

走向世界 2024年34期





济南之美,历久弥新。作为一座有情调的城市,不管是自然风光,还是历史人文,济南都有着独特的魅力。从老舍笔下冬日里可爱的泉城济南,到琼瑶剧中浪漫的“大明湖畔”,“一城山色半城湖”的美誉早已让她响彻世界。诗坛顶流李白、杜甫,都曾在济南City Walk。一千年前,黄庭坚说,“济南潇洒似江南”;一千年后,年轻人在短视频说,“你一句春不晚,我就来到了真济南”。
































Searching for a city that strikes the perfect balance, one finds Jinan, a place where antiquity and vitality coexist, extending an embrace of openness and inclusivity to the era and its talents. It narrates its own urban tale through its history, landscapes, cultural heritage, and economic vitality, becoming a vessel and a beacon for the aspirations of an ever-growing multitude.

The high quality of life: fertile soil for dreams

The poetic imagery of “A ring of hills encircling the quaint town, a pristine spring embellishing the seasons with its grace,” and “Buses traversing the threads of the city’s grid, a generous bowl of tea steeping the myriad flavors of life,” evoke the essence of Jinan’s tranquil existence. The recently unveiled music video for “I’m Just Fine in Jinan” once again offers a window into the city’s serene and fulfilling lifestyle.

Today’s Jinan remains a fertile cradle for the artistic pursuits of a diverse array of writers and artists.

Jinan invites you to a place where the elements of “mountains, springs, lakes, and rivers” form a cohesive whole, and where the humanistic culture and historical depth illuminate each other. This city, with its blend of ancient elegance and modern sophistication, offers fertile ground for dreams to sprout and grow.

The optimal advantage of science and innovation: a wellspring of dreams

A city that harbors dreams and a future must be pulsating with energy and brimming with boundless potential.

Jinan boasts a legacy of innovation and creativity that dates back to antiquity. Embracing the new era, as one of the first pilot cities for “China Science and Innovation,” Jinan is endowed with abundant scientific and technological resources and a comprehensive array of innovation platforms. Its comprehensive index of scientific and technological innovation consistently leads the province.

The recent unveiling of the 7th China (Jinan) New Growth Drivers Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest heralds a new chapter in the city’s commitment to fostering creativity and enterprise. This event, as steadfast in its purpose as ever, will continue to ignite the spark of innovation and entrepreneurship among talents, drawing in a wealth of global resources and pooling a vibrant community of innovators and entrepreneurs in Jinan.

We are waiting for you in Jinan, a land where the soil is rich for the cultivation of innovative technologies, and where an unceasing force propels the realization of dreams. This city offers a canvas for every visionary talent to act upon their aspirations, cherish their passions, and harbor anticipation for a future replete with promise.

Offering a gateway of opportunity, a stage set for the enactment of dreams

This city thrives with open channels for external connections and internal circulation, embodying the new development paradigm that is both self-sustaining and globally interactive, leveraging its strategic position for“east-west mutual reinforcement and land-sea interconnectivity.”

Today, Jinan spans over 10,000 square kilometers, with an economic heft exceeding 1.2 trillion yuan. It stands at the confluence of pivotal national strategies, such as the grand Yellow River initiative, the cradle of kinetic energy transformation, the Jinan segment of the free trade pilot zone, and the experimental zone for the integration of scientific innovation and financial reform, heralding a new era of swift growth.

Jinan’s potential is boundless and splendid. North of the Yellow River, the Start-up Area surges forward with robust energy. To the east, the high-tech zone embarks on a new chapter of its “third entrepreneurial wave.” To the west, the Western New Town is swiftly ascending. Stretching southward, it unveils the splendor of nature and the rhythm of ecology. At the city’s core, the Central Business District, Mingfucheng, and the historic commercial port area, with their century-long legacy, script a new narrative of urban evolution and shared prosperity.

Jinan, a beacon of promise and opportunity, holds a future as vast as the cosmos, beckoning dream-chasing talents to join in a mutual pursuit of the stars and the sea. Here, ambition finds its opportunity, and capability its stage.

The ideal talent ecosystem: a catalyst for dreams

The contentment of the talented is, to a significant degree, the barometer of a city’s overall well-being.

To ensure that talents can pursue their vocations and entrepreneurial ventures with peace of mind and achieve their life aspirations, Jinan has implemented a comprehensive array of policies and initiatives. These are designed to establish a full lifecycle talent service system that embodies the philosophy of “Worry-free in the City of Springs for All,” guiding and safeguarding the journey of dream chasers, thereby reflecting the city’s dedication and responsibility.

Jinan, a city brimming with boundless potential, warmth, attentiveness, inclusiveness, and openness, welcomes every “striver” from across the globe, nurtures every “dreamer” with aspirations, and aids every “doer”who is deeply committed to their work. “We eagerly anticipate talents from all horizons to join hands with Jinan, to co-build dreams, and together, to craft an exquisite tapestry of the robust metropolis.