

中学英语之友·中 2008年3期


1.If you do, youll have a great time.


解读 (1)这是一个含if引导的条件状语从句的复合句。其中if you do是条件状语从句,youll have a great time是主句。须注意的是:在条件状语从句中,将来的动作常用一般现在时来代替。例如:

Ill go with you if Im free tomorrow.


We wont go swimming if it rains. 如果下雨,我们就不去游泳。

If you dont hurry, youll be late. 如果你不赶快点,你就会迟到。

延伸 在when, before, after, as soon as, until等引导的时间状语从句中,将来的动作也常用一般现在时。例如:

Ill be in Paris when Im older. 等我长大点,我将住在巴黎。

Ill tell her about it as soon as she gets back.


She wont leave until her parents come home.


(2)do在句子中代替前文的Im going to go to the party。do的这种用法,我们称之为“代动词”。请观察下列句子中do的用法。

①——Dont play soccor in the street. 不要在街上踢球。

——Sorry, I wont do it again. 对不起,我再不会那样做了。

②——Have you returned the library book? 你还图书馆的书了吗?

——No, but Ill do soon. 没有,但我马上还。

③The robot can change its work just as you do.


(3)have a great time“玩得高兴”。类似说法还有:

have a good timehave a wonderful time

have a nice timeenjoy oneself

应用 选择填空。

①What are you going to do when you ____ up?

A. grow B. will grow C. are growing D. to grow

②If it ____, lets go hiking.

A. isnt rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain D. rains

③Dont go too high; if you ____, itll be dangerous.

A. are B. go C. do D. can

④Thanks for your party; I ____ very much.

A. had a great time B. had a good time

C. had a nice time D. enjoyed myself

解答 ①A 在时间状语从句中将来的动作用一般现在时。

②B 在条件状语从句中将来的动作用一般现在时。

③C 代动词,代前文go too high。

④D 只有enjoy能被very much修饰。

2.——Im going to the school party. 我要去参加学校的聚会。

——So am I. 我也要去。

解读 So am I.意思是Im going to the school party, too.译为“我也要去。”其中so是代词,常代替前文出现的某一事情或动作。整个句型结构为:

so+助动词+主语 例如:

You are from Nanjing, so am I. 你是南京人,我也是。

Well visit the farm, so will they. 我们要参观农场,他们也要去。

They eat a lot of potatoes, so do our Chinese.


She got there late, so did John. 她到那儿迟了,约翰也是。

比较 英语中还有so的另一类句型“so+主语+助动词”,意思是“……的确是这样”。例如:

①——Your bag is in the desk. 你的书包在桌子里。

——So it is. 的确在桌子里。

②——She got there late. 她到那儿迟到了。

——So she did. 她真是这样。

应用 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。

①——We eat a lot of fish in our country.

——____. (日本人也一样。)

②My father can drive a car, ____. (我妈妈也是。)

③——I think Class Two are going on a picnic next week.

——____. (真是这样。)

④——Today is your birthday; you are 15 years old tomorrow.

——____. (是这样。)

解答 ①So do the Japanese ②so can my mother ③So they are ④So I am

3.You can become a model for young people who will look up to you. 你会成为年轻人的榜样,并受到他们的尊敬。

解读 (1)who will look up to you是定语从句,修饰people。其中who既作连接词,连接定语从句与被修饰词,又作定语从句里的主语。例如:

Those who want to go please sign their names here.


A man who doesnt try to learn from others cant hope to achieve much. 一个不向别人学习的人是不可能指望有多少成就的。

He who plays with fire gets burnt. (谚)玩火者必自焚。

警示 who引导的定语从句中的谓语,必须与定语从句的先行词(即被修饰词)保持数的一致。

(2)look up尊敬,仰望。例如:

They look up to you as their teacher. 他们尊敬你为他们的老师。

Mr Black, our headmaster, is well looked up to.


(3)look up还有以下几种意思:


The fox looked up and saw a cock in the tree.


Look up to me, Jack!杰克,抬头看着我!


Look it up in a dictionary when you dont know a new word.



I looked him up on my way home. 在回家的路上,我去看望了他。

应用 选择填空。

①Do you know the young lady ____ spoke at the meeting?

A. which B. who C. when D. whom

②Anyone who ____ the rules ____ going to be punished.

A. break, are B. break, is C. breaks, is D. breaks, are

③Ye Xin died in the fight against SARS, but we all look up ____her for ever.

A. to B. at C. with D. for

④He looked ____ the right but found nothing.

A. at B. for C. round D. to

解答 ①B 在定语从句中作主语。

②C 先行词anyone看作单数。

③A look up to尊敬。


4.Some of them think that this will make them happy.


解读 make them happy意思是“使得他们快乐”。make一词常见用法和意思有:


This factory makes leather shoes of all kinds.


You can see “made in China” on it.



make a noise 吵闹 make a mistake 出错

make a living 维持生计 make a fire 生火

make a promise 答应 make a study (of) 学习

make a decision 决定 make a trip (to) 旅游

make a plan 制订计划 make a sentence 造句

make an answer 回答 make a (telephone) call (to) 打电话

make a speech 演讲 make sure 确信

make trouble 捣乱 make tea 沏茶

make money 挣钱 make the bed 铺床

make no difference 毫无差别 make room (for) 腾出空间

③make sb. do sth. 让某人干某事

Money makes the mare go. (谚)有钱能使鬼推磨。

He was often made to carry water. 经常叫他挑水。

警示 make sb. do sth. 变成被动语态后,do前面要加to。例如:

Shes made to dance a second time. 有人叫她再跳一支舞。

④make sb./sth.+形容词使某人/某物怎么样

What makes you so happy? 你怎么这么高兴?

We work hard to make our motherland rich and strong soon.


⑤make sb.+介词短语(意义同④)

Dont be nervous; make yourself at home. 别紧张,请随便。

应用 根据句意完成下列句子,首字母已给出。

①9 oclock? Thats too late; lets m____ it 8 oclock.

②A tree cant make a f____.

③You must m____ the bed after you get up.

④What makes you t____ Im a farmer?

⑤The bad news made us all s____.

⑥The fridge on the left is m____ in Japan.

⑦With the help of man-made satellites, we can make a t____ call to a foreign country.

⑧Check your answers again; make s____ there are not any mistakes.

解答 ①makemake it(把时间) 定在……。

②forest (谚语)独木不成林。

③makemake the bed整理床铺。

④thinkmake sb. do sth. 叫某人干某事。

⑤sad/surprisedmake sb. +adj. 让某人怎样。

⑥madebe made in 在……制造。

⑦telephonemake a telephone call 打电话。

⑧suremake sure 确保。


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