中图分类号:F323.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)05-1218-04
Study on the Transaction Costs of Agricultural Land Transfer Based on Specific Investment Level
GUO Bin,LIU Yuan
(College of Management, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055,China)
Abstract: Aimed at the problem of higher transaction costs of agricultural land transfer, this paper applies transaction cost and incomplete contract theory, through the incomplete contract model, analyses the core part of the transaction costs in the agricultural land transfer—the level of specific investment. Research shows that: In “the buyers market”, the inflow side possesses the right about improving the quality of land for investment in the remaining decision-making power; A higher level of specific investment is conducive to the sustainable use of agricultural land. However, higher specific investment level has increased the burden of the inflow farmers. Finally, based on this contradiction, this paper brings forward some corresponding suggestion, so as to achieve the reasonable control of the transaction costs, promote the transfer of agricultural land.
Key words: transfer of agricultural land; transaction costs; specific investment level