

世界建筑 2012年3期






建筑包括一个1 680座的主歌剧厅和一个较小的700座综合演出厅。主厅是供京剧和西方歌剧表演用的,但也能作为高品质的音乐厅使用。此外,也可供会议或舞蹈表演之用。











此外,剧院还采用了一项具有芬兰特色的材料,即剧院观众大厅沿湖一侧的弧形墙上经过特别设计的玻璃砖。□(司马蕾 译)

1 草图/Sketch

1 草图/Sketch

2 外景/Exterior view

Opening of Wuxi Grand Theatre at the end of 2011 will be a large scale example of Finnish design in China. It is not only question of architecture,but the whole concept from functional program to interior design, landscape design, main steel structure, theatre technology, lighting and acoustical design are made by PES-Architects' team,together with their Chinese partners. The total floor are a of the building is 78 000m2.

In 2008 Professor Pekka Salminen and Architect Tuomas Silvennoinen won the first prize in the invited international architectural competition for Wuxi Grand Theatre.

The main idea of Wuxi Grand Theatre is based on its location: the manmade peninsula on the northern shore area of Taihu Lake and the highway bridge nearby. Due to this location the building will be an impressive landmark, rising like a big sculpture from the terraced base up to a total height of 50 meters. Its eight gigantic roof wings stretch far over the facades, giving the building a character of a butterfly or eight big leaves, while protecting the building from the heat of the sun.

The building includes the Main Opera Hall with 1680 seats and the smaller Comprehensive Performance Hall with 700 seats. The main hall is designed for Chinese and Western opera performances, but it can also function as a high quality concert hall. Other possible functions are conferences and dance performances.

The acoustics of this main hall will be according to latest European standards with reverberation time 1,7 seconds and variable acoustics, according to needs of the performances.

The smaller hall is for chamber music and theatre performances, as well as for other multipurpose functions like fashion shows etc.

Both performance halls are designed according to highest international standards in theatre technology.

The Opera Hall with a main stage, back stage and three other side stages, many rehearsal rooms and workshops, allow a full scale in-house opera production in the future, thus being the most modern opera performance hall in China.

An important layout feature is that the main entrance lobby is located on the upper level of 6 m high landscape terraces. This central lobby divides the building in two parts: five wings covering the Main Opera Hall and three wings covering the Comprehensive Performance Hall. There is also a lakeside entrance to the central lobby area, which opens to the lake with a big glass wall.

The lighting concept of the steel wings comprises of thousands of LED lights inside of them. This makes it possible to change the colour of the wings according to the character of the performances etc.This is possible, because the undersides of the wings are covered by perforated aluminium panels.

Another special feature is the "forest" of 50 light columns, which start from the main entrance square, support the roof of the central lobby and continue outside of the lakeside entrance until the lake. These round light columns, 75cm diameter and 9 m high, are covered by glass sheets and LED lights behind the opaque glass.

The front edge of each roof wing is slightly curved upwards, which give more elegant overall image for the whole building, but also refers to traditional Chinese architecture.

The interior design follows mainly contemporary western style. Anyhow there is one very strong Chinese feature throughout the building: all wood used is bamboo. This is both traditional and modern Chinese material, because recently a new technology of using bamboo has been developed in China.

This has made it possible that all walls in the Main Opera Hall are covered by ca 8cm thick and heavy bamboo blocks (10 cm high, 90 cm long) altogether 20 000 pieces, each different.Most advanced technology in bamboo production,CNC cutting and assembling has been used.Bamboo is also used in many different ways in the Comprehensive Performance Hall, in the VIP and rehearsal rooms etc. Bamboo is combined in public areas with western high design products, like Corian composite material and stainless steel.

There is also one material with a Finnish character, namely specially designed glass tiles covering the curved wall of the opera auditorium in the lakeside lobby.□ (Pekka Salminen)

3 总平面/Site plan

4 外景/Exterior view

建筑设计/Architects: PES建筑师事务所赫尔辛基-

上海设计团队/PES-Architects Design Team, Helsinki-Shanghai

负责建筑师/Architect in Charge: Pekka Salminen

合作者/Collaborators: Tuomas Silvennoinen(Partner),Martin Lukasczyk(Project manager), Elina Modeen, Lailinli, Kai Lindvall, Matti Haaramo(steel structure), Harri Ripatti (ecology), Gretel Hemgård (landscape),Henrik Möller & Eckhard Kahle(acoustics), Roope Siiroinen (lighting)

当地合作者/Local Partners:上海建筑设计研究院/Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design and

Research Co; 苏州金螳螂建筑装饰股份有限公司/Gold Mantis, Suzhou;上海联创建筑设计有限公司/United Design Group Co UDG, Shanghai

业主/Client: Office for the Important Urban Projects in Wuxi /FAN Chunyu, ZHOU Jian

竞赛时间/Competition: 2008

建造时间/Date of Construction: 2009-2011

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 78 000 m2

摄影/Photos: Martin Lukasczyk

5 +6m标高平面/Plan +6m level

6 西立面/West elevation

8 南立面/South elevation

9 剖面B-B/Section B-B

10 天花反射板/Ceiling reflector

11 主音乐厅(建设中)/Main auditorium(under construction)

12 竹表面/Bamboo

13 内景渲染/Interior view rendering

14 综合演出大厅(建设中)/Comprehensive performance hall(under construction)

