

走向世界 2024年34期


本次活动是一场“聚名医 送健康”的“海右人才节”精品活动。活动中,市民零距离享受名中医药专家们的服务。而这离不开近年来济南市对持续加强中医人才队伍建设的支持。济南市遵循中医药发展和人才成长规律,不断完善人才发展体制机制,壮大并用足用好中医药人才队伍,中医药工作迎来快速发展的黄金期。

本次活动是一场沉浸式体验“扁鹊故里”中医药文化成果的夏日盛宴。发布“扁鹊故里悠游”中医药文化地图、“扁鹊故里 夜宴”中医药夜市安排,40个中医药文化氛围浓厚的宣教基地、打卡地、景点集中呈现,15个区县(功能区)33场中医药文化夜市闪亮登场……济南市充分发挥扁鹊故里的资源禀赋,充分释放中医药人才的富集优势,让传承千年的文化自信也在这个热闹的夏至夜得到了升华。

本次活动也是济南市人才服务的重要一环。为做好人才就业服务,拓宽企业引才渠道,促成企业与人才“双向奔赴”,济南市推出海右人才夜市活动,打破 “坐等上门”服务模式,以方便求职、引才为出发点,将人才服务送到家门口,将夜市“流量”有效转化为人才“留量”,让济南人才服务涌动“烟火气”,大力营造尊才、爱才、敬才、用才的浓厚氛围。






招聘夜市,岗位“摆出来” 工作“逛到手”












People were wandering through the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) cultural district, receiving the inquiry and expertise of TCM masters, immersing in the suitable TCM techniques, savoring the exquisite blend of health and taste in medicinal cuisine, and indulging in the artistic performances. On June 21st, a spectacle of TCM culture was staged in Jinan. As one of the premium events of the 2nd “Haiyou Talent Festival,” the “Gathering of Talents in the Profession of Chinese Medicine, Eminent Physicians Bring Benefit to the City of Springs” — Jinan Bian Que Summer Health Festival and TCM Health Night Market — was launched at Impression Jinan· Spring World.

Talents converge at the health night market in the hometown of Bian Que

This event was a summer gala offering an immersive experience into the cultural achievements of TCM in the ‘Hometown of Bian Que’, and it constituted a cornerstone of Jinan’s talent services. With the aim of excelling in talent employment services and broadening the channels for enterprises to attract talent, Jinan has launched the ‘Haiyou Talent Night Market’ activities. These activities transcend the passive ‘wait-andsee’ service model, prioritizing the convenience of job seeking and talent attraction. By extending talent services to the doorstep, Jinan effectively transforms the influence of the night market into the way of retention of talent. This approach bestows upon the city’s talent services tremendous flexibility, fostering an atmosphere that reveres, cherishes, respects, and unitizes talent.

The talent night market unfurls an innovative and heartwarming atmosphere

In early July, Tianqiao District inaugurated the “Vanguard of Talent” night market event at Jinan Railway Station Square, with the city’s promotional film ‘Everything Just Right Here in Jinan’ as its prelude. The market stall set up with sincerity, searching for talent by lamplight. At this event, Tianqiao District’s talent services were both innovative and heartfelt, exuding a lovely homely feel to young talents who were pursuing dreams.

Job fairs provide employment opportunities at your leisure

The Haiyu Talent Night Market exemplifies one of Jinan City’s innovative endeavors to effectively attract young talents for employment and entrepreneurship. By embracing the innovative concept of a ‘bazaar,’ Jinan harnesses the vibrant ‘buzz’ of night markets to ‘gain popularity’ for talent services. It serves as a bridge between enterprises and job seekers, seamlessly merging nightlife and consumption scenes of the youth with talent interaction. This fusion amplifies the synergy between the ‘night economy’ and talent, creating a 1+1>2 effect. It forges a new platform dedicated to attracting, nurturing, retaining, and empowering talent.

Careers await talent at the night market

In Zhangqiu’s Baiquan Park, each evening witnesses a convergence of the ‘night economy’ and ‘talent’. Leveraging Baiquan Park’s prime location and the abundant resources of university students, Zhangqiu pioneers a ‘park plus’ concept. This creates the ‘Talent Flourishes, Wisdom Gathers in Zhangqiu’ consumer experience. The park’s transformation into the ‘Haiyu Talent Night Market’ establishes an innovative platform centered on ‘attracting, nurturing, and retaining talent’.