Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue


当代外语研究 2011年8期

OntheStratificationandPragmaticMarkednessofMetalanguage, by HOU Guojin, p.7

This paper, initiated by Tarski’s dichotomy between metalanguage (ML) and target language (TL), explores all the major ML and TL which occur in truth (value) paradoxes and are oriented towards an interpretation of more and universal pragmatic phenomena.The author begins with a discussion of the metaphoricality, stratification, and pragmatic markedness of ML and TL, and then introduces 6 types of marked ML, proposing that to find out about the stratification and markedness of bigger ML and TL (in texts) is more pragmatically valuable.Thus it goes on with a classification and discussion of PHRASAL-CLAUSAL ML/TL, SENTENTIAL ML/TL, SUPRASENTENTIAL ML/TL, and TEXTUAL ML/TL and a discussion of interlocutors’ ML/TL interpretation, misinterpretation and the consequent negotiation.Finally, by an analysis of a couple of examples fromTheStoryoftheStone, this paper concludes that the above discussion of metaphoricality, stratification and pragmatic markedness of ML/TL is applicable in communication interpretation and relevant disciplines.The paper maintains that the right generation and interpretation of various kinds of ML and TL with different degrees of pragmatic markedness make up part of one’s metapragmatic competence.

AContrastiveStudyoftheDetransitivizationandSemanticSelf-SufficiencyMechanismsandtheRelatedEffectsontheWordOrderinChineseandEnglish, by LIU Xiaolin & ZENG Chengming, p.14

English and Chinese have their own ways of realizing detransitivization and semantic self-sufficiency, and each way detransitivizes verbs and realizes semantic self-sufficiency to different degree.Generally speaking, the aspect markers of English detransitivizes verbs higher than those of Chinese.Verbs in Chinese can be detransitivized by means of di-syllabalism and making some implicit sememe explicit, while verbs in English can be so through preposition-addition.Different detransitivization mechanisms give rise to different word order variants: passivization is coded differently, and the surfacing of agent-type subject and the freedom of topicalization are also different.

AnInterpretationofCognitiveLinguisticsinLightofComplexityScience, by ZHANG Feng, p.20

The paradigm for natural science is shifting from classical science based on Newtonian mechanics to complexity science based on complexity theory.The basic tenets of Cognitive Linguistics are compatible with those of complexity science.Language as a complex system has a lot in common with other complex systems.Drawing on the findings of complexity science has important implications for the study of language.

ACaseStudyoftheResearch-OrientedInstructioninSpecializedCoursesforEnglishMajors, by YANG Xianju, p.25

The paper reports a case study of research-oriented instruction approach applied to the course “Second Language Acquisition theories”, one of the specialized courses for English majors.In the experiment, learners are encouraged to learn autonomously by finding out and looking for ways to solve problems, to learn by group discussion and cooperation learning and to learn to write academically.It has been found that the approach has motivated learners to a great extent, facilitated learner cooperation, stimulated learners to think creatively and learn to do research, which prepares much for learners’ thesis writing, further study and future career.The approach has been proved feasible for English majors.

AnEmpiricalStudyoftheRoleofSelf-RegulationinCollegeEnglishWriting, by JIANG Yan & MA Wulin, p.30

Based on Zimmerman’s Self-regulation Theory and Cognitive Theory, the present study was carried out on the application of self-regulated learning in college EFL writing process with the purpose of improving the students’ writing proficiency.The result shows that self-regulation in writing process: 1) helps learners’ improvement on writing proficiency; 2) prompts learners not only to pay attention to literary mistakes, but also begin to focus on content, structure, and other comprehensive factors; 3) helps learners’ development of non-cognitive qualities.Their motivations, interests and positive attitudes towards writing have been triggered, which in turn promote their attentions, emotions and motivations.

TheTableTurned:ForeignMonksMisreadingoftheLocalBible—AReflectionupontheCulturalSchoolofTranslatology, by LUO Yimin & HAN Zhihua, p.36

Within the enlarged scope of translation studies, there are many schools which have gradually come into existence, among which “Cultural School” takes the lead.However, overall viewing of translation studies as academics, the future development and direction of translatology have been drawn increasing attention.By analyzing the Cultural Theories represented by André Lefevere and Susan Bassnett, this paper tries to recover a scientific academic view about translatology based on the nature of translation.

LiteraryTranslation:RewritingandCompetition, by ZHENG Yanguo, p.41

Many scholars both abroad and at home hold such an idea that rewriting and competition are two creative ways of literary translating.The author of this paper not only approves of the idea, but also provides some examples to testify its rationality.

GeneralTranslatology:TheSourceofTranslationStudiesasaDiscipline, by FANG Mengzhi, p.44

Jiang Zhenyi’sGeneralTranslatologypublished in 1927 is the first book named after translatology in the world.This paper makes a brief introduction of the content and features of the book and focuses on discussion on the definition of translatology and problems of translated names.

InterpretingtheNarrativeof“Araby”fromthePerspectiveofAppraisalTheory, by ZENG Yanbing, p.47

This article, in light of the appraisal theory developed by Martin, together with narrative theories, attempts to examine the appraisal resources and means in Joyce’s story “Araby” through the analysis on the level of lexicon and grammar so as to open up a new approach to interpretation of the story.Through affect subsystem, the difference between the two voices—the narrating “I” and the experiencing “I”—on the hero’s affection is explored while through appreciation and judgment subsystem, an analysis is conducted to see how the setting descriptions and character judgments help tov reflect the attitude of the author/narrator.

TheInvisibilityofEthnicMinoritiesintheCity:AComparisonbetweenTheRightBankofEErGuNaRiverandLandscapeofFarewell, by LIU Yunqiu, p.52

TheRightBankofEErGuNaRiverby Chi Zijian andLandscapeofFarewellby Alex Miller are two novels full of philosophical meanings.Through a comparative study of their writing intentions, thematic differences and narrative strategies, we find that both of them are more interested in exploring the history, describe the circumstances of the two ethnic minorities thoroughly, and display their humanism towards the Ewenki nationality and Aborigines to reveal the two ethnic minorities’ absence in the history and their invisibility in the city, although the two writers live in different cultural environments.