关键词 陶瓷结合剂组分;三元相图;热膨胀系数;力学性能
中图分类号 TQ171 文献标志码 A
文章编号 1006-852X(2024)06-0761-08
DOI 码 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0126
收稿日期 2023-06-09 修回日期 2024-01-08
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通信作者: 栗正新,男,1964 年生,教授。主要研究方向:磨料磨具、超硬材料及制品,计算机在材料科学中的应用。
E-mail: zhengxin_li@haut.edu.cn
1 , WANG Chunhua 1 , LI Zhengxin 1 , ZHANG Lin 2 , ZHANG Guowei 2 ,
ZHOU Shaojie
2 , XIA Xuefeng 3 , SHAO Junyong 4
(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China)
(2. White Dove Abrasives and Grinding Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450199, China)
(3. SINOMACH-INT Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450018, China)
(4. Chengdu Tool Research Institute Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610500, China)
Objectives: Vitrified bonded diamond grinding tools are widely used in the machining industry, but the high-temperature resistance of diamond is poor. Therefore, there are high requirements on sintering temperature, flowability,and thermal expansion coefficient of vitrified bond materials. The influence of the content of Al 2 O 3 , B 2 O 3 , and SiO 2 invitrified bond on its properties is investigated. By changing the content of these three components and comparing thechanges in the properties of the bonds, a more suitable vitrified bond for diamond grinding tools is obtained. Methods:Using a ternary phase diagram, the content of Al 2 O 3 , B 2 O 3 , and SiO 2 in the R 2 O-Al 2 O 3 -B 2 O 3 -SiO 2 bond system is adjus-ted. Sixteen different formulas were designed to prepare 5 mm × 6 mm × 30 mm sample strips under a pressure of 5MPa, and dried at 80 ℃ for 12 hours. The refractoriness of each group of bonds was measured using a standard refract-ory cone, the flowability of the bonds was measured using the plane flow method, and the thermal expansion coefficientof the bonds was determined. According to the refractoriness data determined by each formula, sintering was carried outat a temperature 60 ℃ higher than the refractoriness of the bond. A microcomputer-controlled electronic universal test- ing machine was used to determine the flexural strength of the bond using the three-point bending method. The micro-hardness of the bond was measured using a microhardness tester, and the microstructure of the bond was analyzed. Res-ults:"From the analysis of the measured performance data, it can be concluded that: (1) B 2 O 3 has the effect of reducingthe refractoriness in vitrified bonds, while SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 increase the refractoriness of the bonds. Al 2 O 3 has a greaterimpact on the refractoriness of the bonds than SiO 2 . (2) B 2 O 3 has the effect of improving the flowability of bonds, whileAl 2 O 3 reduces the flowability of bonds. The thermal expansion coefficient and the flexural strength of the bond will varydepending on the content of Al 2 O 3 and B 2 O 3 . When the Al 2 O 3 content in the bond is high, the thermal expansion coeffi-cient of the bond will first decrease and then increase with the increase of B 2 O 3 content, and the flexural strength willfirst increase and then decrease with the increase of B 2 O 3 content. When the Al 2 O 3 content in the bond is low, thethermal expansion coefficient of the bond will increase with the increase of B 2 O 3 content, and the flexural strength willdecrease with the increase of B 2 O 3 content. When the SiO 2 content is fixed, the thermal expansion coefficient of thebond will increase with the increase of B 2 O 3 content, and the flexural strength will increase with the increase of Al 2 O 3content. When the B 2 O 3 content is fixed, the thermal expansion coefficient of the bond will increase with the increase ofAl 2 O 3 content, and the flexural strength will increase with the increase of B 2 O 3 content. The influence of each compon-ent in the bond on the microhardness change of the bond is SiO 2 gt;B 2 O 3 gt;Al 2 O 3 . When the molar ratio of Al 2 O 3 +B 2 O 3 toNa 2 O in the bond is less than 1, Al 2 O 3 and B 2 O 3 will combine with oxygen ions in Na 2 O to form [AlO 4 ] and [BO 4 ],which participate in the network structure of the bond and densify it. Breaking the dense network structure requireshigher energy. Therefore, densification of the network structure in the bond can reduce its thermal expansion coefficientand improve its flexural strength and microhardness. When n(Al 2 O 3 +B 2 O 3 )/n(Na 2 O)gt;1, the oxygen ions in Na 2 O are in-sufficient, and Al 2 O 3 and B 2 O 3 form [AlO 3 ] and [BO 3 ] triangles, reducing the density of the network structure. The fluffystructure makes the network structure more sensitive to energy, increasing the thermal expansion coefficient of the bondand reducing its flexural strength and microhardness. Conclusions: A ternary phase diagram based on the content ofAl 2 O 3 , B 2 O 3 , and SiO 2 in the R 2 O-Al 2 O 3 -B 2 O 3 -SiO 2 system bond can intuitively reflect the synergistic effect of the threecomponents during sintering. The three components will exhibit different effects in bonds with different contents, andtheir impact on the performance of the bond will also be different. When designing the formula for vitrified bonds, it isnecessary to consider the roles of different components in the bond and their interactions with other components.
vitrified bond components;ternary phase diagram;thermal expansion coefficient;mechanical property