English Abstracts


暨南学报(哲学社会科学版) 2015年3期

English Abstracts

Abstract:Since the Jin Dynasty,Buddhism has been widespread in the Pearl River Delta region. It was common to see that the female came to be the nuns.The Buddhist nunnery,the public place for the nuns to practice Buddhism,didn't appear until the Tang Dynasty and its number gradually increased in the Song and Yuan Dynasties.Then in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the nunneries had been built almost throughout the urban and rural areas.Meanwhile,more and more properties that the female who believe in Buddhism continually were donated to the Buddhist nunnery.In the Song and Yuan Dynasties,the properties were the largest.While in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the number of the donators was the biggest.With the development of the Buddhist nuns and nunnery in the Pearl River Delta,it shows that after the open of Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty,the Buddhism was introduced into Guangdong. Guangzhou,the center of the Pearl River Delta region had become the Buddhist nuns'most active area,with its socio-economic and cultural development.

Key words:ancient times;the Pearl River Delta;the Buddhist Nuns;the Buddhist nunnery

[责任编辑 丛 敏]

Comparison Among Four Countries' Household Sampling Survey Systems

LIU Jian-ping,ZHANG Guo-xiao
Economic College,Jinan University Guangzhou 510632,China

The reform of integration between the urban and rural household surveys is currently being piloted in China,which is the preliminary exploration of such reform on the household sampling system.China's household sampling survey system needs to be improved.This paper chooses three representative countries(Brazil,Japan and the U-nited States)to compare them with our country. The development,organization and implementation of household sampling system is analyzed.Then the corresponding reform suggestions are provided.

household sampling survey system;official statistics;official statistics quality

Services Sampling Survey System Reform Study Based on the Dual Sampling Frame

HE Jian-feng
School of Economics and Commerce,South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510006,China

Abstract:Services play very important roles in the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure.At present,the services sampling survey organized by the statistical department provides a large number of statistical data for services accounting and macro-control policies.However,since the services survey started later,the method and system are imperfect,there is much space for further improvements.In particular,the traditional methods are based on a single sampling frame,it can not solve the problem of sampling frame cover deviation when the dynamic population changed frequently.Based on the perspective of multiple sampling frame,we give the list frame and area frame design,and sampling design in multiple sampling frame situation.We also give the corresponding method of multiple sampling frame estimation and its variance estimation based on the sampling design.Finally,we establish a scientific and effective system of multiple sampling frame sample survey of the services.

Key words:services;sampling survey system;multiple sampling frame

Marital Property Division Agreement and Marital Property Contract Effect& Change of Real Right

Law School,Tsinghua University Beijing 100084,China

Abstract:The matrimonial agreement on division of property is different from the divorce agreement on property distribution and matrimonial property regime.It is property transfer through the juridical act is the result of the effective matrimonial agreement on division of property and matrimonial property regime.However,their legal effectiveness can be divided into internal and external.The internal effect occurs in the relationship between husband and wife.In principle,matrimonial agreement on division of property and matrimonial property regime do not have the external effectiveness unless the third party knew the agreement ormatrimonial property regime.If successor obtained decedent's legal status,he or she does not belong to a third party.

Key words:matrimonial property regime;matrimonial agreement on division of property;marriage law;real right transfer

The Comparison and Inspiration of Sino-US Legal System of Ecological Damage Compensation

JIANG Ya-juan
Economic Law School,Southwest University of Political Science and Law Chongqing 401120,China

Abstract:The key point of constructing beautiful china is to prevent our environment which people relies on from being ecological damage.However,China's legal system has some legal loopholes.On one hand,the economic incentive legal system which based on“the Polluter Pays Principle”such as environmental taxation and fee doesn't contain the ecological value of the environment.On the other hand,the tort legal system of civil law which based on the principle of compensation does not work well.In addition,the shortage of evaluation criteria of ecological damage also accelerates the above predicament.The environmental legislation of United States has a long history and puts forward a more and more clear definition of ecological damage.Therefore,it is possible for China to learn from the legislation and common law cases of U.S.A under the view of comparative law.China should make certain rights to suit of ecological damage,fulfill relative liabilities of ecological damage,develop the metrics of ecological damage,and establish the whole process prevention and management legal system of ecological damage.

Key words:ecological damage;compensation;comparative law

On Environmental Justice Reform in Local Courts

ZHU Ying
Law College,Guizhou University Guiyang 550025,China

Abstract:In recent years,local courts have been enthusiastic about the specialized reform of environmental justice.There are many reasons for local courts to launch the specialized reform.These reforms have some common characteristics and strong local features,some of which are illegal. There are many debates about the concept of specialization of environment justice.Recently,the environment tribunals become disorderly,The effectiveness of dispute resolution is unsatisfactory. The great values of these reforms should provide local experiences for national-level reform and legal system.In the future,china should reasonably adjust the model and route of reform,strengthen central guide,furnish the content of reform with specific environment litigation procedural rules and hire professional judges who have knowledge of environment law and science,so as to promote the national-level specialized reform of environmental justice.

Key words:environmental tribunal;local courts;reform

The Influence of Criminal Cases Involving Characteristics Influence the Identity of the Subject of Public Opinion Expression—in 2005-2014“Southern Weekend”Selection Effect of Criminal Cases

XU Guang-hua

Law School,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Nanchang 330013,China

Abstract:During the period of China's social transformation,people of criminal justice had excessive expectations,therelationshipbetween criminal justice and public is more tension.Criminal cases social vulnerable group to commit crime or social vulnerable group become victim,their living conditions,the causes of crime,victimization and other causes of social problems should be concerned.The strong subjects above the legal privilege in social reality,the public is more willing to focus on the case about the strong subjects,people want the criminals facts of the case be public in order to constrain privileges.The identity differences of status between victim and the offender in criminal cases get more attention.Public opinion is easily influenced by the subjects of identity,to a considerable extent,ignore the facts of the case and the application of law itself,which should get more concerned.Expression of public opinion showing more of the features of social justice issues.We should accelerate the social reform,the establishment of social operation mechanism perfect fairness,equality,changing the unequal social status identity,and further clarify the function positioning of justice itself,distinguishing the path to solve the social problems and legal issues.

Key words:identity;weak subjects;strong subjects;criminal judicial;popular will

The Decline and End of Kuomintang Ruling-party-linked Business in Mainland China

KONG Xiang-zeng
The Marxism College,Henan University of Technology

Jiaozuo 454000,China

Abstract:The failure of the national government's gold yuan notes reform was caused by a heavy blow to the development of ruling-party-linked business.This marked a turning point in the rulingparty-linked business from prosperity to decline. Ruling-party-linked business is attached to the Kuomintang regime and closely associated with its rise and fall.Along with the reversal of the war situation,ruling-party-linked business took emergency measures to move to the South.In this process,only a minority of the company eventually moved to Taiwan as the foundation of development of Taiwan ruling-party-linked business in the future.The vast majority of company stranded in the mainland china and was received for the transformation of the new Chinese state-run company in the end.As the final destruction of the Kuomintang regime in the mainland china,Kuomintang ruling-party-linked business ended into history.

Key words:ruling-party-linked business;kuomintang;decay;national government

The Diaoyu Islands in Early Western Literature

LIAO Da-ke
Center for Southeast Asian Studies,Xiamen University Xiamen 361005,China

Abstract:The Diaoyu Islands occupied an important position in the East Asian maritime traffic,which were focused by the westerners early and reserved a rich record.From the 16century to the early 18century,Westerners began to know more and more about the Diaoyu Islands and the Islands' names they called evolved constantly,but they all treated the Diaoyu Islands and Northern Taiwan Islands as a set of indivisible geographic units,which reflected the cognition of international socie-ty to the historical ownership of Diaoyu Islands at that time.

Key words:Diaoyu Islands;western literature;early

A Study on the Buddhist Nuns in the Pearl River Delta in Ancient Times

LIU Zheng-gang
The College of Liberal Arts,Jinan University Guangzhou 510632,China


Oxygen isotopic ratios of 18O/17O in molecular clouds with different Galactocentric distance
English Abstracts
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