


LIU Chang-qing

(Department of Philosophy Teaching and Research, Party School of the CPC Henan Provincial Party Committee, Zhengzhou, Henan 450002, China)

Abstract: Practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics has broken "five types of social formation". Since the theoretical innovation is not completed, people still regard socialism with Chinese characteristics as "five types of social formation", resulting in the "left" theory possessing many people’s mind until now, which becomes ideological and theoretical foundation to negative the reform and opening up. The other hand, the lagging of the basic theoretical innovation makes modern Western economics become the guiding theory of economic reform, which has made some mistakes in the process of reform. Solutions include innovating basic theories of Marxism, deepening the reform under the guidance of new theory, solving the problem of unfair distribution and corrupt, meanwhile eliminating the traditional theory of "left". Study on civilization type has initially broken through the "five types of social formation". The study gives the scientific interpretation of the Socialist road with Chinese characteristics, and provides the direction to create modern Chinese philosophy and social sciences.

socialism with Chinese characteristics; basic innovation theory; five types of social formation; theory of civilization type


LIU Yan-fu

(School of Liberal and Law, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, He’nan 454003, China)

Abstract: The theory of unbalance of material production and artistic production is a very important viewpoint of Marxism. The "unbalancing relationship" is essentially a "mutual adaptation relationship", and it deeply roots in the special laws of arts development. The formation of this unbalancing relationship is not by chance. The artistic charm of Greek myths is the best interpretation of this unbalancing relationship.

Keywords: Marx;unbalancing relationship; adaptation relationship; the artistic charm; Greek mythology



GUI Qi-quan

(School of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hu Bei 430072, China)

Abstract: By analyzing the thoughts of key characters of studies on the philosophy of life sciences, the author establishes that complexity system science is the meta-theory of the theories of the philosophy of life sciences, and suggests that a series of competitive research programs in the philosophy of life sciences should be integrated in a complementary way.

Keywords: philosophy of life sciences; complexity system science; natural selection; automatic adjustment mechanism;


Philip Gasper

(Department of Philosophy and Religion, Notre Dame de Namur University, United States)

Abstract: Philip Gasper writes the article as an introduction to the following essays discussing issues in the philosophy of biology. He makes a concise commentary on the main issues and discussions. The author claims that, in the 20th century, focusing exclusively on physics, the philosophy of science could hardly come up with proper models and concepts for such an important and successful science as biology. The philosophers of biology discuss deeply and fruitfully on issues including reduction, the unit of natural selection and sociobiology etc…

Keywords: the philosophy of biology; reduction; natural selection; sociobiology;


CHEN Qi-tai

(School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract: Zhang Xuecheng refined on discriminating history style in all his life and was self-confident to create new style for later generations, because he had extremely high attainments in philosophy. The Origin of Doctrine in Literature and History Tong-Yi was the crystallization of his philosophical exploration. He realized that the doctrine came from social practice and was gradually evolved and developed. He advocated to get rid of the old-fashioned concept and to establish new concept that considered doctrine should get along with the development of practice. Therefore, he correctly summed up the history evolution of two thousand years and scrupulously criticized the serious shortcomings of the official history. He advocated a new direction of historical compilation reform, which had profound influence on the evolution of historical compilation in the 20th century.

Keywords: Zhang Xuecheng; exploration on Doctrine; direction of historical compilation reform; mix the style of Ji Zhuan and Ji Shi Ben Mo; the new synthesis of the 20th century


LIU Yong-xiang

(School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract: Surges of the 20th century "new history" ideological trend in the May Fourth Movement did not die, but gradually developed into a great school. They did not belong to the same theory with historical materialism. Materialism was in higher level in the historical theory, which had great influence on the new history and some scholars even changed research direction. At the same time, some scholars absorbed some viewpoints of historical materialism in order to try to reconstruct the new historical system.Specifically, the most prominent influence is the core of historical explanation view that productive forces and production relations, economic foundation and superstructure contradictory movement decided to social basic process; promote and influence of the social process of reasons, the premise and economic conditions in the final analysis; it is decisive, and form the joint effort with other conditions. The new history school continued to strengthen or learn again on historical materialism after new China was founded, and academic research up to a new realm. Zhou Yu-tong was the most representative.

Keywords: the new history school; the historical materialism; Lv Simian; Xiao Yishan; Wei Juxian; Zhou Yutong


ZHAO Hai-lin

(Department of History and Sociology, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an, Jiangsu 223300, China)

Abstract: Charity donation policy has undergone a tortuous course of development. In the 80's of the 20th century, donations policy mainly includes foreigners and overseas Chinese, compatriots of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and in the 90's the policy mainly bases on poverty and disaster relief. In the 21st century, donation policy's important feature is to strive for greater tax incentives. The causes of changes of charity donation policy include the followings: outside pressure transfers into domestic demand; social risk increases; social gap between rich and poor expanded; non-profit organizations develop rapidly.

Keywords: charity; donation; changes


FU Shou-xiang

(Institute of Science, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201620, China)

Abstract: The paper aims to promote the study from the cross-cultural perspective of foreign literary classics, which as a representative of unique ethnic personality, contributed greatly to the formation of core value of cultural heritage and served as the emotional tie to bind the people beyond historic context. Scholars’ enthusiasm to select, define and promote classic literary works, as well as the active attitude they take towards the chronicle or diachronic changes of those works, prove uncommonly significant to literary classics studies.

Keywords: literary classic; cross-cultural travel; cross-media reconstruction; cultural poetics

4.2.2 加工企业发展。胶州大白菜种植规模扩大,实行“订单农业”的销售模式。目前,胶州大白菜加工后的产品,从白菜汁、酱菜到盐渍菜、泡菜等,其产品多种多样。截至2017年底,胶州大白菜有8家年加工能力超过1000吨的企业。大白菜种子作为上游产业得到了较好的发展。


HU Jian

(School of Liberal Arts, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an, Jiangsu 223300, China)

Abstract: Jung’s psychoanalysis is influenced of Freud’s psychoanalysis theory, but it is wider than Freud’s. Jung develops the psychoanalysis aesthetic from Freud’s naturalism realm to cultural anthropology realm. He rewrites and develops Freud’s individual unconscious with his collective unconscious, and he approaches the archetype and symbol. So his theory has richer aesthetic content and more portent aesthetic value than Freud’s.

Keywords: collective unconscious; archetype; symbol



ZHU Ze-jie1, XU Miao-miao2

(1. College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310028, China;2. College of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China)

Keywords: Qing poetry; total collection; textual



SUN Xiao-ke

(Institute of Humanity and Social Sciences, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210046, China)

Abstract: Administration prevents the universities from a healthy development and a harmonious campus while it weakens humanistic culture, dispels institutional culture, bullies academic culture, crashes elegant culture, kidnaps artifact culture and derogates relationship culture. Therefore, it’s both a useful description for de-administration and an inevitable logic for a university to regard students and teachers as foundation, be managed by law, be administrated by professors and its decisions are made democratically.

Keywords: harmonious campus culture in universities; administration;de-administration;chronic illnesses; prescription


同气连枝 和而不同——音乐维度下胶州秧歌与北方秧歌的对比关系研究
2019年世界主要国家和地区原油加工能力统计 (截至2020年1月1日)
Song Duong纸业计划提升加工能力