

世界建筑导报 2014年4期

设计者: 王维仁建筑设计研究室+杨瑞祯建筑师事务所

地点: 台中县和平乡南势村车关路和兴巷60号

委托人: 台中县和平乡福民国小

基地面积: 16 030 m2

建筑面积/楼地板面积: 2 138m2

完工时间: 2002年6月

Architect: Wang Weijen Architecture + J. C. Yang Architect and Associates

Location: Taichung, Taiwan

Commissioner: Fu Min Elementary School

Site Arera: 16 030 m2

Floor Area: 2 138m2

Completion: June 2002

第一次我们拿着学校给我们的基地现况图, 走在瓦砾满地的校园, 建筑物没有了, 剩下一棵棵大大小小的树木。我注意到图纸上密密麻麻的, 精确的标明了每一棵大小树木的位置和学名, 一问之下知道是总务长在地震后逐一标记在图上给建筑师用的。校长详细的叙述这几棵樱桃树是那一件种的, 春天开什么样的花….感动之余, 才穴正体会这里的每一个环境对象:开旗台, 小鱼池, 秋千架, 滑梯, 当然有每一棵树木, 都是他们有意义的生活整体。在草图上无意识的画着建筑物的可能位置时, 线条不知不觉的就避开了这一些大大小小的树木。

最后的建筑线条变成在树木之间游走:川廊开圆洞给大树, 餐厅开天井给樱桃树, 廊道的木地板延伸到大王椰树干上, 小朋友就脱掉鞋子一路从教室走到树下…不砍去任何一棵树就成了支配设计最重要的力量。

这就是我们的设计构想:我们尽量的保留了学校的每一棵大树小树, 不只是因为生态保育, 更因为这些村民们的集体记忆。我们的建筑物在平面图上歪七扭八不是因为要解构或虚拟任何东西, 是因为建筑物绕树而行, 与大树共舞。我们不需要景观建筑师与植栽计划, 因为建筑空间就是植栽计划。

因为建筑物与大树共舞, 我们没有太多意识的几何形式沈迷, 设计随着视觉与处觉的意识而开展松动, 连窗户都随着动起来了。

This design challenges the standardized given program, re-evaluating the meaning of all daily-life objects: fish-pond, sand pit, slide, pavilion, particularly every trees of large and small that still remains in the campus after the earthquake. By sketching the possible location of the new building and consciously avoided touching all the trees. the building line, therefore, moves and wiggles among the trees, connecting elements and making spaces with their daily-life trace, activating the potential of activities created by architecture and trees.

The design tried to have the building to be not taller than the trees and to move among them, making it an integral part of the setting. The building form started from adopting the L-shaped dwelling type in the village, and gradually transformed into a organic linear building mass which anchor the open field and trees. Rather than following particular spatial ideology or geometry, it allowed the building form to follow our senses—sight, sound and touch, sunrise and sunset, wind and light. As the building wiggles through the woods and dance with the trees, even the façade windows and roof shape starts to move and follow the rhythm of the children, music,mountain and trees.

首层平面 ground floor plan

二层平面 first floor plan

分析图 Analysis


夏日北至 与荷共舞
与神共舞Nissan GT—R与TA的故事