LEP:狼疮性脂膜炎LEP: lupus erythematosus panniculitisA. 臀部红斑;B. 左上肢大片浸润性红斑,并伴有溃疡;C. 左侧腰部为皮下结节改变,表面有破溃,右侧腰部为萎缩性皮损;D. 头部的萎缩性红斑,伴有脱发A. erythema on the buttock; B. a large infiltrating erythema combined with ulcer on the left upper extremity; C. subcutaneous nodule covered with ulcer in the left lumbar region, with atrophic lesions on the roght lumbar region; D. atrophic erythema on the scalp, combined with alopecia
A. LEP低倍镜下显示真皮浅中层血管和附属器周围团块状淋巴细胞为主的浸润(×20);B. 高倍镜LEP典型的小叶间脂膜炎表现,局部合并有间隔性脂膜炎(×100);C. 不典型的淋巴样滤泡(×100)A. low-power microscopy shows predominantly lymphocytic infiltrations surrounding the blood vessel and appendages in the superficial and middle dermis (×20); B. high-power microscopy shows typical lobular panniculitis, which is partly combined with septal panniculitis(×100); C. atypical lymphoid follicole(×100)