Journal of Hainan Medical College
Journal of Hainan Medical College
Original article
Effect of honokiol regulating SIRT3 on chronic hypoxia-induced microglia and astrocyte polarization
SLC6A8 promotes liver cancer cell proliferation by regulating mitochondrial autophagy through BNIP3L
Pueraria isoflavones inhibit XOD and GLUT9 to decrease uric acid production and promote uric acid excretion, respectively
Clinical characteristics of patients with early-and late-onset optic neuromyelitis optica spectrum disease
Distribution of gene polymorphisms associated with aspirin antiplatelet in the Han NSTEMI population
Predictive value of systemic immunity index for sepsis in low-medium risk community-acquired pneumonia
To analyze the differentially expressed genes in chronic rejection after renal transplantation by bioinformatics
Effect of different interventions on orthodontic tooth movement acceleration: A network meta-analysis
Advances in microRNA and inflammatory bowel disease and their related mechanisms
Research progress on the clinical diagnosis and treatment of COPD with pulmonary embolism
Advances of N6-methyladenosine modification on circular RNA in hepatocellular carcinoma