

世界建筑 2012年1期


ARCHITECTS: Foster + Partners

1 从吉隆坡中央城市公园看3座塔楼的黄昏外景/Dusk view of the Troika's three towers from Kuala Lumpur Central City (KLCC) Park.



在地面上有一座4层高的裙房,内部包含办公室、商铺和咖啡馆,裙房围合着一座室外景观庭院。完全不受汽车干扰的庭院形成了整个项目的核心,提供了一处静谧的城市绿洲。居民由宾甲路上造型气派的大门进入小区,穿过庭院,即可到达位于不同楼层的水岸甲板,每两座公寓共享一处甲板。裙房的顶层则为居民提供了各种娱乐设施。它们由遮阳的拱廊连接在一起,全日开放,为城市高层住宅生活提供了更高层次的舒适感。□(徐知兰 译)

设计团队/Design Team: Norman Foster, David Nelson, Andy Miller, Roland Schnizer, Bernardo Sanchez, Karsten Vollmer, Erkin Ozay, Jin Watanabe,Gerard Evenden

合作建筑师/Collaborating Architect: GDP Architects

结构/Structural: Web Structures Singapore

造价/Cost: Northcroft

机电工程/ME: Valdun (Jurutera Perunding Valdun Sdn Bhd)

景观/Landscape: Seksan Design

2 日间外景/Daytime view(摄影/Photo: Aaron Pocock)

3 一层总平面:花园与周边的商店和办公空间/Site plan at ground floor level showing enclosed garden and surrounding retail and office spaces.

4 裙房屋顶层:连续的通道、屋顶花园、咖啡厅和休闲区/Linking podium at roof level showing continuous circulation paths, roof gardens, cafes and recreational areas.

5 五层平面:公寓标准层/Level five - a typical apartment floor.

6 二十四层平面:连桥与半公共的咖啡厅和餐厅空间/Level twentyfour showing linking bridges and semi-public spaces for cafes and restaurants.

7 大量的研究方案:根据毗邻建筑的位置,在不同楼层最大限度地获得变化的景观视野/Massing studies were determined by the need to maximize the changing views at different levels, according to the position of adjacent buildings.

8 宾甲路上的入口,远处为双子大厦/Main entrance on Jalan Binjai with twin Petronas Towers in background.(摄影/Photo: Aaron Pocock)

9 南立面/South elevation

Located at the north-eastern corner of the Park, within the precincts of Kuala Lumpur City Centre-Kuala Lumpur's "city within a city"-The Troika development combines apartments, offices,shops and restaurants within a single complex, with the aim of promoting a densely planned approach to living and working in the twenty-first-century city.The project comprises three apartment towers-of thirty-eight, forty-four, and fifty storeys respectively-which together form the tallest residential development in Malaysia.

The twisting geometry of the three towers evolved gradually through detailed modelling analysis, their forms being sculpted to respond organically to the neighbouring buildings and to maximise the dramatic views of the Park, the Petronas Towers and the surrounding city. The unusual structural system consists of slender concrete sheer walls, which support stacked blocks that are able to rotate subtly to allow the primary living areas and balconies in each of the 230 apartments to focus on the best available view.The arrangement of the sheer walls also offers great flexibility, generating apartments with a wide variety of orientations and plan sizes. Within each apartment, the internal organisation is kept fluid in order to facilitate individual planning options.Many areas are self-shaded by the overhang of the apartment above, which provides shelter on the balconies. Sky bridges link the three towers at Level 24 to create a sky lobby with an unrivalled panorama of the fast-changing Kuala Lumpur skyline.

At ground level, a four-storey perimeter building contains a mix of offices, shops and cafés and frames a landscaped courtyard. Kept entirely free from cars, the courtyard forms the heart of the development and offers a tranquil urban oasis. Residents enter through the courtyard via a grand entrance on Jalan Binjai, which leads to lift banks on individual floors that are shared by two apartments each. At roof level, the perimeter building provides a variety of recreational facilities for residents. Linked by shaded arcades, and accessible throughout the day, they add a further level of amenity to high-rise urban living. □

10 公寓起居空间内景/Interior living spaces of a typical apartment.

11 公寓起居空间内景/Interior living spaces of a typical apartment.

12 福斯特设计的浴室/Foster-designed bathroom(10-13 摄影/Photos: K L Ng)

13 福斯特设计的浴室/Foster-designed bathroom(10-13 摄影/Photos: K L Ng)

14 裙房的屋顶游泳池, 朝向吉隆坡中央城市公园/View across the swimming pool area at podium roof level towards the KLCC Park.

15 一个完整面宽的结构跨度内容纳了不同的公寓/View upwards showing the full-width structural floor spans with stacks of different apartments in between(.14.15 摄影/Photos: Aaron Pocock)


鹿特丹The Sax塔楼