摘要:【目的】测试干旱荒漠区9个杏品种的花器官生理生化指标,分析9个杏品种花器官的半致死温度,研究不同花器官抗寒性强弱,为选择抗寒栽培品种与抗寒育种提供依据。【方法】测试花器官电导率、SOD、POD生理生化指标,应用Excel表与DPS软件分析测试数据。【结果】杏品种雌蕊、雄蕊、花瓣半致死温度由高到低依次为花瓣>雄蕊>雌蕊;不同杏品种雌蕊、雄蕊、花瓣半致死温度由高到低依次为巴丹油杏>珍珠油杏>小树上干杏>丰园红杏>杏王>金太阳杏>凯特杏>红李广杏>李广杏;不同低温处理下杏品种花蕾、花朵半致死温度由高到低依次为花蕾>花朵;不同杏品种已开放花器官、花蕾、花朵半致死温度由高到低依次均为巴丹油杏>珍珠油杏>小树上干杏>丰园红杏>杏王>金太阳杏>凯特杏>红李广杏>李广杏;不同杏品种盛开花组织低温处理SOD活性变化趋势,随着处理温度由高到低,各品种雌蕊、雄蕊、花瓣的SOD活性值呈先低至高再降低的趋势,雌蕊、雄蕊出现高峰值的温度为-1℃,花瓣出现高峰值的温度除巴丹油杏、珍珠油杏、小树上干杏3个品种外-5℃仍为上升过程,其余品种在-1~-3℃;不同杏品种盛开花组织低温处理POD活性变化趋势,随着处理温度0、-1、-3和-5℃由高至低,各杏品种雌蕊、雄蕊、花瓣的SOD活性值呈低至高的趋势,雌蕊、雄蕊SOD活性值呈由低至高再降低的过程,出现高峰值的温度因品种抗寒性的不同而不同,巴丹油杏、珍珠油杏、小树上干杏、丰园红杏、杏王均为-3℃,凯特杏、红李广杏、李广杏均为-1℃,花瓣出现高峰值的温度除巴丹油杏、珍珠油杏、小树上干杏、丰园红杏在-5 ℃仍为上升过程,其余品种高分值在-1~-3℃。
0引 言
【研究意义】杏树(Armeniaca vulgaris L.)为落叶乔木,是重要经济果树树种,杏营养丰富,含糖、蛋白质以及钙、磷等矿物质,还含有VA、VC和VB族等维生素[1-2]。杏树由于花芽休眠期短、春季开花早,花期和幼果期常遭遇低温和晚霜危害[3-4]。对于大部分杏树品种,因萌芽和花期抗御低温的能力降低,在花蕾期低于-3.9℃,花期低于-2.2℃,幼果期低于-0.6℃,低温时间超过30 min时,容易发生冻害[5]。【前人研究进展】近年来,我国在选育品质优、产量高、储运性好、特别是花果抗晚霜冻害能力强的新优杏品种育种方面取得了进展[6-7],其综合经济性状与生态适应性远优于国外引进的杏品种,如珍珠油杏的选育、新疆优选的小树上干杏等新品种的问世,花果高抗晚霜冻害,花蕾期能抗低于-10.9℃的低温,花期能耐零下4~6℃低温而不受冻害[8]。【本研究切入点】近几年在我国北方地区大面积推广的杏树良种花器官遭受低温胁迫后,需对杏花器官的抗冻性进行定量研究。【拟解决的关键问题】测试干旱荒漠区9个杏树品种花器官生理生化指标,研究杏花器官的抗冻机理,为杏树花器官抗冻能力鉴定、抗冻性育种以及良种推广提供理论依据。
1.1材 料
试验在甘肃省张掖市石岗墩戈壁荒滩地珍珠油杏示范基地、山丹县示范点、临泽示范点进行,试验区海拔1 450~2 500 m,年均温度5.0~7.0℃,最高气温38.6℃,绝对低温-28.7~33.0℃,≥ 10℃有效积温2 500~2 896℃,年均降水129~350 mm,≥10℃年日照3 085 h,太阳总辅射量601.51 kJ/cm2,年均相对湿度46%,无霜期120~156 d,土质为砂质壤土,pH值7.8,肥力中等,该区域属典型的荒漠、半荒漠、干旱、半干旱气候。
1.2方 法
2018年3月下旬至4月上旬,选取树势中庸,开花正常的样株5株,每品种采取花蕾期枝条100枝,带至实验室冷冻,花蕾枝设计处理温度为0、-5、-7、-9和-11℃;在4月下旬至5月中上旬盛花期期间,在各品种间选择无病虫害、长势均匀的开花枝条各100枝,立即进行冷冻处理,盛开花枝设计处理温度为0、-1、-3和-5℃;以上处理按2℃/h降至设计温度,保持30 min,对处理过的样枝随机取样,测试花瓣、雌蕊、雄蕊相对电导率、SOD、POD活性,记录花器官褐变情况,计算褐变率。
应用SPSS 20.0统计分析软件进行数据分析,应用Excel 2016进行作图。
研究表明,不同杏品种盛开花组织低温处理下POD的活性随着处理温度0、-1、-3、-5℃由高到低,各品种雌蕊、雄蕊、花瓣的POD活性值呈由低到高的过程,雌蕊、雄蕊POD活性值呈由低到高再到低的过程,出现高峰值的温度因品种抗寒性的不同而不同,巴丹油杏、珍珠油杏、小树上干杏、丰园红杏、杏王为-3℃,凯特杏、红李广杏、李广杏为-1℃,花瓣出现高峰值的温度除巴丹油杏、珍珠油杏、小树上干杏、丰园红杏在-5℃仍为上升过程,其余品种在-1~-3℃。不同杏品种花器官抗寒性越强,POD活性值越高,否则杏品种花器官抗寒性越差,POD活性值出现高分值后下降,花器官受伤致死。9个杏品种盛开花组织低温处理下POD活性变化趋势为巴丹油杏>珍珠油杏>小树上干杏>丰园红杏>杏王>金太阳杏>凯特杏 >红李广杏> 李广杏。图2
3讨 论
4结 论
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Physiological study of frost damage on flower organs of nine apricot varieties in arid desert area
ZENG Wanqi1, HAN Duohong2, FENG Junren3
(1. Academy of Water Resources Conservation Forests in Qilian Mountains of Gansu Province, Zhangye Gansu, 734000, China; 2. College of Life Sciences and Engineering,Hexi University,Zhangye Gansu, 734000,China; 3. Zhangye Academy of Forestry, Zhangye "Gansu 734000, China)
Abstract:【Objective】 To obtain the cold resistance of different flower organs and analyze the semi-lethal temperature of flower organs of 9 varieties by testing the physiological and biochemical indexes of flower organs of 9 apricot varieties in the hope of providing a basis for the selection of cold-resistant cultivation varieties and cold-resistant breeding.
【Methods】 The electrical conductivity of the flower organs, the physiological and biochemical indicators of SOD and POD were tested, and then the test data were analyzed with Excel table and DPS software.
【Results】 The sort of semi-fatal temperatures for pistils, stamens, and petals from high to low was petalsgt; stamensgt; pistils; the rating from high to low of the semi-fatal temperatures for pistils, stamens, and petals of different varieties were Prunus amygdalus Batsch gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Prunus armemiaca gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Prunus armeniaca L gt; Prunus armeniaca L gt; Prunus armemiaca gt; Prunus armeniaca; Through the analysis results of frost damage on flower buds and flowers under different low temperature treatments, the sorts from high to low of the semi-fatal temperature of flower buds and flowers were flower buds gt; flowers; At the same time, it was also shown that, in different varieties of apricot flowers, the sort from high to low of the semi-lethal temperature of the opened flower organs, flower buds, and flowers was Prunus amygdalus Batsch gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Prunus armemiaca gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Prunus armeniaca L gt; Prunus-armeniaca-L gt; Prunus armemiaca gt; Prunus armeniaca; the SOD activity of the flower tissues of different varieties changed from high to low. As the treatment temperature increased from high to low, the SOD activity values of each variety of pistils, stamens, and petals showed the tendency from low to high, the peak of the temperature of the pistils and stamens was -1℃, and the temperature of SOD peak for the petals was -5℃, except for the three varieties of "Prunus amygdalus Batsch、 Armeniaca vulgaris Lam, Armeniaca vulgaris Lam, which was still in an upward process. And those of the rest of the varieties were between -1 and -3℃; the POD activity of different apricot varieties changed. With treatment temperatures of 0, -1, -3 and -5℃ from high to low, the SOD activity values of each variety of pistils, stamens, and petals showed a process from low to high. The SOD activity values for pistils and stamens showed a process from low to high, then to low, the temperature of SOD peak varies according to the cold resistance of different varieties, the temperature of SOD peak of Prunus amygdalus Batsch, Armeniaca vulgaris Lam, and Armeniaca vulgaris Lam, Prunus armemiaca, Armeniaca vulgaris Lam was -3 ℃, the temperature of SOD peak of Prunus armeniaca L, Prunus armemiaca and Prunus armeniaca was -1℃. The temperature of SOD peak for the petals was -5℃, except for the varieties of Prunus amygdalus Batsch, Armeniaca vulgaris Lam, Armeniaca vulgaris Lam , Prunus armemiaca, which was still in an upward process. And the high values of the rest varieties were between -1℃-3℃.
【Conclusion】 The sort of the cold resistance of the nine varieties of floral organs is Prunus amygdalus Batsch gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Prunus armemiaca gt; Armeniaca vulgaris Lam gt; Prunus armeniaca L gt; Prunus armeniaca L gt; Prunus armemiaca gt; Prunus armeniaca. In the frost year, the actual frost damage results of each variety are basically consistent with physiological test analysis.
Key words:arid desert area; apricot tree; flower organs; frost damage
Fund projects:The Natural Science Foundation Project of Gansu Province “Ecological Process of Root and Tiller Reproduction in Linze Jujube and Its Function Mechanism in Population Conservation and Restoration” (22JR5RG1028)
Correspondence author: HAN Duohong(1977-),male,from Zhangye,Gansun,associate professor,research direction:Oiversity of plant resources,plant stress physiology and biochemistry,(E-mail)handuohong@163.com