Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Damage Detection and Material Property Reconstruction of Composite Laminates Using Laser Ultrasonic Technique
An Efficient Method for Local Buckling Analysis of Stiffened Panels
An Adaptive Transmission Scheme for Deep Space Communication
High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Hovering Rotor Simulations Based on a Rotating Reference Frame
Experiment on Boiling Heat Transfer of Refrigerant R134a in Mini-channels
Self-Sensing Test Method for the Temperature of Piezoelectric Stacks
Effective Thermal Conductivity for 3D Five-Directional Braided Composites Based on Microstructural Analysis
Two Degree-of-Freedom Dynamic Theoretical Model on Tile Thermal Protection System
Collapse of a Deep Excavated Foundation Pit in the Soft Soils by 3-D FEM
Discrete Fractional Lagrange Equations of NonconservativeSystems
Torque Distribution of Electric Vehicle with Four in-Wheel Motors Based on Road Adhesion Margin