陆 刚
(武夷学院 外语系,福建 武夷山 354300)
陆 刚
(武夷学院 外语系,福建 武夷山 354300)
什么叫准确?这个问题并不象表面看来那么简单。一词多义在英语中普遍存在,这加大了寻求“与源语信息最贴近的自然对等物”的难度。一词多义指的是在所属语言社团中已经固化的语言表达,是一种可以识别的互文积累,但这种互文积累对于非本族语的译者来说,往往不太容易识别。译者没有把握原文特定语汇的语域参数和互文背景,就不可能真正把握其准确的含义。大家一定还会记得2008年北京奥运会的口号 “同一个世界,同一个梦想”,其译文是One World,One Dream.人们在赞赏它的同时,可能没有想到,“单一世界”这个术语正是出自OneWorld.[1]p13因此,在其语汇意义上有了很大的差别,其政治内涵差别就更大。“单一世界”一直是西方政治话语中的热门话题,已经是政治经济领域的常用词,如“单一世界秩序”、“单一世界经济”等等。在希拉里竞选美国总统时,网上有这样一篇文章,标题是Hillary Clinton Supports a OneWorld Government(希拉里支持单一世界政府)。文章中,作者指责希拉里暗中支持单一世界政府的构想,却又不敢公开自己的这一立场。从这个意义上说,译文的准确就很值得商榷了。又如,2010年上海世博会,以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题,其译文是Better City,Better Life.从字面上看虽然有些走样,但是它能切实地反映出主题的深刻内涵,即展示城市文明成果,交流城市建设经验,传播城市发展理念。钱钟书先生曾说过,“一国文字和另一国文字之间必然有距离,译者理解和文风跟原作品的内容和形式之间也会有距离,而且译者的体会和他自己的表达能力之间时常还会有距离。从一种文字出发,积寸累尺地渡过那许许多多距离,安稳地到达另一种文字里,这是很艰辛的历程。一路上颠顿风尘,遭遇风险,不免有所遗失或受些损伤。因此,译文总有失真和走样的地方,在意义或口吻上违背或不尽贴合原文”。[2]p.697王克非认为,这段话正是钱钟书先生以其深厚的语言文化造诣,对译者劳动表达的充分的宽容和理解。与此同时,他也指出了一个值得深思的现象:“从翻译文化史角度看,译本的忠实程度与该译本在文化沟通上的作用之大小并无绝对的正比例关系”,而“有时,从不准确的译本,或再造性质的译述中,可以发现一些具有文化意义的东西”。[3]p.122从“有中国特色的社会主义”到“中国特色社会主义”的演变过程,正是受众对同一语汇的认同过程。
We must integrate the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete realities of China,blaze a path of our own and build a socialism with Chinese characteristics——that is the basic conclusion we have reached after reviewing our long history.(邓小平文选英译本)
我们搞的现代化,是中国式的现代化。 我们建设的社会主义,是有中国特色的社会主义。(1983年6月18日)
The modernization we are striving for is modernization of a Chinese type.The socialism we are building is a socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Even capitalist society doesn’t allow people to defy the law;far less can we,who uphold the socialist system and want to build a Chinese-style socialism.
Democracy in China means socialist democracy,and our socialist democracy and socialist legal system complement each other.We are building a Chinese socialism.
We shall push ahead along the road to Chinesestyle socialism.
这里有几种译法:a socialism with Chinese characteristics,a Chinese-style socialism ,a Chinese socialism.应该说,a socialism with Chinese characteristics这个译法没有错,与中文完全对应,是直到目前最稳妥的译法。但是它有个缺点,不够简洁。英美人士也接受这个短语,可是在行文中他们往往会给这个短语加上引号,有时候会带上调侃意味。如美国总统奥巴马的一些政策被其对手讥为 “socialism with American characteristics”。做个比较,去掉冠词,socialism with Chinese characteristics有四个单词12个音节,音节之多,读起来叫人有点喘不过气来。Chinese-style socialism三个单词7个音节;而Chinese socialism只有两个单词6个音节。从这个中文词语本身看,它也经历了一个演变的过程,最早是“有中国特色的社会主义”,后来变成“有中国特色社会主义”,到十六大才定为 “中国特色社会主义”。英译时应该简约译为Chinese socialism,因为Chinese已经完全具备with Chinese characteristics的意义,也容易为译语受众所接受。
2.1 不同题材的处理
All this will enable the Party to remain a ruling Marxist party that is built for public interests and exer-cises governance for the people;a party that is realistic,pragmatic and committed to reform and innovation;a party that is hardworking and clean;and a party that is full of vigor and enjoys solidarity and harmony.
分析:外宣文本翻译,首先要把文内关键性的词译好。“立党为公、执政为民”在十六大报告中译成(For the Party)to rule for the public and exercise power for the people.“立党”译成 to rule,与“执政”的意思没有多大区别,离原文远了一些。而且这里的主语就变成我们的党了,恐怕不太妥当(不能党来立党)。因此,十七大报告中译文有了较大的改进,把“立党”用被动式来处理,这个译法表明“立党”与“执政”的主语有所区别。
Our own interests and those of others are best served when we work together to expand common interests,share responsibilities and seek win-win outcomes.
2.2 专业术语的处理
The Scientific Outlook on Development takes development as its essence,putting people first as its core,comprehensive,balanced and sustainable development as its basic requirement,and overall consideration as its fundamental approach.
分析:“科学发展观”在十七大报告中有了明确的定译,此前,即在党的十六届三中全会以后,它的译名出现多种形式,其中比较流行的有the concept of scientific development,the scientific concept of development,a scientific approach to development,a scientific strategy of development,the scientific viewpoint of development,相比之下,前两种翻译方法基本上属于望文生义,无法表达其内涵。“科学发展观”决不是简单的概念。第三、四、五种译法是典型的意译,出现后得到国内不少翻译专家和国外主流媒体的认可,流行过一段时间。定译the Scientific Outlook on Development是目前最流行的版本,更多考虑其内涵,也就是“以人为本,全面协调可持续发展,统筹兼顾”。
We will ensure the security of the rice bag(grain supply)and vegetable basket(non-staple food supply).
2.3 信息中心的处理
在长句英译时,常需要妥善安排主述位(theme)与信息中心(information focus),以便能使信息传递流畅,达到句子结构平衡的效果。在英语中,语义信息上的尾心(end focus)与结构上的尾重(end weight),往往是重合一致的。“由于新信息往往需要比已知信息陈述的更详细,因此一个可称为尾重的组织原则和尾心原则一起发挥作用也是不难想象的”[4]p.1362。但由于汉语结构与英语很不相同,在汉译英中又是很难兼顾尾心与尾重。
It is imperative to support the faster development of the Economic Zone,If Fujian is to fully bring out its comparative advantage and achieve sound and fast development.
It is an importantmeasure for perfecting economic layout of the coastal region and promote the development of the areas surrounding the Economic Zone as well as areas where investment from as Taiwan is concentrated.
It is also a strategic step/move to improve cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation and promote the grand cause of peaceful reunification of themotherland.
2.4 重复词语的处理
2.4.1 变换用词
We will further improve policies for promoting development of the service sector,and gradually lower the electricity,water,gas,and heat rates for govern mentencouraged service industries to the same levels charged to industrial enterprises.
Our civil servants are devoted,diligent and responsible,and they made positive contributions to sustaining economic growth and ensuring people’s wellbeing and maintaining stability.
This year the main focus is on opening new markets and adjusting the structure of and promoting balance in foreign trade.
2.4.2 提取公因式
We will develop socialist democracy,and effectively safeguard the democratic right of the people asmasters of the country,particularly their rights to vote and to stay informed,participate in,express views on,and oversee government affairs.
We strengthened the prevention and treatment of water pollution in the key watersheds of the Huai,Hai,and Liao rivers and Tai,Chao,and Dianchi lakes,and improved the control of wastewater,gases and residues from industry.
We will effectively improve law enforcement in government administration and work to ensure that laws are enforced in a standard,fair and civil manner.
The Central Committee has made comprehensive arrangements to succeed in this year’s work by drawing up the “five points requiring greater attention.”It has emphasized the need to give greater attention to improving the quality and performance of economic growth;transforming the pattern of economic development and restructuring the economy;advancing reform,opening up,and independent innovation,and enhancing the vigor and vitality of economic growth,improving people’s wellbeing,and maintaining social harmony and stability;and taking both the international and domestic situations into consideration to achieve steady and rapid economic development.
We need to draw on the commonality of cultures shared by people on both sides of the Strait such as the Southern Fujian culture,the Hakka culture and the Matsu culture.
We will increase support fort for old revolutionary areas,ethnic minority areas,border areas and povertystricken areas.
2.4.3 代词的指代作用
The Party’s organizations at various levels should be strictly in keeping with the Party central committee,safeguard its authority and ensure the executing of its administrative decrees.
We should implement the Party’s policy on overseas Chinese affairs and do a good job in this regard.
分析:除了用代词来避免重复外,还可用有关的词或词组来替代前面替代的部分。这里用in this regard替代 overseas Chinese affairs,就与英语表达习惯联系起来了。
2.5 修饰词语的处理
修饰词是指修饰名词的形容词或词组和修饰动词、形容词的副词或词组。在外宣文本中,有一类修饰词使用频率很高,多与双音节动词搭配,颇具表达力和感染力,如 “认真贯彻”、“积极推进”、“进一步增强”、“始终不渝高举”、“全方位对接”等。对以汉语为母语的读者来说,这种由“修饰词+动词”的结构写起来顺手,念起来顺口,使用方便,喜闻乐见。可以说,这类修饰词使用频率甚高是现代汉语中一种特殊的语言现象。
In recent years,Fujian has vigorously pushed forward the establishment of the Economic Zone.The growing strength of the Province has laid a solid foundation for faster developmentof the Economic Zone.
The positive changes in cross-Strait relations present important opportunities for accelerated development of the Economic Zone and cooperation with Taiwan.
We should vigorously push ahead cross-Strait exchanges and communication,promote mutual benefit and advance win-win cooperation.
We should vigorously change the pattern of economic development,promote independent innovation and raise the quality and level of economic development.
We should coordinate development in urban and rural areas and in different regions,and balance economic growth with social progress.
We should strive to deepen reform and open wider to the outside and make economic growth more dynamic by givingmore impetus for it.
We should give priority to improving people’s livelihood and promote the building of a harmonious socialist society.
We should make efforts to promote a conservation culture,build capacity for sustainable development and turn the Economic Zone into a harmonious region that enjoys sustained economic growth,flourishing culture and rising competitiveness,and where people are happy about their life and work.Then the Economic Zone will be able to contributemore to the overall development of our country.
[3]王克非.翻译文化史论 [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997:122.
[4]Quirk,R.et.al.A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.Longman.1985
[7]HU J.T.Report to the 17th National Congress of CPC[J].Beijing Review,2007(I).
[8]YANG.J.C.Address at the Munich Security Conference[J]Beijing Review,2010.
[9]WEN J.B.Report on theWork of the Government[J].Beijing Review,2010(I).
[10]国务院关于支持福建省加快建设海峡西岸经济区的若干意见[EB/OL].http://www.stnn.cc/china/200905/t20090514_1026750.htm l,2009-5-14.
[11]WU B.G Report on theWork of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress[J].Beijing Review,2010(14).
Target Textw ith Accuracy and Identification Degree of Readers
LU Gang
(Foreign Language Department ofWuyi University,Wuyishan,Fujian 354300)
Accuracy is the inevitable require of political translation,while foreign propaganda translation takes an important role of it.The foreign propaganda documents such as Report to the Party or Report on the Work of the Government which involve their most important events.It should be issued by perfect writing with accuracy words and has its special meaning which embodies the political guidance,laws and regulars.The target text should not only reflect the source text with accuracy butal so unthinkable power and effect.
foreign propaganda document;translation;accuracy;identification
陆 刚 (1960-),男,汉族,副教授,主要研究方向:英汉语对比与翻译。