“浙里”极好Zheli’s Irresistible Charm


孔子学院 2024年3期


浙江,地处中国东南沿海、长江三角洲南翼, 是江南文化的发源地,其承载着的丰富历史与灿烂文化,加上舒适的气候环境、秀美的自然风光,吸引人们纷至沓来。

Zhejiang is situated on the southeastern coast of China and within thesouthern arm of the Yangtze River Delta. As the cradle of Jiangnan culture,its tapestry of history and vibrant heritage, along with its delightful climateand picturesque landscapes, draw people from near and far.

7 000多年前,河姆渡先民就选择在这片丰饶的土地上定居,这里充沛的水系带来了生机与活力。除了粮食作物,桑树、茶树等经济作物也在此大量种植,农业、水利、渔业、矿采等也开始全面发展。到了宋代,浙江成为中国经济和文化发展的重要中心;杭州作为当时的都城,成为全国政治、经济和文化中心。

More than 7,000 years ago, the ancient settlers of Hemudu chose thisfertile land as their home, where abundant waterways infused vitalityand energy into the surroundings. Beyond staple grains, economic cropslike mulberry trees and tea trees flourished, fostering advancements inagriculture, water management, fisheries, and mining production. By thetime of the Song Dynasty, Zhejiang had blossomed into Chinas economicand cultural hub, with Hangzhou, the capital city, reigning as the center ofpolitics, commerce, and culture.


“Zheli,” homophone with the Chinese term “here,” serves as both awhimsical and affectionate portrayal of the people of Zhejiang and anendearing term for the province. Indeed, “Zheli” exudes a charm akinto that of a welcoming neighbor, extending its invitation to visitors fromevery corner of the globe.


Zhelis Humanistic Legacy

“上有天堂,下有苏杭”,温婉动人的江南水乡藏着柔美恬静的诗情画意和人间烟火:乌镇,有着静美的烟雨古街和典雅的白墙黛瓦;绍兴,有着古朴的乌篷小船和醇香的绍兴黄酒;杭州,有着如诗如画的西湖美景、历史悠久的灵隐寺和碧波荡漾的千岛湖……其中,灵隐寺是中国佛教禅宗十大古刹之一。这座藏于深山的清幽古寺,香火缭绕,山上宏大的石雕佛像群展示了古代能工巧匠的鬼斧神工。千岛湖,也称“新安江水库”,位于杭州市淳安县境内,湖中有1 078座天然岛屿,每座岛屿形态不一、风情万种,湖水清澈碧绿,享有“天下第一秀水”的美誉。

“Above, there is heaven; below, there areSuzhou and Hangzhou.” The tranquil water townsof Jiangnan conceal poetic landscapes and worldlyspectacles: Wuzhen, with its serene ancient streetsveiled in smoke and elegant white walls toppedwith black tiles; Shaoxing, known for its quaint,black-tiled boats and fragrant Shaoxing rice wine;Hangzhou, with its picturesque West Lake scenery,the ancient Lingyin Temple, and the shimmeringThousand Island Lake... Among them, LingyinTemple stands as one of the ten ancient Zentemples of Chinese Buddhism. Nestled in thesecluded mountains, this ancient temple isenveloped in incense, while its magnificent stonecarvedBuddha statues showcase the exquisitecraftsmanship of ancient artisans. Thousand IslandLake, also known as the Xinan River Reservoir,lies in Chunan County, Hangzhou City. It boasts1,078 natural islands, each possessing its ownunique shape and charm. Its lucid green watershave earned it the title of the “most beautiful waterunder heaven.”


Zhejiang is blessed with fertile land andbrilliant minds since antiquity. ThroughoutChinese history, numerous distinguishedscholars have journeyed to Jiangnan andmade this region their home. Poets like BaiJuyi and Wang Anshi, along with calligrapherssuch as Wang Xizhi and Yan Zhenqing,have all left enduring works about Zhejiang,enriching Chinas literary and artistic heritage.In modern times, Zhejiang continues to shinewith luminaries. The renowned educatorCai Yuanpei, a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang,championed and practiced the educationalphilosophy of “embracing inclusiveness.”Similarly, the writer and thinker Lu Xun, alsofrom Shaoxing, has profoundly influencedmodern Chinese literature with his deeplyresonant works.


Zhelis Artistic Achievements


People often say, “Half of Chinas opera history lies inZhejiang.” Zhejiang, the birthplace of Chinese opera, boasts adeep-rooted opera culture. Its opera blends various art formssuch as folk dance, music, and painting, crafting a distinctiveartistic flair. Among these, Yue Opera and Wu Opera standout as quintessential examples of Zhejiang opera. Yue Operais known for its graceful melodies and refined performances,emanating the allure of the Jiangnan region. It also holds thedistinction of being the second largest, and the most popularopera genre in China, with classics like Dream of the RedChamber and Butterfly Lovers gracing stages worldwide. Incontrast, Wu Opera, rooted in the rural landscapes of themid-Ming Dynasty, exudes a rugged and melodious style,offering a glimpse into rural life. Even today, Zhejiang operaflourishes, captivating audiences with its diverse artisticexpressions and charm.


Zhejiangs calligraphy and painting commandsutmost respect. Numerous eminent artists, includingWang Xizhi, Zhao Mengfu, Xu Wei, and HuangGongwang, hold esteemed positions in the historyof Chinese calligraphy and painting. Wang Xizhi,revered for his masterpiece Preface to the PoemsComposed at the Orchid Pavilion, is hailed as theepitome of running script calligraphy, with hisfree-flowing style cementing its status as a timelessclassic. Huang Gongwang, an artist of the YuanDynasty, gifted the world with Dwelling in theFuchun Mountains, celebrated as one of Chinas“Top Ten Paintings Through the Ages.” Set againstthe backdrop of the Fuchun River in Zhejiang, hispaintings exude simplicity and vitality, embodyingthe artists quest for a natural and expressive style.These lofty achievements owe much to Zhejiangsrich cultural heritage and scenic landscapes, whichhave inspired generations of artists and given Chinaa treasure trove of remarkable masterpieces.


Zhelis Bountiful Resources


When it comes to Zhejiangs signature products,tea reigns supreme. As one of Chinas renownedtea-producing regions, Zhejiang has a rich historyof tea cultivation, yielding abundant harvests anda diverse array of varieties. Among these, WestLake Longjing is the most distinguished. Hailingfrom Longjing Village in the West Lake District ofHangzhou City, this tea has garnered global acclaimfor its distinctive appearance, aroma, and flavor.Zhejiang also produces other premium teas such asBiluochun and Xinyang Maojian. The tea industry inZhejiang is thriving, with tea gardens transformedinto tourist destinations that entice visitors to partakein sightseeing and tea tasting.


Hangzhou, also known as the “City of Silk,” boastsa flourishing silk industry and intricate embroiderycraftsmanship. Hangzhou embroidery places emphasison needlework and employs a variety of stitchingtechniques, blending elements from Chinas four famousembroidery styles — Su, Xiang, Shu, and Yue — tocreate a distinctive style.

浙江工艺美术品品种丰富、工艺精湛、特色鲜明,包含11个大类128个品种,品种数量位居全国第一。历经千年锤炼的“浙江三雕”——东阳木雕、乐清黄杨木雕、青田石雕,在中国工艺美术界极富盛名。其中,东阳木雕已有1 400余年的历史,它以平面浮雕为主,层次分明,题材既有花鸟瑞兽、山川河流,也有神话传说、才子佳人,蕴含着人们对美好生活的向往与追求。

Zhejiangs diverse range ofarts and crafts are characterizedby exquisite craftsmanship,comprising 128 varieties across 11major categories, ranking highestin quantity nationwide. The “ThreeCarvings of Zhejiang,” refined overcenturies, including Dongyangwood carving, Yueqing boxwoodcarving, and Qingtian stone carving,all hold esteemed positions in the Chinese arts and crafts community.Dongyang wood carving, with ahistory of 1,400 years, predominantlyfeatures bas-reliefs with intricatelayers, depicting objects rangingfrom flowers, animals, landscapes,mythological narratives, to themes ofliterati culture, embodying peoplesaspirations for a better life.

龙泉青瓷是中国瓷器美学中的翘楚,有着1 700多年的烧制历史,古人称之“青如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”,形容其光泽如碧玉,颜色淡雅透亮,线条优美,是中国陶瓷工艺的顶峰之作,也彰显出宋代的极简审美观。

With a firing history of over1,700 years, Longquan celadonstands as a pinnacle of Chineseporcelain aesthetics. Described byancient artisans as “green as jade,bright as a mirror, thin as paper,and with a sound like a chime,”Longquan celadon exhibits a jadelikeluster, delicate translucency,and graceful lines, representingthe zenith of Chinese ceramiccraftsmanship and embodying theminimalist aesthetic of the SongDynasty.


Originating from the southernregion of Zhejiang, Ou sculptureis recognized as a national-levelintangible cultural heritage.Evolving from traditional Chineselacquerware craftsmanship, it findswide application in architectural andfurniture ornamentation. The use ofcolored mud derived from a blend ofminerals and clay results in a vibrantpalette, earning it the title of “orientalthree-dimensional oil painting.”


Zhelis Technological Prowess


Along with its rich cultural heritage, Zhejiang also stands out for its strength in technological innovation.Home to companies such as Alibaba and NetEase, the streets of Hangzhou showcase this innovation withLED screens offering automatic rotation and voice guidance. Step into any mall, and youll encounterautomated cleaning robots alongside convenient technologies like facial recognition payment systems. Duringthe Hangzhou Asian Games in September 2023, the world witnessed Zhejiangs impressive technologicalcapabilities firsthand: The digitaltorchbearer braved the river to ignitethe torch, while robots efficiently carriedout various tasks at the arenas. In theHangzhou Asian Games village, robotsshowcased their versatility by not onlyplaying piano pieces but also providingessential services like meal and parceldelivery… The Hangzhou Asian Gameswas more than just a sporting event; itwas also a global display of cutting-edgetechnology.


Indeed, Zhejiangs charm lies not only in its picturesque landscapes but also in the vibrancy of its technology, people, and culture.


Welcome to explore Zheli!


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