

语数外学习·上旬 2013年5期



How much attention do you pay to what you put in your body, in other words, food? As we get older, we start to think about this more and more. Maybe you have started making more of your own eating choices or even preparing your own meals. Maybe you have just become extra-aware of how food affects you inside and out. You are not alone!

Brian, 11, tells us, “I just wish I would eat healthier food. Im not exactly on the thin side.”

Jessica, 12, says, “If I had another chance, I would choose to eat less junk food and eat more healthy foods. I would also treat myself to candies only once a week.”

Melissa, 11, writes that she would like to change how much she eats for dinner. “I always eat 2 or 3 servings for dinner,” she says.

Allie, 11, says, “I would make myself like more foods.”

It is not much fun denying (拒绝) ourselves something we want to eat. On the other hand, eating lots of junk food and sweets can make us feel a little unpleasant, and maybe guilty because we have not been good to our bodies. IML is here to give you the facts you need to be food smarts, along with advice on having good eating habits that actually work in the real world and will hopefully stay with you for the rest of your life.

Remember: This is not a guide to lose weight! If you feel you are overweight, talk to a parent, doctor, or school nurse about whether you really need to lose some pounds and find a safe, sound way to do it.

1. What is the best title for the reading?

A. We are fatter and fatter.

B. A guide to lose weight.

C. Food smarts: Whats in you?

D. Lets start to lose weight.

2. Who is the oldest one of all the people mentioned above?

A. Brian. B. Jessica.

C. Melissa. D. Allie.

3. What does the underlined word “this” refer to?

A. What you put in your body.

B. How much attention.

C. What food is healthy.

D. Food lists.

4. What should you do if you feel you are overweight?

A. Talk to a parent, doctor and find a safe, sound way to do it.

B. Stay at home.

C. Eat some pills to lose weight.

D. Dont eat any food in the morning.

5. You can read the passage in a magazine about __________.

A. fashion B. schooling

C. health D. sports


Clubs for the brain are now very popular in the US. Many people are willing to pay for their brain health. So they would like to join such clubs to keep their brain energetic and healthy.

Linda Hale Bucklin, a 63-year-old writer, joined a brain club at once when she saw it in her neighborhood. She now goes there three times a week. She thinks the practice has helped her find her car keys faster and improved her tennis skills.

One small club for the brain has had about 200 members since December 2007, according to its owner. Each member pays$60 a month to deal with “brain health” software on computers.

Thousands of Americans are choosing to join a brain club. They dont think its a waste of money. In the US, the number of brain clubs is increasing greatly all over the country, though they may be small.

A club for brain must have a computer lab with software from the companies. Such software is used to improve brain health. The companies provide “brain health” programs, relaxation exercise and basic cognitive(认知的) training for the clubs.

Similar programs about brain health are also easy to find on home computers. Sometimes some of them are free for people.

Some health clubs put traditional exercise and brain exercise together. The owners think that brain exercise works out fine after physical exercise.

6. Some Americans join the brain club to ________.

A. improve their bodies

B. keep balance of their bodies

C. improve tennis skills

D. make their brain healthy

7. American people improve brain health in clubs by ________.

A. physical exercise

B. computer software

C. answering questions

D. traditional exercise

8. The number of brain clubs is increasing greatly because ________.

A. its fun and cheap

B. its not a waste of money

C. many Americans enjoy them

D. there are such computer software

9. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Many people would like to pay for their brain health.

B. Clubs provide people with software on brain health.

C. To improve brain people must go to some brain clubs.

D. Brain exercise may work out fine after physical exercise.

10. The writer tells us some information about ________ in the US.

A. brain health

B. club development

C. brain safety

D. traditional exercise


The Australian government reported the dream job in the newspaper and on the Internet. They wanted to look for a worker to take care of the beautiful Australian island in the Great Barrier Reef. Many people dreamt of “the best job in the world”.

Whats the dream job like? It pays nearly $100000 for six months and they would like to pay the cost of the flights from the winners home country to the island. The winner can do many things like swimming, surfing and writing a blog to report this area.

There were almost 35000 people from 200 countries who hoped to get the dream job. In the end, 50 people from 22 countries, including three Chinese, were chosen. The public all over the world could watch these 50 persons videos at and then they were allowed to choose their own favourite. The 50 videos were made to show everything about the 50 persons. The government would choose 11 from these top 50 people in the end. Then the 11 winners would come to the Australian island for the final interview. Finally, the final winner was reported on August 1, and the job began on October 1.

Everything has been over. It is really the best job in the world? Many people think its hard to say. Whatever people say, the small Australian island has become popular worldwide since then.

11. The job is called “the best job in the world” because .

A. its pleasant and has a good pay

B. it pays cost from the home country

C. it allows workers to do fun sports

D. its supported by the government

12. Many people all over the world got ____ in the job.

A. tired B. interested

C. annoyed D. upset

13. People could get the information of the 50 people by ________.

A. visiting

B. writing blogs on the Internet

C. coming to the island themselves

D. asking the Australian government

14. In the end, ________ people came to the island for the final interview.

A. 35000 B. 200 C. 50 D. 11

15. The writer tells us something about in the passage.

A. the small island

B. the Australian government

C. the job on the island

D. the strategy of the island


A: 1—5 CBAAC

B: 6—10 DBCCA

C: 11—15 ABADC


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