Little boys with amazing calligraphy skills才华横溢:孩童挥毫引赞叹


疯狂英语·新读写 2024年5期



主题语境:个人成长 篇幅:326词 建议用时:6分钟

1 Two calligraphers (擅长书法艺术的人) in China, justthree and eight years old, have amazed people with theirmastery of the ancient and highly skilled art form. Videosshowing threeyearoldGao Yubo and his eightyearoldcousinGao Yuxuan practising calligraphy with large writing brushesspread widely on social media.

2 The mother of three?year?old Yubo, surnamed Miao,said her son and Yuxuan began to do calligraphy after beinginfluenced by some family members who also practised theart form.

“3 The youngsters learned how to write calligraphy by mimicking (模仿) us adultsbecause both Yuxuans parents and my husband and I are calligraphers,” Miao said.“ Tothem, it might feel like playing a game.”

4 Miao said her son occasionally gets up at midnight to do calligraphy because of hispassion for it. “He once got up at midnight to use the bathroom and then decided topractise calligraphy,” Miao said.“ He then went directly to pick up the brush and beganwriting, and told us that he would go to sleep after finishing writing a character.”

5 However, Miao said that she and her husband only let the child practise for 10minutes a day rather than pressuring him to learn.“ The child practises calligraphy of hisown accord; we don't make him do it for a certain period of time every day,” she said. Yubohas learned and progressed quickly, and according to Miao, after observing his parentswrite one or two times, Yubo would then mimic them. Even though Yubo has shownpotential for writing calligraphy, Miao stated that whether he chooses to pursue a career asa professional calligrapher will depend on how hard he works.

6 The two boys' incredible calligraphy skills have astonished many people, who haveapplauded them for their work and advanced writing styles.“ The baby is calm and relaxed,and each move reflects the master's manner,” one person commented.“ It's a gift engravedin the genes.” Another jokingly wrote, “Are you tired, master? Let me prepare someformula milk for you.”

Reading Check

1. How did the two boys learn calligraphy?

A. By learning from online videos regularly.

B. By attending professional lessons at school.

C. By practising in the form of playing a game.

D. By copying their adult family members.

2. What can we know about Yubo from paragraph 4?

A. He knows many Chinese characters.

B. He was pushed so hard by his parents.

C. He has a great passion for calligraphy.

D. He had great difficulty falling asleep.

3. Why did Miao set Yubos practice time?

A. To force him to focus on his studies.

B. To prepare him for his future career.

C. To help him catch up with his cousin.

D. To avoid putting too much stress on him.

4. What do people think of the two boys?

A. They are bound to be famous.

B. Their writing styles are impressive.

C. Their calligraphy abilities are doubtful.

D. They are too young to master calligraphy.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

The mother of threeyearoldYubo, surnamed Miao, said her son and Yuxuan began todo calligraphy after being influenced by some family members who also practised the artform. 3歲的高宇博的妈妈苗女士说,她的儿子和宇轩是在受到一些同样练习书法的家庭成员的影响后开始练习书法的。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。surnamed Miao作后置定语,修饰主语Themother;动词said后面是省略了that的宾语从句;after...the art form作时间状语;who是关系代词,引导定语从句,先行词为family members,who在从句中作主语。

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

feel like occasionally directly rather than of one's own accord according to depend on incredible

1. It wouldnt hurt you to help with the housework ________.

2. You should provide the evidence ________to the police.

3. The door seemed to move ________.

4. The salary will be fixed ________ qualifications and experience.

5. The peasants ________ a good harvest for their very existence.

6. I didnt really ________ going out, but I am glad I made the effort.

7. It seemed ________ that she had been there a week already.

8. I think Ill have a cold drink ________ coffee.


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