

沈阳体育学院学报 2012年1期


(吉林体育学院体育人文社会学系,吉林长春 130022)



(吉林体育学院体育人文社会学系,吉林长春 130022)




1 开场白(Prologue)


1.1 开场白的内容及模式


第一种为开门见山(Beginning with straight-forwardness)。无需迂回,绕圈子,直截了当进入主题。用精炼的语言交代演讲意图或主题。这种开场白方式可称之为开宗明义式。它适合运用于较为正规、庄重的应用性演讲场合,并要求演讲者具有较好的概括能力。

(1)Mr.Chairman,ladies and gentlemen,the title of my presentation is…

(2)Mr.Chairman,fellow colleagues,first,I’d like to tell you briefly the background of my paper,and then present my three hypotheses.

(3)Good morning,everyone.What I would like to talk about mainly concerns…Now,I’m going to briefly list a number of its basic characteristics.They are…

(4)Mr Chairman,representatives,I am very glad to have the opportunity of reporting my research on such an occasion,I’ll now lay my stress on the following three aspects.The first…

第二种为先感谢后介绍(Beginning with appreciation)。在演讲者来到台前,大会主席通常要对演讲者做一简要介绍。对演讲者来说,演讲前要对主席及在会的同行表示感谢。

(1)Dear colleagues,first of all,I would like to thank our Chairman and our generous hosts,the International Pragmatics Association,for providing many professionals who have come from all over the world with such a pleasant atmosphere to meet,exchange views,and share thoughts and findings.What I would like to talk about is…(2)Mr Chairman,thank you for your warm introduction and also for you efforts in making the conference opening such a success.The over-praising introduction you have just now given me,l think,is meant for the study on…l have been carrying on in recent years.Now I would like to say something about the study,and I hope that I can hear opinions and additions from everyone of you…

第三种为先介绍背景开始(Beginning with a background introduction)。通常情况下,发言者就是论文作者。然而,若作者本人由于某种原因不能出席会议,这样就会有三种方法来处理此类事情:一是取消事先所安排的发言程序。二是将口头发言改为墙报交流形式。三是由他人代理发言。代理人在代表他人发言前,首先要征得大会主席的允许,如果必要的话需要向观众做背景介绍。

(1)Ladies and gentlemen,Professor Weihong of the Donghu University of Wuhan may be known to many present.He has been engaged in the study on…for many years,and a number of his papers have been published.But unfortunately he could not attend the conference because of health reasons.At the kind recommendation of our Chairman,and as once an assistant of Professor Jin,I feel very much honourd to be permitted to present the following paper on his behalf.Well,now in recent years,Professor Jin has been working on…(2)Mr.Chairman,first of all,I would like to make an explanation…The paper I am going to present to you now has been compiled mainly by Dr Liang Boxian from the Shanghai Computer Centre.It is pity that he fell ill just before our departure for this conference.Here,on behalf of Dr Liang,I’d like to express our warm congratulations on the successful opening of the conference.The study on…is the area with which Dr Liang has been occupied…

1.2 常见的开场白句型


●Ladies and gentlemen.It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.

●Mr.Chairman,Prisident,distinguished colleagues,ladies and gentlemen,good morning!I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about…on this session of our symposium.

● Mr.Chairperson,Mr.Director-general,Distinguished Members of the IOC and Friends,Ladies and Gentlemen,good morning.


●Thank you very much,Prof.Fawcett,for your very kind/ gracious introduction.

●I appreciate the opportunity to give this presentation for this congress.

●I am indeed honored/I am highly honored to have been invited to address this distinguished group of experts,scholars,and others.

●I esteem it a great honor to be present at 2008 International Convention on Science,Education and Medicine in Sport”,(简称为“2008 ICSEMIS”)


●I am a PhD student/researcher/technician at…

●I am doing a PhD/a Master/some research at…

●I am part of a team of 20 researchers and most of our funding comes from…

●The work that I am going to present to you today was carried out with the collaboration of the University of…


●This is my first stay in any Asian country.This is a very exciting experience.

●I am an American by nationality and a doctor by profession.

●I am going to speak on behalf of Rodman’s research group.

●I’m from a country so far away that few Chinese know it.告诉听众你的研究程度

●What I am going to present is actually still only in its early stages,but I really think that our findings so far are worth telling you.

●We are already at a quite advanced stage of the research,but I was hoping to get some feedback from you on certain aspects relating to.

●Our research,which we have just finished,is actually part of a wider project involving.


●My speech investigates the conceps of…

●The purpose of my statement defines the subject of the experiment.

●My purpose statement typically consistes of three parts: goal of the speech,the statement of the topic,and the method or process to be used to develop the speech.


●I am very happy to have the opportunity to share informtion with you about…

●It’s a pleasure for me to be here this afternoon and to address you on the subject of…

●I am delighted and honored to address you this afternoon on the subject…

●I feel privileged to share with you a few thoughts on…

2 概述(Outline)


例如,First I will give you a brief introduction to my work.Then I will outline the reasons that led me to conducting this research.Next I will explain my methodology before discussing my results.


(1)My speech mainly concerns the following topics:Firstly, the distinction between modernization and westernization.Secondly,the distinction between identity and instrumentality,which I shall use to give an account of what I take to underlie the process of modernization.Thirdly,to consider the way in which life in consumer cultures is becoming increasinggly abstract.Finally,I shall make some remarks on the different ways in which modernization affects traditional societies.

(2)I will highlight three broad issues that I hope will be useful to you for your discussion today.The first of these is how the Structural Funds fit into the UK’s reginal policy.The second issue I’d like to discuss is the role of the Structural Funds in helping to delivery the importants I’ve been talking about.For my third and final issure,because of the limited time,I am afraid that I have to leave them out to spare time.(何时使用PPT概述呢?一般情况下,如果演讲时间长达20分钟、45分钟,或演讲题目涉及到艺术、人文和社会科学,就有必要向听众展示PPT概述,从而帮助听众更好地了解和掌握你演讲的其余部分。)

2.1 常见的概述句型


●There are three things to consider.First,….Second,….Third,…Above all,…

●We can see four advantages and two disadvantages.First,advatages.

●I’ve divided/I am going to divide my talk into three parts.First of all,….The second,…And the third,… /In the first part…


In this presentation I am going to/I would like to/I will

discuss some findings of an international project

examine/analyze/bring to your attention

introduce the notion of/a new model of…

give an analysis of/explore the meaning of….

3 结束语(Closing Remarks)


3.1 结束语的方法


第一种为简要总结式(Brief summary)

(1)So,just a quick summary.Using our process,we can produce energy.Energy from organic waste:THE MOST DISGUSTING sludge in the world.This virtuous circle means that small farms could generate all the fuel and the heat that they need just by using waste!So we all become less dependent on oil and nuclear power.And the added benefit is that this helps factories and cities to resolve the problem of waste disposal,which is particularly complex for organic waste.Two problems resolved at the same time!

第二种为鼓励、号召式(Encouraging and calling for)

(1)Ladies and gentlemen,I believe Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to all of you-to athletes,spectators,and the worldwide television audience alike.Come and join us.Thank you,Mr.President.Thank you all.Now,I would like to give the floor back to Mr.He.(2001年杨澜在申请2008年北京奥运会申办权的演讲词结束语)(鼓励)

(2)If you honor Beijing with the right to host the 2008 O-lympic Games,I can assure you that Beijing will make you proud of the decision you make here today.(2001年中国代表团团长何振梁在申请2008年北京奥运会申办权的演讲词结束语) (号召)


(1)Chinese sage Confucius says“Is it not a delight after all to have friends come from afar!”Indeed,it is our delight to welcome all guests with open arms in Beijing in the year 2008.I am sure you will see a great Games in Beijing.Thank you.(2001年国家副总理李岚清在申请2008年北京奥运会申办权的演讲词结束语)

第四种为祝愿式(Best wishes)

(1)I wish the congress will be successful and productive,and wish you to have a very pleasant and memorable experience in the beautiful and historical city of Beijing.

(2)Finally,I wish all of you a healthy and happy life.Welcome back to China again and welcome back to our beautiful city Guangzhou.

3.2 常用的结束语句型


●Okay,we’re very close to the end now,but there are just a couple of important things that I still want to tell you.


●Well,that brings me to the end of the presentation.So,just to recap.

●In closing,I would like to leave you with the following important points.


●I am afraid that I don’t have time to go into this in any further detail.But you can find more information about it on this website(which is on the back page of your handout).

●If you would like more information on this,then please feel free to email me.My address is in the congress notes.


●Thank you for your attention and cooperation./Thank a lot for your coming.

●That’s all for my presentation.Thank you very much.


●I wish every success for this conference.I wish all the participants enjoy their visit to…and enjoy their life in…

●I would like to conclude my speech by wishing the conference a complete success.

●I hope that you will have a scientifically and socially productive experience in Beijing.

4 问答(Q&A)


4.1 提问的方式


(1)My name is Doukas from United States Sports Academy,USA.I wanted to thank all of you for your presentations.They are wonderful,but the question I have for you,Dr.Kari Fa,is related to these obstacles of affecting women’s physical and mental health.Whether can we think of drawing up a project of overcoming these obstacles from childhood?What’s your specific idea? (要求建议)

(2)I am Ruan with University of Franche Comte,France,I have a question for you,Miss.Song,in your presentation,you mentioned that the system framework of merging of science and humanities within universities and colleges of physical education.Now,could you give some more details to support your statement? (要求细节)

4.2 常见问答句型

4.2.1 提问人用语


●I am…of(USA Today).

●My name is.I work with…



●I’d like to ask you the following questions to have a better look into the subject.

●May I trouble you with a question?

●May I ask Mrs.Sloan about…/I was wondering if I could ask some question on…(more polite ways)

●I have a question for…/Mr….You mentioned….I didn’t really understant that,could you explain that a little bit more?


●What would you say about the research result of Dr.Lehman’s research group?

●You have so far told us about the positive aspects of his theory.Would you like to give us an example of a negative aspect if any?

●Why do you attach great importance to…?Could you explain in details/comment on that?

●Would you be so kind as to give me more information about the method of your experiment?

●What about the future of modern sports in your eyes?

●As a member of IOC,how do you value your trip to Beijing?What’s the most significance it made?

●May I ask a question,what do you mean by that statement?

●Dr.Wang,I’d like to raise one question.First,may I say how much I enjoyed your talk,but,may I ask,do you have experience with the new method?

●First,I’d like to say your research is very interesting.May I ask two questions?Do you see any relation between….and….And what advantage do you expect by using this approach?


●Do you see what I’m getting at?

●Have I made that clear?

●Perhaps I didn’t really make my question clear,in fact what I asked was…

●Well,perhaps you’ve got a point there(你说的有道理),but…

●That’s not what I was really asking.What I was getting at was…

●Let me put to you another way.

4.2.2 发言人用语


●Are there any questions/Does anyone have any questions on this?

●I would be very happy to hear your opinons on this.


●If you ask any questions I would be grateful if you could ask them slowly and clearly,as my English is a bit rusty and many attendees here today are not native speakers of English.


●Sorry,I don’t quite follow what you were saying,could you repeat the question more slowly please?

●Sorry,could you speak up please?

●Sorry,I didn’t hear the first/last part of your question./ What exactly do you mean?

●Sorry,I still don’t understand—would you mind asking me the question again in the break?

●Sorry,but to answer that question would take rather too long,however

●You can find the explanation on my web pages or in my paper.

●I’m not exactly clear what your question is/I don’t see what you mean.Could you have some more details,please?


●I’m not familiar with the details regarding that question.●I can’t give you an exact answer on that,I am afraid.

●You know,I’ve never been asked that question before and to be honest I really wouldn’t know how to answer it.

●Sorry,I would not like to comment on that.

●I am not sure there really is a right or wrong answer to that.What I personally believe is.

●I am afraid what you asked is beyond the point.It seems that is is not pertinent to our present topic.

●Sorry,I have little experience with this problem,since our emphasis is not laid on this point.


●I think it would be best if my colleague answered that question for you.

●I need to think about that question.Do you think we could discuss it in the bar?

●You’ve raised a really important point,so important that I think I would rather have a bit of time to think about the best answer.So if you give me your email address at the end,I’ll get back to you.

●At the moment I don’t have all the facts I need to answer that question,but if you email me I can get back to you.


●I would(totally)agree with you

●That’s exactly the way I feel.


●I have to disagree

●I’m sorry,I can’t agree with you in saying that.

●That’s not what I’m saying.

●Unforunately,I see it differently.


●Thank you for your question.I hope you are satisfied with my question.

●This is my answer.Is it enough for your question?

●This is my opinion.What do you think of it?

●I think that might be the answer to your question.

●I hope I am making sense to you(理解),but is is a tough question.

5 结语


[1]Stephen E.Lucas.The Art of Public Speaking[M].Thenth Edition.Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2011.

[2]Adrian Wallwork.English for Presentations at International Conference[M].Springer,2010.



[5]吴 斐,周 频.国际学术交流英语[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2008.


[7]胡 谨,曾 蕾.国际学术交流英语演讲稿语篇模式分析[J].外语教学,2007,28(3):20-23.

Research on Communication Art of International Sports Conference

SONG Liying
(Department of Sports Humanities and Sociology,Jilin Institute of Physical Education,Changchun 130022,Jilin,China)

In order to strengthen international sports communication to enhance sports friendship and to play an active role without the language barrier,without borders in promoting world peace,understanding and learning how to use prologue,outline,closing remarks and question&answer(Q&A)in English are essential to a successful academic speech at an international academic conference.This paper,therefore,based on the theory of Systemic-Functional Linguistics,lists and analizes different expressions about that,which is highly practical to some ralated people in spors.

international academic conference;discourse analysis;prologue;outline;closing remarks;question&answer










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