

新疆农业科学 2024年7期

摘 要:【目的】研究李小食心虫(Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke)幼虫在果园的空间分布,为李小食心虫的科学防控及确定最适抽样数提供理论依据。





中图分类号:S43"" 文献标志码:A"" 文章编号:1001-4330(2024)07-1772-06

0 引 言

【研究意义】李小食心虫(Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke)属于鳞翅目小卷叶蛾科[1-3],为蛀果害虫,主要以幼虫啃食果肉及果树嫩梢[4]。该虫在我国已知分布于东北、华北、西北及南方果树种植区,在1996年以来新疆果树李小食心虫的种群数量逐年增多,为害严重时,蛀果率可达80%~90%[5];近年来有为害核桃果实的现象。研究李小食心虫幼虫的空间分布,对有效控制其为害的发生与蔓延及安全高效防治与监测有实际意义。昆虫的空间分布型是种群的一个重要特征之一,研究昆虫的空间分布能够揭示其种群动态结构和田间发生规律,对其虫情的预测预报、防治阈值确定、防治策略制定等有重要意义。


1 材料与方法

1.1 材 料

试验设在新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州轮台县哈尔巴格乡哈尔东村杏果园等(84°12′30″E,41°47′2″N)。选取4块李小食心虫为害程度不同的果园,每个果园面积3~4 hm2,定植15~16年,树高5~7m。在李小食心虫幼虫为害高峰期,按照平行取样法,每果园调查3行,每行随机调查4株,每棵树分东、西、南、北、中5个方位,上、下2层;每个方位分别选取50个以上的果实,记录每个方位的李小食心虫幼虫蛀果的数量。

1.2 方 法

1.2.1 聚集度指标法









1.2.2 线性回归方程的检验

(1)采用Iwao的回归方程[14, 15]m*=α+βX-,根据α与β的不同组合分析李小食心虫幼虫的不同空间分布,当方程式中α<0时,个体间相互排斥,当α=0时分布的基本成分为单个个体,当α>0时个体间相互吸引,分布的基本成分为个体群。式中β为成分的空间分布,当β<1时为均匀分布,当β=1时为随机分布,当β>1时为聚集分布。


1.2.3 利用Blackith(1961)[17]种群聚集均数(λ)概念



1.2.4 最适抽样公式



2 结果与分析

2.1 聚集指标测定


2.2 Iwao的回归

研究表明,平均拥挤度M*与平均虫口密度X-,李小食心虫幼虫的回归直线方程为M*=1.09 + 1.01X-(R2 = 0.98),其中α=1.09 gt; 0李小食心虫幼虫的分布是个体群;β= 1.01gt; 1,当在蛀果率为1.67%~10.10%时,李小食心虫幼虫的空间分布型为聚集分布,且个体之间相互吸引。表2

2.3 Tatlor幂法则

研究表明,在Tatlor的回归方程中lgs2 = 0.27 + 1.08lgX-(R2 = 0.93)检验中不同方位的lga= 0.27gt; 0、b= 1.08gt; 1,李小食心虫幼虫空间分布为聚集分布,且与种群密度有关,聚集程度随X-值的增大而增加。表2

2.4 聚集原因


2.5 李小食心虫幼虫的理论抽样数


3 讨 论



与刘军和[8, 18]的李小食心虫幼虫在美国杏李上的研究基本一致,但李小食心虫幼虫在新疆轮台县的空间分布与种群密度有关,种群密度小的为均匀分布与刘军和的研究有所不同。与陆爽[19]、王慧[20]等对梨小食心虫的空间分布型的研究中呈聚集分布的结论基本一致。李小食心虫幼虫在杏树上聚集分布的原因与昆虫的生活环境有关,受环境条件的影响,该结论与李锐等[21]对梨小食心虫的研究结论基本相同。


研究选定的4块样地中,树种、树龄以及栽培管理模式等因素均存在一定的差异性,通过空间分布模型分析和聚集度指标测定看出,其种群密度之间存在明显差异,随着种群密度的增大,其空间分布型有均匀-聚集-均匀的趋势。此外,试验研究只调查了0.22%~10.10%的蛀果率,蛀果率gt; 10.10%的果园里的李小食心虫空间分布有待进一步研究。

4 结 论




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Study on the spatial distribution and sampling

technique of Grapholitha funebrana

LIU Yuping1,2, XU Bingqiang2, SONG Bo2, LI Haiqiang2,

CHEN Haoyu2, HAO Jingzhe2, ZHU Xiaofeng2, REN Jinlong1

(1.College of Agriculture, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China;2. Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Crop in Northwestern Oasis/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / National Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Special Forestry and Fruit Industry/Institute of Plant Protection,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Urumqi 830091,China)

Abstract:【Objective】 To clarify the spatial distribution patterns and sampling techniques of Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke larvae in orchards, so as to provide theoretical basis for scientific control, investigation and sampling of the insect.

【Methods】" The spatial distribution pattern and sampling technique were studied by means of aggregation index method, Iwao regression analysis, Taylor's power law and Iwao optimal sampling model.

【Results】 The spatial distribution pattern of larva was related to population density. With the increase of population density, the spatial distribution of larva changed from uniform distribution to aggregation distribution. The distribution of larva was uniform distribution when the rate of caries was 0.22%, and the distribution of larva was aggregatived when the rate of caries was 1.67%-10.10%. The causes of aggregation were caused by their living habits and environmental conditions. The optimum sampling number under different population densities and allowable errors was determined.

【Conclusion】 With the increase of population density, the spatial distribution of larva larvae changes from uniform distribution to aggregation distribution. For the orchards with aggregation distribution (fruit decay rate gt;1.67%), it is important to control the plant or the parts with serious damage, which is the key measure to effectively control the spread and damage of G. funebrana.

Key words:Grapholitha funebrana; orchard; spatial distribution; sampling technique

Fund projects:Key Ramp;D Program Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (2021B02004-1); Special Fund Project of Xinjiang Apricot Industrial Technology System (XJCYTX-03)

Correspondence author: ZHU Xiaofeng (1979-), male, professor, research direction: Integrated prevention and control of fruit diseases and pests, (E-mail)zxf5117@ 163. com

REN Jinlong,(1989-) male, Ph.D., associate professor, research direction: Insect taxonomy and Phylogeny, Insect-Plant Interaction, Insect diversity and distribution patterns in Steppe, (E-mail)




新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发计划项目 (2021B02004-1);新疆杏产业技术体系专项资金项目(XJCYTX-03)




朱晓锋(1979-),男,河南许昌人,研究员,博士,研究方向为果树病虫害综合防控,(E-mail)zxf5117@ 163. com


