国宝“越王者旨於睗剑”的故事Stories of the Treasured “Yuewang Zhuji Yushi Sword”


孔子学院 2024年3期



During the late Spring and AutumnPeriod (around 544 BC), the states of Wu andYue engaged in a fierce war for supremacy.Following Yues defeat, King Goujian ofYue was captured and tortured, all whileharboring the hope of returning to his homestate one day. Eventually, he managed toescape and make his way back to the stateof Yue. Upon his return, King Goujian hunga bitter gall on the rafters of his residence,licking it every day to remind himself of thebitter humiliation and suffering he enduredas a captive. Additionally, he chose to sleepon a thin straw mat and used hard weaponsas a pillow, ensuring that his rest was nottoo long. With such disciplined and diligentleadership, Yue gradually strengthened itsposition, ultimately defeating the state of Wuand rising to prominence among the states.This true historical account serves as theorigin of the Chinese idiom woxin-changdan(meaning “sleeping on straw and tasting gall,”symbolizing resilience and determination).King Goujian of Yue has since become a wellknownfigure in Chinas history and culture.

越王勾践的佩剑被誉为“天下第一剑”,现珍藏于湖北省博物馆,为镇馆之宝。而越王勾践之子的佩剑“越王者旨於睗(shì)剑”则是浙江省博物馆的镇馆之宝。双剑并称“越剑之双绝”。“者旨”是越王的氏,读为“诸稽”,“於睗”则是名。越王者旨於睗剑为青铜所制,虽历经2 400余年,其风采依旧,不锈不蚀,寒光四射,吹毛可断,犀利异常。此剑还保存有完整的丝质缠缑(gōu,即刀、剑等柄上所缠的绳)和漆木剑鞘,这在传世的吴越剑中绝无仅有,为剑中精品。

King Goujians sword, knownas the “Number One Sword in theWorld,” is now one of the most prizedpossessions at the Hubei ProvincialMuseum. The “Yuewang Zhuji YushiSword,” belonging to King Goujiansson, stands as a representative pieceamong the collections at the ZhejiangProvincial Museum. Together, thesetwo swords are heralded as the “TwoJewels of Yue Swords.” While “Zhuji”in the name indicates the ownersclan, “Yushi” signifies the ownersname. Crafted from bronze, the“Yuewang Zhuji Yushi Sword” haswithstood the test of time for over2,400 years, retaining its formidableelegance. Remarkably, it is neitherrusted nor corroded, shining withan imposing brilliance. The edgeremains so sharp that it slicesthrough even the finest strands ofhair easily. The silk cords wrappedaround the swords handle, alongwith the lacquered wooden scabbard,have been impeccably preserved,making the sword a one-of-a-kindmasterpiece among swords from theWu and Yue regions.


In the war-torn Spring and Autumn Period, weapons were crucial in securing victory in battles. Duringthis time, the casting technique of Wu and Yue states had reached its peak, exemplified by the “Yuewang Zhuji Yushi Sword,” which showcasedthe most exquisite techniques ofbronze smelting and casting in theregion. Firstly, the swords metalis of exceptional purity, resultingin a flawless, brilliant appearance.Secondly, precise proportions ofdifferent metals were smelted atoptimal temperatures. Thirdly, thecasting and sharpening techniquesapplied to the swords body are superb.Lastly, the design and decorative workdemonstrate exquisite skills. The“Yuewang Zhuji Yushi Sword” standsproudly as one of the most cherishedpossessions of the Zhejiang ProvincialMuseum. Not only has it bore witnessto the emergence and prosperity ofthe Yue state, but it also serves as aremarkable symbol of the wisdomand craftsmanship of the Yue people,boasting profound historical andartistic significance.

今天,在浙江省博物馆,这柄宝剑依然向世人散发着它的光彩。博物馆还特别应用裸眼3D制作手法,使越王勾践、越王者旨於睗、越王亓北古这祖孙三代的剑同时亮相。观者不用戴眼镜即可在LED屏上感受立体的视觉效果,仿佛穿越至2 000多年前的风云年代,切身感受越王剑的精湛工艺与独特魅力。

Today, these mighty swords continue to shine with power at theZhejiang Provincial Museum. Utilizing naked-eye 3D technology,the museum showcases the swords of the three generations of Kingsof Yue (King Goujian, King Zhuji Yushi, and King Qibeigu) on anLED screen. Visitors can view these national treasures in threedimensionalvisual effects, journeying back over 2,000 years toappreciate the exquisite craftsmanship and unique appeal of theswords from the state of Yue, all without the need for 3D glasses.


The return of the “Yuewang Zhuji Yushi Sword”,a national treasure, is a story full of twists and turns.We had no way of knowing how the sword made itsway into Hong Kong. Fortunately, it was discoveredby Ma Chengyuan, former director of the ShanghaiMuseum and an expert in bronzeware, as it was aboutto be auctioned off.


In September 1995, Director Ma received a faxedphoto of a sword from Hong Kong. Judging by itsshape, it appeared to be a bronze sword from theWarring States Period. Engraved on both sides of thesword guard were double-hook Chinese charactersin a style resembling birds and insects. On the frontwere the Chinese characters 戉王戉王 (King of Yue,King of Yue), and on the back were (ZhujiYushi). If historical documents and research werecorrect, this could be the sword of Zhuji Yushi,son of King Goujian of Yue. With his extensiveexperience in authentication and keen professionalinsight, Director Ma recognized that this must be apriceless national treasure, surpassing in value andsignificance many famous swords from the Wu andYue regions. He immediately contacted the ZhejiangProvincial Museum and proposed a plan to bring thesword back to its homeland of Yue. Considering thesubstantial cost of acquiring the sword, the expertteam made a bold and commendable decision to seekfunding from the private sector in Zhejiang. Thisappeal received a warm response, and eventually, theHangzhou Iron and Steel Group Company generouslyprovided the funds to redeem the sword and donatedit to the Zhejiang Provincial Museum. Thus, thenational treasure finally ended its wanderingsoverseas, and returned to its homeland.


The story of the swords return was sensationalat the time. In recent years, as the Chinese peoplehave become wealthier, an increasing number ofthem have taken notice of and actively participated inthe protection of cultural heritage. Touching storiessuch as this one have been more heard, where privategroups or individuals purchase cultural relics fromabroad and donate them to museums, facilitating thereturn of our cultural treasures to their motherland.As of May 2023, 34% of the collections at theZhejiang Provincial Museum have been donatedby the private sector, reflecting a deep love andstrong commitment to cultural heritage protectionamong the general public. Today, museums are builtand developed through collaboration between thegovernment and the private sector, igniting the flameof Chinese civilization even brighter as we journeytowards the future.


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