Thousand Buddha Mountain, Daming Lake, and Baotu Spring are the renowned trio of scenic wonders in Jinan. Allow me to focus on Baotu Spring this time.
Upon the bridge beyond the West Gate, one encounters a rivulet of vibrant water, clear and pristine, gracefully flowing from south to north. This is the lifeblood that streams forth from Baotu Spring. Without this spring, Jinan would surely be deprived of half its beauty. However, the locale of the spring does not conform to our idealized visions of natural splendor. This illustrates a Chinese approach to the conquest of nature—alas, when nature’s bounty falls into Chinese hands, it often suffers a transformation into an unsightly state. The area surrounding this natural treasure has, regrettably, been transformed into a bustling marketplace.
The springs are a marvel to behold. The pool, nearly square in shape, hosts three springs to its western edge, with a slender stream flows northward, meandering towards the West Gate. Observe these three grand springs, ceaselessly bubbling day and night throughout the seasons. If you stand transfixed for but three minutes, the profound majesty of nature will assail your senses, leaving you in awe. Ever pure, ever vibrant, ever luminous, they bubble, bubble, bubble, with an indefatigable spirit, an unyielding force—such is the power of nature! In winter, the scene is further enchanted as a mist of steam rises from the spring, white and delicate, drifting above the verdant, lengthy algae, evoking a sense of an almost mystical realm.
By the pond, there are small springs: some mimic a giant fish exhaling water, effortlessly releasing a string of bubbles; some resemble a strand of pearls, midway bending and descending, truly akin to a diagonal string of pearls submerged; some take half the day to produce a single bubble, large and slightly flattened, ascending slowly and gracefully, only to burst; behold, another arises! Some clusters of delicate bubbles surge together, like a neatly arranged pearl blossom, snow-white; and some... These small springs offer even more charm than the grand one.