武汉商贸职业学院外国语学院 石守梅
武汉商贸职业学院外国语学院 石守梅
高中英语 修辞格
引 言:汉语中有修辞,英语中也有修辞。目前英语中修辞的运用已渗透到各种文体中。在我们的高中英语教材中(人民教育出版社出版)也应用了多种多样的修辞手法,这些修辞不仅增加了文章的生动性和美感,也增强了文章的吸引力。现通过教材中的句子介绍几种常见的修辞手法,以助于理解课文内容,激发学生的学习兴趣。
一、明喻 Simile
Simile(明喻)是把二种不同事物的相同特征进行对比,表明本体和喻体间的相似关系、本体和喻体都在对比中出现,二者常用比喻词like,as,as if等连接。
(1)Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream,full of fantastic colors and shape.
(2)Seen from the top,it looks as if the stadium is covered by a grey net of steel,and it looks just like a bird’s net made of tree branches.
(3)My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.
(4)Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth.
例(1)~(4)都有本体、喻体和喻词,是典型的明喻。例 (1)中本体是 Gaudi’s architecture,喻体是dream,喻词为 like。 例(2)中本体为 the stadium,喻体为 bird’s net,喻词为 like。 例(3)中本体为 money and goods,喻体为life,喻词为as。句中把钱财比作生命,形象地展示了夏洛克爱财如命的性格。例(4)中本体为mercy,喻体为 gentle rain,喻词为 like。例(1)~(4)中用生动的喻体形象地描述本体,让读者产生生动的联想,从而深入地了解本体。
另外,还有另一种比喻结构:A is to B what C is to D.
(5)A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.
(6)A net is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter
(5)(6)中喻词均为 what.(5)中本体为 a nest is to a bird.喻体为 a house is to a man。(6)中本体为 a net is to a fisherman.喻体为 a gun is to a hunter. (5)(6)用喻体形象地描述了本体、生动地说明了鸟巢与鸟、鱼网与渔民的关系。
(1)A smile can open doors and tear down walls.It can be used to express almost any emotion.
(2) “She is done for”,he said to himself.
(3) Will she live through this?
(4) The city saw a series of fierce fights between blacks and whites in the 1960s and Drking was shot and killed in 1968.
(5) Copacabana,also known as the “princess of the sea”,has just celebrated its one hundredth birthday and is more beautiful than ever.
(1)~(5)均把人的品格赋予给了物。 (1)中 open,tear down和(4)中see都是人的动作,这里分别赋予给了 smile and city。(2)、(3)中把船称为女性 she。(5)中把科帕卡巴纳称为公主,并说它庆祝了百岁生日等,这些都是把这个海滩当作人来写。
(1) Boom!Another wave struck the house and a strange cracking noise began.
(2) As they got to the steps,they heard another great roar,and the wall of the house shook.
(3) The roar of the winds drew near fast.
(1)The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common:People would get together to celebrate their harvest;People used to give thanks for their harvests and for life;People used to honour their ancestors,celebrate their past,and the group or society they lived in.
(2) The history of the South is one of suffering:the suffering of the Native Americans who were killed or driven off their land by European settlers;the pains of slaves brought from Africa by greedy slave traders;the death and poverty of the Civil War;the hardships of unemployment and civil unrest in the post-war years and the Great Depression;the many sacrifices of the Civil Rights Movement.