙化型腰椎间盘突出症患者采用经皮内镜椎板间入路手术治疗,在镜下磨钻、环钻、工作套管、激光、骨凿及咬骨钳等专门的微创器械的辅助下,可切除压迫硬膜囊、神经根的钙化椎间盘组织,将神经根彻底减压。与开放手术不同,经皮内镜下手术操作空间有限,须充分止血。另外经皮内镜下完整切除钙化的椎间盘组织相对较困难,操作需更加谨慎,往往需结合多种手术器械,对术者的操作技巧和手术经验要求更高[13]。根据我们的经验,部分病例并不需要将钙化灶完全切除,仅需切除压迫神经的部分即可达到减压的目的。

在本研究中,两组术后 ODI 指数、VAS 评分等评价指标较术前均有明显下降,说明经皮内镜椎板间入路手术与传统开窗手术同样为治疗钙化型腰椎间盘突出症的有效手段。另外,经皮内镜椎板间入路手术切口较小,手术过程中保留了关节突、棘突、椎板、黄韧带等复合结构,从而对脊柱稳定性的影响较小[14],术后可短时间恢复,术后 1 天 VAS评分、ODI 指数 I 组即优于 II 组,住院时间也缩短为 3 天。

手术入路方面,经椎间孔侧后入路暴露范围有限,很难对钙化灶完整暴露,特别对于髂嵴较高的L5~S1节段。同时这一入路镜下分离钙化灶与神经根之间粘连的操作比较困难。经后侧椎板间入路更加符合外科医生的手术习惯,可充分暴露钙化灶,手术视野清晰。探查范围广泛可充分切除钙化灶、分离神经根,进行充分减压。本组 28 例钙化型腰椎间盘突出症病患,均采用后侧椎板间入路,手术效果良好。

术后 I 组出现 2 例下肢麻木,1 例硬膜破裂,经积极对症治疗后缓解。II 组因切口大、组织结构破坏重,增加了手术部位与外界接触的机会,故切口感染可能性增加,术前术后应进行相应对症治疗,避免切口感染的发生。两种手术方式,在术中都不可避免的触及神经组织,导致神经根水肿,继发术后下肢麻木。术中发现钙化的椎间盘组织往往与周围组织结构如硬膜囊、神经根等粘连,并常合并继发性椎管狭窄或侧隐窝狭窄,增加了手术难度,而且易使神经根过度牵拉,因此术中应仔细、轻柔操作,避免不必要的医源性损伤,尽可能减少硬膜破裂、切口感染等并发症[15]。

尽管经皮内镜技术有以上诸多优势,但并不是所有的患者均适合开展此类手术。术前应充分评估患者病情,结合 CT、MRI 等影像学指标,以临床经验为辅助,充分进行术前规划,并预测术中可能出现的状况及处理手段,严格执行诊断、纳入标准及排除标准,从而保证手术疗效与安全性[16]。


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( 本文编辑:马超 )

An analysis of short-term clinical outcomes of percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar approach for calcified lumbar disc herniation

LI Jun, FU Qiang. Department of Orthopedics, Changhai Hospital, the second Military Medical University, Shanghai, 200433, PRC Corresponding author: FU Qiang, Email:

ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical outcomes and surgical techniques of percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar approach for calcifed lumbar disc herniation.MethodsFrom November 2011 to June 2013, 56 patients with calcifed lumber disc herniation were adopted, who were then divided into 2 groups. The patients in Group I ( n=28 ) were treated with percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar approach, and the patients in Group II ( n=28 ) underwent traditional open surgery. The assessment was performed using the Oswestry Disability Index ( ODI ), Visual Analogue Scale ( VAS ) and the modifed Macnab criteria preoperatively and at 1 day, 3 months and 6 months after the operation. The parameters were recorded such as the operation time, intraoperative blood loss, amount of removed bone, postoperative complications, hospital stays and so on.ResultsThe surgical results in both groups were satisfactory. The preoperative VAS scores were 7.36±0.29 points in Group I, which were signifcantly improved to 3.52±0.23, 2.99±0.11 and 3.15±0.19 points at 1 day, 3 months and 6 months after the surgery. The preoperative VAS scores were 7.29±0.28 points in Group II, which were signifcantly improved to 4.02±0.23, 3.48±0.13 and 3.03±0.04 points at 1 day, 3 months and 6 months after the surgery. The preoperative ODI scores were 70.18±1.63 points in Group I, which were decreased to 34.24±1.39, 32.84±1.38 and 33.33±1.40 points at 1 day, 3 months and 6 months after the surgery. The preoperative ODI scores were 69.82±1.31 points in Group II, which were decreased to 36.51±1.39, 33.50±1.50 and 32.48±2.87 points at 1 day, 3 months and 6 months after the surgery. No obvious differences in the VASscore and ODI score at 6 months after the surgery were noticed between the 2 groups ( P=0.34, P=0.80 ). According to the MacNab criteria, the excellent and good rates were 96.4% and 92.9%, without statistically signifcant differences between the 2 groups ( P=0.62 ). When it came to the intraoperative blood loss, amount of removed bone and hospital stays, Group I was signifcantly superior to Group II ( P<0.001 ). The operation time in Group I was 52.93±6.66 min, which was longer than 41.79±7.85 min in Group II ( P<0.001 ). In terms of the postoperative complications, 2 patients had lower limb numbness and 1 patient experienced dural tear in Group I, whereas, 1 patient had lower limb numbness in Group II. All the 4 patients were treated conservatively and recovered, and there was no permanent nerve root injury or aggregation.ConclusionsThe clinical outcomes of percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar technique are equal to that of traditional open surgery in the treatment of calcifed lumbar disc herniation, with the advantages of less tissue injury and reduced operation time and rehabilitation period. All in all, percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar technique is worthy of clinical application.

Lumbar vertebrae; Intervertebral disc displacement; Calcifcation, physiologic; Diskectomy, percutaneous; Endoscopy


Th776.1, R681.5

200433 上海,第二军医大学附属长海医院脊柱外科


2014-05-28 )

