摘 要:【目的】分析萨福克羊主要经济性状的遗传参数,研究非遗传因素对萨福克羊主要经济性状的影响。
【方法】2017~2023年共收集新疆玛纳斯种羊场萨福克羊4 156只,并进行个体鉴定记录,利用DMU软件估计主要经济性状遗传参数,并使用SAS软件分析萨福克羊出生类型、出生年份、群别、胎次和母羊年龄等5个固定效应对各性状的影响。
中图分类号:S826"" 文献标志码:A"" 文章编号:1001-4330(2024)07-1814-07
0 引 言
1 材料与方法
1.1 材 料
2017~2023年收集新疆日发新西域玛纳斯牧业有限公司玛纳斯种羊场4 156只萨福克羊。
1.2 方 法
1.2.1 固定效应水平的划分
1.2.2 统计模型 固定效应分析模型
式中,Yijklm为个体表型观察值,u为群体均值效应,mi为出生类型效应,cj为出生年份效应,xk为群别效应,cl胎次效应,qm为母羊年龄效应,eijklm为随机残差效应。 遗传参数估计模型
1.3 数据处理
利用Excel 2016对原始数据的质控,剔除表型值异常,以平均值±3倍标准差作为正常值的范围,剔除正常值以外的数据。使用SPSS 26.0软件对数据进行描述性统计,使用SAS软件(version6.2)对羊出生类型、出生年份、群别、胎次、母羊年龄5个固定效应对数据进行最小二乘分析,运用DMU软件(version6.5)AIREML模块结合EM算法估计经济性状的方差组分。
2 结果与分析
2.1 萨福克羊生长性状统计
研究表明,萨福克羊各性状的均值分别为初生重4.47 kg、平均日增重0.19 kg、周岁重76.64 kg、体高65.58 cm、体长66.89 cm、胸围94.24 cm。表1
2.2 萨福克羊各性状方差比较
2.3 萨福克羊各性状最小二乘均方差
2.4 遗传力估计、性状间的遗传相关性和表型相关性
3 讨 论
3.1 非遗传因素对萨福克羊主要经济性状的影响
3.2 萨福克羊经济性状遗传参数估计
4 结 论
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Estimation of genetic parameters and analysis of the
effects of non-genetic factors on major economic traits in Suffolk sheep
CHEN Shenglei1, SUN Guozhi1, ZHANG Guowei1, MA Haiyu1,
LIU Lingling1, ZHANG Weizhong2, LIU Wujun1,2
(1. College of Animal Science, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China; 2. Rifa New Xiyu Manas Animal Husbandry Co. Ltd., Manas Xinjiang 832200, China)
Abstract:【Objective】 This project aims to estimate the genetic parameters of the main economic traits of Suffolk sheep and to analyze the effects of non-genetic factors on the main economic traits. traits
【Methods】" In this experiment, a total of 4,156 individual identification records of Suffolk sheep from 2017-2023 in Xinjiang Manas breeding farm were collected, and the DMU software was used to estimate the genetic parameters of the main economic traits, and the SAS software was used to analyze the effects of five fixed effects, including birth type, year of birth, group, litter size, and age of the ewe on each trait.
【Results】"" The heritability of the main economic traits in Suffolk sheep was 0.17, 0.27, 0.31 in birth weight, weekly weight and chest circumference, respectively, while the heritability of 0.05 for daily weight gain was low, and the heritability of 0.38 for body height and 0.41 for body length were high, except for the negative correlation of chest circumference with body height and body length, the other traits showed positive correlation and the correlation of body height and chest circumference with daily weight gain was low. There were strong genetic and phenotypic correlations between height and chest circumference and daily weight gain, and the heritability of both was high. The birth weight, daily weight gain, weekly weight, body length and chest circumference of single fetuses were significantly higher than those of twin fetuses; the birth weight and daily weight gain of single fetuses were in an upward trend during the period of birth year; the birth weight, daily weight gain and weekly weight of group 1 were significantly higher than those of group 2, and the body height, length and chest circumference of group 2 were significantly higher than that of group 1; in the number of litters, the birth weight, daily weight gain and body height of litters 2, 3 and 4 were significantly higher than those of litters 1 and 5; The age of ewes at 2, 3 and 4 years old was significantly higher than that of 1 year old, daily weight gain and weekly weight at 1 and 2 years old were significantly higher than those of 3 and 4 years old, and there was no significant difference among other traits.
【Conclusion】 Soffolk sheep are tall,the heritability of body length is high,weight at birth,weight at the age of one year,chest circumference belongs to medium heritability.The heritability of daily weight gain was low.There was a negative genetic correlation between chest circumference and body height and body length.The other traits were positively correlated.The soffolk sheep herd 2017-2019 early growth traits showed an upward trend.The fecundity of 2 or 3 ewes reached the best level.
Key words:Suffolk sheep; genetic parameters; non-genetic parameters; economic
Fund projects:National Key R amp; D Program Project (2021YFD1600702-1); Dolang Sheep Breed Selection and Promotion Technology System of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (2021XJXQZY-DLY-01);Rural Revitalization Industry Development Science and Technology Action Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (2021NC024)
Correspondence author: LIU Wujun (1966-), female, from Henan, Ph.D., professor, research direction: animal genetic breeding, (E-mail)lwj_ws@163.com