Reading Check
1~4 BDBC
Language Study
1. that 2. from/in 3. ranging 4. widely
5. bands 6. which 7. friendly 8. an
9. being 10. collective
Reading Check
1~4 DBBC
Language Study
1. updates 2. specially 3. to 4. playing
5. them 6. leaving 7. of 8. has been
9. performed 10. from
Reading Check
1~4 BCDB
Language Study
1. it 2. violins 3. features 4. an
5. and 6. emotional 7. of 8. colorful
9. involving 10. than
Reading Check
1~4 DBCB
Language Study
1. camels 2. to 3. using 4. which
5. emotionally 6. out 7. leaving
8. To preserve 9. was listed 10. survival
Dear Mary,
I am very delighted to hear you arepaying a visit to China during your summerholiday. Now Ill tell you something aboutthe Great Wall, which is a famous touristattraction in China.
The Great Wall is one of the wondersof the world with a history of over twentycenturies. The first part of it was builtduring the Spring and Autumn Period.During the Warring States Period, morewalls were put up to defend the borders ofdifferent kingdoms. It was during the QinDynasty that Emperor Qin had all the wallsjoined up. Thus, the Great Wall came intobeing.
Today the Great Wall has become aplace of interest not only to the Chinesebut to people from all over the world.
Hope you will have a good time.
Li Hua
Reading Check
1~4 CDAB
Ⅰ. 例句仿写
1. Whether you prefer studyingancient civilizations or exploring traditionalfestivals
2. so wellpreservedthat they transportedme back in time
Ⅱ. 写作实践
Dear Henry,
Knowing you are so interested intraditional Chinese culture that you areplanning to take a related course outside ofschool, I highly recommend the course“Introduction to Chinese Culture” offeredby the local cultural center.
The subjects of the course, whether itis history, philosophy, art or traditions,allprovide a comprehensive overview ofvarious aspects of Chinese culture. It notonly covers theoretical knowledge but alsohas practical activities, such as calligraphyand tea ceremony classes.
To learn the course well, I suggestimmersing yourself in Chinese culture asmuch as possible. Additionally, practicingMandarin Chinese would also be beneficialas it will help you understand the cultureon a deeper level.
I believe this course will be a wonderfulopportunity for you to explore andappreciate the richness of traditionalChinese culture.
Best regards,
Li Hua
Reading Check
1~4 CBAC
Ⅰ. 例句仿写
1. making it a valuable tool
2. This is the first time that a traditional festival has been celebrated in this city
Ⅱ. 写作实践
Dear Jenny,
Thank you for asking about the recentdiscovery of ancient Chinese wooden slips.
Discovered in Chongqing Municipality,these wooden slips date back to theWestern Han Dynasty and provide insightsinto the Chinese astronomical calendar.The wellpreservedset of 23 slips relatedto the Ten Heavenly Stems and 12 EarthlyBranches, used to divide a day into 12twohourperiods. This discovery is significantas it sheds light on burial customs ofthe area and the history of China.
The tomb dates back to 193 BC,making it one of the oldest Western HanDynasty tombs and contributing to ourunderstanding of Chinese culture.
Best regards,
Li Hua
Reading Check
1~4 BCBD
Language Study
1. their 2. made 3. what 4. called
5. In 6. fingers 7. a 8. where
9. to learn 10. forgotten
Reading Check
1~3 BDC
Language Study
1. nearly 2. his 3. with 4. musically
5. as 6. and 7. performance
8. playing 9. to think 10. to
Reading Check
1~4 CBCD
Language Study
1. started 2. stories 3. was
4. happening 5. their 6. an 7. who
8. to look 9. homeless 10. in
Reading Check
The oak trees roots symbolize thedeep and firm belief in your potential andthe nourishment that comes from relentlessdetermination. Just as the roots allow theoak tree to withstand challenging conditionsand grow tall, your inner strength andconviction enable you to persevere andachieve your aspirations despite theobstacles you face.
Reading Check
To educate kids about environmentalchallenges and inspire collective action.
Reading Check
1. Mr Ross.
2. Silver Blazes trainer, John Straker,was killed.
3. Because he wanted to investigatethe mystery of the missing racehorse, SilverBlaze, and the murder of John Straker,which occurred at Kings Pyland.
4. Dr Watson was interested in thecase at Kings Pyland and offered his helpto Holmes, expressing his desire toaccompany him to Dartmoor to assist in theinvestigation.
Read for plots
1.( 1)on the dark sea
(3)stiff and sore
(5)a pack of fierce sharks
(6)nothing but a tiller
2. (1)He saw the lines in the water thattheir fins made and their phosphorescenceas they threw themselves on the fish.
(2)to stress the sharks were strong andfierce
(3)He felt something seize the club and it was gone.
3.( 1)The old fisherman is bound to fail.
(2)“It” means the battle between the old fisherman and the pack of sharks and it also means that he loses everything.
(3)The story suggests a complex and sometimes adversarial relationship between humans and nature, as represented by the sharks and the sea.
Read for figures
1.( 1)persistent
(3)beat and chopped
(6)sailed lightly
2.( 1)He felt beaten but determined to sail back home.
(2)As he sailed back home, the old man reflected on the ease of being beaten and the comfort of his bed.
(3)Values of resilience, determination,and the comfort of home are emphasized in the story.
Deep understanding
1. It doesnt contradict the fishermans“tough” image. It is the instinct of everyfighter who runs out of energy to fight tohave a brief hesitation and fear, but whenfacing emergency, he does not hesitate tofight, which makes the character more real.At the same time, the unbeaten spirit is notonly reflected in the fight between the oldman and the shark, but also in the innerstruggle where he is shaky, suspicious andwants to compromise. The victory of thiskind of struggle explains the real value ofthe unbeaten spirit—one cannot be defeatedby himself.
2. From the secular point of view, the oldman may be a loser. But actually, he is a“tough guy” who does not bow to fate, awarrior who fights bravely with courage,perseverance and wisdom no matter howdifficult the environment is and a personwho defends the“ dignity of human soul”.He is a loser, a failed hero and a“ tough”man.
Postreading activity
1. What is success? Everyone canhave his own opinion. As far as Imconcerned, success is to be yourself—follow your inner enthusiasm, do what youwant to do, and live in the way you want.
2. Struggling in trouble, I should haveunyielding faith in myself, the courage toface challenges, unwavering determinationand invincible dignity. Because man is notmade for defeat—a man can be destroyedbut not defeated.
3. You are just an ordinary fishermanon the deep sea. When the waves roll, younever flinch. When sharks strike, younever fear. When difficulties approach,you never blench. When failure comes, youignore it. Nothing can knock you out andnothing can hurt you. You defend the“dignity of human soul” with your action.
If there is one thing in the worldcalled fearlessness, the person who canprove it is Santiago.
If there is something in the worldcalled persistence, the person who owns itis Santiago.
If there is a kind of person called ahero, his name is Santiago.
Dear Terry,
Knowing that youre going to my hometown Beijing for vacation, Im morethan pleased to give you some advice.
I suggest taking the highspeedtrainto Beijing from Guangzhou. For one thing,its comfortable and convenient. Foranother, you can enjoy the wonderfulscenery along the way. After you arrive inBeijing, the first place I recommend you togo is the Great Wall. As a symbol ofancient Chinese civilization, it is one of theworlds oldest and most magnificent manmadeconstructions. The next place ofinterest you cannot miss is the SummerPalace, which is the largest and bestpreservedroyal garden in the world.
May you have an unforgettable tourist experience!
Li Hua
Paragraph 1:
I noticed the flame was reaching up.Seeing this, Mom pounded the doorhurriedly. Frozen with fear, I stood rootedto the spot. By then, both of us werecoughing and our eyes were stinging. Timeseemed to stand still, though we wereprobably there for only two or threeminutes. Just as I was beginning tosuffocate, the door opened. Jane stoodthere, totally confused. Mom was right—she had been unaware of what was happening.Grabbing her hand and mine, Momled us downstairs and rushed outside to asafe spot against time.
Paragraph 2:
Luckily, some neighbors passing bystopped and offered help. The firemen hadjust arrived and set about fighting the fireblaze, which was reaching up to the twofloors above the motorcycle shop. Comprehendingthe gravity of the situation, Janebroke down. Holding my mothers handstightly, and with tears flowing down hercheeks, she spoke something to Mom. Icould not hear what she said, but there wasno mistaking her gratitude. I dread to thinkwhat would have happened if Mom had notturned back for her. How brave my Momwas!
第一部分 语言基础
第一节 单句语法填空
1. individually 2. to 3. of
4. surrounded 5. that 6. achieved 7. of
8. announcement 9. amounts
10. to learn 11. burning 12. finished
13. into 14. with 15. surprising
第二节 完成句子
1. break away from 2. joined to
3. as well as 4. Keep your eyes open for
5. If necessary 6. in charge of
7. It was announced that 8. were eager to
9. have no idea 10. What/How about
11. to do 12. are likely to come
13. get your clothes washed 14. in which
15. do you think
第二部分 阅读
1~3 ACA
4~7 CBBA
8~11 CABC
12~15 DBBC
16~20 AGBEC
第三部分 语言运用
21~25 DABCB 26~30 DAABC
31~35 CADDC
36. which 37. based
38. more convenient 39. shorten
40. was inspired 41. an 42. has posted
43. Focusing 44. curiosity 45. lately
第四部分 写作
Dear Steven,
I'm glad you're coming to my home?town soon. I'm giving you a brief introductionto my hometown—Kunming.
Kunming, which is located in thesouthwest of China, covers an area of about21,473 square kilometers. With a populationof about 6.67 million, Kunming is abeautiful place and has pleasant weatherand a rich culture. Kunming has a goodtransport network, so its very convenientfor people to travel. There are a lot ofplaces of interest where visitors can enjoythe wonderful scenery and all kinds ofdelicious food.
Welcome to Kunming. And Ill beyour guide when you come.
Li Hua
Paragraph 1:
Finally, I arrived at Room 512. Iturned the key in the lock and pushed thedoor a little open, with Dad still complainingabout his hurting knee or something. Iput my head in, expecting the worst. Butmuch to my surprise, the room wasntempty at all. It was furnished with two setsof desks and chairs, bookshelves, curtains,a TV and several pleasant paintings on thewalls.
Paragraph 2:
And there on a well?made bed sat agirl, my new roommate. She was dressedsimply but neatly. Greeting me with a nod,she said in a soft voice,“ Hi, Im Amy. Youmust be Cori.” Then, she turned down themusic and looked over at Dad, “And ofcourse, youre Mr Faber,” she said smiling.“Would you like a glass of iced tea?”Dad's face turned decidedly less red beforehe could bring out a “yes”. I knew thenthat Amy and I would be friends and myfirst year of college would be a success.