Teaching Design for Listening and Speaking of Module 3 Book 8


中学教学参考·语英版 2013年9期


Step 1.Lead in

Task: Prediction.

Ask students to predict what should be good table manners in the west in pairs. While students talk about their opinions, theteacher writes them down on the

blackboard.Then the teacher and the students check their predictions together.

Step 2. Pre listening

Show a short movie clip of “The Princess Diaries”.After watching it, the teacher asks the students to say what kind of bad table manners have been shown in the film and at the same time,the teacher writes them down on the blackboard.

Step 3 .While listening

Global Listening.

Task 1. Listen and say what Jack Ryland has been doing for thirty years and choose from the box.

cooking food giving dinner parties

serving food writing about food

Task 2. Check your predictions. Listen and make a list of what table manners this interview refers to.

Tip: Write down the key words.

Selective Listening.

Task 1. listen again and finish the tasks(3 & 4) on page 34.

Intensive Listening.

Task 1.Listen to this part of the interview and fill in the blanks.

Interviewer:Whens the best time to arrive—early, late, or right on the dot?

Butler:Well,in some countries in Europe it .In Britain its bad manners for a guest to .As a rule you should try to arrive .

Task 2. Listen to this part of the interview and answer the following questions.

Tip:Taking notes.

(1)What about seating arrangements?

A. Make a beeline for the best seat.

B. Wait for your host to tell you where to sit.

(2)When to begin eating?

Task 3. Listen to this part of the interview and answer the following questions.

(1)Translate the following sentence“using a fork might be OK in the US, but its not really the done thing in this country...”

(2)How to indicate you finish eating?

Task4. Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box on page 35.

Step 4. Post listening

Task 1. Test: Find out the mistakes that appear in the movie clip.(pair work)

Task 2. Choose one of the topics to make a dialogue to introduce the British table manners to your group members.(group work)

1. When to arrive: early; late; or right on the dot; as a rule...

2. Where to sit: not make a beeline; wait for...

3. When to begin: not pick up your knife and fork until...

4. Whether to ask for sth: on really close terms with...

5. How to use knife and fork: the done thing; knife and fork together;not on the tablecloth;on the plate...

6. Whether it is OK to leave sth: not leave much food uneaten...

Step 5. Self assessment

1. I have learnt the important phrases and patterns and I do know how to use them.

2. I have developed some listening skills, such as global listening, selective listening and intensive listening.

3. I have learnt what is good table manners in Britain and I will behave well once I attend the formal party in the west.

Step 6. Homework

Write a short passage about the table manners in Britain using what you have learnt in the listening text.

(责任编辑 周侯辰)


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