第一部分 语言基础(共两节,满分30 分)
第一节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1. The manager spoke to them all ______(individual).
2. Lions and tigers belong ______the cat family.
3. It was in honor of those soldiers who lost their lives in defence ______their country.
4. The prince lives in a castle ______(surround) by mountains on three sides.
5. There is not a shred of evidence ______the meeting actually took place.
6. I haven't ______(achieve) very much today.
7. He decided to take charge ______the program.
8. The headmaster made an important ______(announce) last week.
9. Large______ (amount) of damage have been done to the city in a short time.
10. Everyone in the class seemed eager ______(learn).
11. Having the lights ______(burn) all the time is not a good habit.
12. With all the tasks ______(finish), the engineer went out of his office happily.
13. We all crowded ______his office to congratulate him on his success.
14. He greeted us ______a big smile.
15. It is not ______(surprise) that they lost.
第二節 完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1. 我始终挣脱不了这张无形的网。(break的搭配)
I always cannot______ ______ ______this invisible net.
2. 这座岛有一座桥与大陆相连。(join的搭配)
The island is ______ ______ the mainland by a bridge.
3. 这个男孩和他的叔叔都喜欢踢足球。(as的搭配)
The boy ______ ______ ______his uncle likes playing football.
4. 留意那只小黑猫。(keep的搭配)
______ ______ ______ ______ ______that little black cat.
5. 如果有必要,我可以马上来。(if的省略用法)
______ ______, I can come at once.
6. 约翰去年负责这个项目。(charge的搭配)
John was ______ ______ ______the program last year.
7. 据宣布,将有新的限速规定出台。(announce的用法)
______ ______ ______ ______new speed restrictions would be introduced.
8. 他们一到那个旅游景点就迫不及待地想去探索。(eager的用法)
As soon as they arrived on that tourist attraction, they______ ______ ______explore.
9. 我不知道该选哪本书。(idea的搭配)
I ______ ______ ______ which book to choose.
10. 下个周末去徒步旅行如何?
______ ______going hiking next weekend?
11. 有那么多的工作要做,我没有时间去看电影。(with的复合结构)
With so much work ______ ______, I have no time for a movie.
12. 我父母这个周末可能会过来。(likely的搭配)
My parents ______ ______ ______ ______this weekend.
13. 你应该把你的衣服洗一下。(get sth done)
You should ______ ______ ______ ______.
14. 我不喜欢你跟我讲话的方式。(介词+which)
I dont like the way ______ ______you speak to me.
15. 你认为这篇文章的哪一部分最有趣?
Which part of this passage ______ ______ ______is the most interesting?
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50 分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Here is something you can do to experience another culture which may be different from yours.
La Tomatina, Spain
Once a year, in the Valencian town of Bu?ol, the Spanish gather to throw tomatoes ateach other. The worlds largest tomato fight, La Tomatina now attracts many participantsfrom around the world.
Battaglia delle Arance, Italy
If you don't fancy throwing tomatoes, how about oranges? During the Carnevale diIvrea each year, residents of Ivrea, Italian come together to throw oranges at each other. Thetradition is in memory of a battle between the locals and a bad ruler, with oranges thrown aspart of the fight for freedom.
La Mordida, Mexico
If you like to take small bites of your birthday cake, it might be best not to spend yourbirthday in Mexico. After singing Happy Birthday, guests watch while the birthday boy orgirl blows out his/her candles. He/She then leans over and takes a bite of the cake, at whichpoint someone will push his/her face into it.
Baking Money into Food, Bolivia
Speaking of food, did you know that, in Bolivia, it is traditional to bake money intosweet pastries (油酥糕点) and cakes on New Year's Eve? It's a tradition in which bakeriesacross the country take part. Those who find a coin in their cakes can look forward to plentyof good luck in the new year.
1. What is Battaglia delle Arance in honour of ?
A. A fight for freedom. B. Residents living in Ivrea.
C. Oranges harvested in Ivrea. D. A battle with foreign enemies.
2. Which of the following is related to the birthday?
A. La Tomatina. B. Battaglia delle Arance.
C. La Mordida. D. Baking Money into Food.
3. What do the four traditions have in common?
A. They are related to food. B. They focus on human rights.
C. They are traditions in Europe. D. They are traditions about dance.
I had lived in Mexico City for about 6 months before seeing somebody get visiblyangry in public, but it wasnt a Mexican.
Rarely will you see a Mexican publicly lose emotional control, unless perhaps anexcess of wine has been involved. From a young age, Mexicans are taught not to get overlyemotional. As the common Mexican saying goes,“ He who gets angry, loses.”
The cultural customs in Mexico City involve a level of politeness, which Ive not experiencedin other cities of its size. These traditions of respectful language have been handeddown by the countrys indigenous (本地的) populations, later blending with the traditionsof the Spanish when Hernán Cortés and his team seized the region in 1519. While thenorth of the country was settled very differently, with a less distinct colonial period, centraland southern Mexico were heavily influenced by 300 years of Spanish rule.
In some indigenous communities, including some Nahua communities, not lookingpeople in the eyes while speaking to them is a sign of respect, while holding eye contact fora long period, especially when done between two men, can be seen as a symbol of provocation (挑衅).
It's not to say that everyone in Mexico City is“ nice”. But for one of the most denselypopulated cities in the world with a lot of problems, many travelers find themselvesremarking that at least here, people take the time for pleasantries (礼仪).“ Perhaps theoxymoron (矛盾修辞法) of‘ organized chaos is a good way to define Mexico City,” Larasaid. In the nearly two years, I've lived in Mexico City, and I've learned that maintainingthis strict level of pleasantries is an art. Everyone is in it together, combing through themadness of a massive city just trying to live their life.
4. A Mexican will get angry when he______.
A. isnt a Mexican anymore B. sees someone rudely act in public
C. drinks too much D. loses something important
5. Which of the following matters a lot in passing down Mexican politeness?
A. Mexican language. B. Mexican original inhabitants.
C. Spanish cultural traditions. D. Spanish long ruling.
6. Which kind of Mexicans were affected most by Spanish?
A. Mexicans living in north Mexico.
B. Mexicans living in south Mexico.
C. Mexicans coming from foreign countries.
D. Mexicans having ever been to Spain.
7. What can best describe Mexico City according to the text?
A. It is polite though has some problems.
B. It is very complete and perfect.
C. It makes people feel mad.
D. It has chaos that people organize.
In its best times in the nineteenth century, thatch (茅草屋頂) played an importantrole in protecting British homes from the weather. But new technologies since have led to arapid decline in thatching and many of the thatched cottages that remain have beenchanged beyond all recognition by developers or have run into disrepair, a rather upsettingreminder of a bygone age.
A Welsh company, however, is trying to breathe new life into some of the last traditionalthatched cottages in western Wales by repairing them and letting them out as holidayhomes. Called“ Under the Thatch”, the company is run by Greg Stevenson, who lives in hisown thatched cottage in Ceredigion. An architectural historian by training, he repairs oldbuildings in oldfashionedways.
All the cottages are in attractive locations around southwest Wales. Unlike most holidayhomes, the cottages are let all year round—chiefly because Greg prices them lowerthan many holiday properties (房产) and hed prefer that properties are rented just abovecost price than not used at all. And with that comes a bargain or two: its common for aproperty to go for as little as ?35 a night. Consequently occupancy for properties with“Under the Thatch” is at 95 percent (the average in Wales is 35 percent).
Its success has meant that Greg has been able to buy up more old cottages and bringthem back into the community. Greg has also diversified from offering only thatchedcottages: he now lets out a variety of rare accommodations dotted around western styles,including a renovated (修復的) train carriage and two gypsy caravans which were used byRomanies.
Most of his thirty properties are run using environmentally friendly technologies.Including solar panels and recycled furnishings. But most importantly, what the cottages allhave in common is that they bring back life to local communities. Spend a weekend in“Under the Thatch” rather than in a holiday home, buy local food and visit nearbyrestaurants, and you will be contributing to the local economy.
8. How does the author sound when talking about thatched cottages in paragraph 1?
A. Excited. B. Afraid. C. Sorry. D. Humorous.
9. What is the main reason for the success of“ Under the Thatch”?
A. The properties' low prices.
B. The company's excellent services.
C. The company's creative designers.
D. The properties' beautiful locations.
10. Besides thatched cottages, what does Gregs company provide?
A. Design plans for modern cottages.
B. Other uncommon styles of holiday homes.
C. Environmentally friendly technologies.
D. Advice on developing the local economy.
11. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Buy up traditional thatched cottages
B. Protect British homes from the weather
C. Spend a weekend under the thatch
D. Bring properties back into the community
Almost everyone who has studied English has been warned about the way Brits lovetheir manners. It is part of our national identity, as much as fish and chips or complainingabout the weather. Recently I have been wondering where this comes from and I read onlinethat we say“ sorry” up to eight times a day. Probably the same amount of times thatany other person says“ hello” or“ how are you”. It is almost like to greeting to us! It wasonly when I was explaining how there are five steps of saying“ thank you” when you buysomething from a shop to a Mexican friend of mine that I realised how mad it sounded.
After some research online I have not been able to find any specific reasons why weare the way we are. I suppose for centuries manners and how we eat at the table and talk toother people has been one of the barriers between the lower and upper classes and representsyour social status. Britain has traditionally been a quite conservative country. Thereare many articles suggesting that this seemingly polite attitude of always saying please andthank you is quite false because it is impossible to always feel that you want to thank someoneor say please.
Maybe it is for this reason that people are going one of two ways: they are incrediblypolite and hold back on their feelings, or not polite at all and express their true feelings.Some Brits are fed up of pretending that they are always content and having to pleasepeople. Sometimes because we feel we have to be polite, we are prevented from saying whatwe truly think. Do you think it is better to not hurt peoples feelings and be polite or to letpeople know the truth? In your country what is the custom? I know in some countries ifsomeone is considered to be doing his or her job, the clients think that the person does notneed to be thanked.
12. What does the author think of Brits way of saying“ thank you”?
A. Normal. B. Pleasing. C. Exciting. D. Surprising.
13. What does the author want to find out?
A. Why Brits like to complain about the weather.
B. Why Brits love their way of showing manners.
C. Why Brits are fond of fish and chips so much.
D. Why Brits have five steps of saying“ thank you”.
14. What does the author think manners stand for for centuries?
A. Wealth and health. B. Social status.
C. Politeness. D. Attitudes.
15. Why do Brits feel sometimes they have to be polite?
A. They want to express their true feelings.
B. They want to let people know the truth.
C. They are kept from saying what they truly think.
D. They want to represent their social status.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
The UK has many strange traditions. 16 This tradition comes Shrove Tuesday, or,as many like to call it, Pancake (薄煎饼) Day. The day fell on February 16 this year.
17 As contestants (参赛者) run, they have to toss the pancake in the air so that itflips and lands back in the pan on the other side. The winner is the first to reach the finishline, although they should also be careful to make sure that the pancake is complete andthat it hasnt broken along the way.
One of the most famous pancake races is the Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race.This takes place on the morning of Shrove Tuesday in London, outside the Houses of Parliament.18 One team is made up of Members of Parliament, and the other is made up ofjournalists. Most of them take part in the race wearing their work suits! The race is shownon the news and is covered on TV all around the world. 19 It raises awareness for thecharity Rehab, which works with people with disabilities and others who suffer from socialexclusion in the UK.
Another important aspect of the race is the official starter. 20 This is seen as animportant role and is usually given to a British news presenter. But whoever is chosenusually has a hard time trying to control the race—the MPs are known for cheating everyyear!
A. One of those is pancake racing.
B. The race is a competition between two teams.
C. That is the person chosen to announce the start of the race.
D. Roman schools or businesses hold special Pancake Day events.
E. And as well as a bit of fun, the race is also held for a good cause (事業).
F. Pancakes in the UK are large and thin and can be topped with juice.
G. In a typical pancake race, contestants have to run holding a frying pan with a pancake in it.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Friday night meant a family dinner for me at home. There would be discussions andlaughter. Even so, I 21 those moments.
Preparations for the dinner would begin 22 that day. As both my parents worked,sometimes I would be given instructions to 23 the chicken in the oven (烤箱) afterschool. I would repeat the 24 process like a cooking machine. The only 25 wasmy mothers chicken soup. Once the dinner was cooking, the table would be 26 . Awhite lace cloth, the good china, napkins. Though I failed to see any 27 , I had to lightthe candles with my mom.
Years later, my father passed away, and then my mother insisted on going to live in acare home. I seemed to be totally 28 from the boring tradition, but I didnt feel29 . I missed the chicken soup. Although I have her recipe, Ive never actually 30the soup myself. I missed the warmlightedcandles. Standing together, wed make 31with our hands around the lit candles, bringing the light into our hearts.
Thats why I accepted 32 when my husband advised to 33 the tradition.“ Ican help with the soup, ” he said. If theres one thing Ive 34 , its that these family traditionsare really worth cherishing before they 35 , from the chicken soup recipes tolighting candles.
21. A. remembered B. chose C. enjoyed D. hated
22. A. early B. late C. already D. again
23. A. kill B. get C. add D. count
24. A. natural B. formal C. dull D. creative
25. A. tradition B. comfort C. upset D. course
26. A. elected B. turned C. dressed D. set
27. A. point B. dishes C. food D. forks
28. A. freed B. protected C. recovered D. discouraged
29. A. lost B. happy C. curious D. nervous
30. A. served B. stirred C. made D. poured
31. A. fortunes B. efforts C. circles D. noises
32. A. immediately B. generally C. widely D. regretfully
33. A. throw away B. go over C. put away D. take over
34. A. controlled B. forgotten C. finished D. learned
35. A. exist B. improve C. disappear D. continue
第二節 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
What is the difference between Chinese and Western cultures? For visual designerCao Siyu, the answer can usually be found in her comics, 36.______ highlight culturaldifferences and connections 37.______ (base) on her experience.
Born and raised in Beijing, Cao, 32, left home at 20 to study in the United States andlater, the United Kingdom. “My experience shows that although travel is much38. ______(convenience) today, the distance between cultures doesn't 39.______(short),” Cao says.
After she encountered many misunderstandings and came face to face with stereotypes(刻板印象) of China, Cao 40.______ (inspire) to create Tiny Eyes Comics, 41.______Internetbasedcartoon series illustrating“ the big world through tiny Chinese eyes”. Sinceher first illustration in 2016, Cao 42.______ (post) more than 300 comics to her socialplatform. At present, Cao has over 41,000 followers.
43.______ (focus) on her topics, including family relationships, different ways ofthinking and social customs, Cao features a girl named Tiny Eyes and describes her life ina lightheartedway. Cao hopes that the comics can show a truer China to foreigners who arefull of 44.______ (curious) about the country.
A book of the Tiny Eyes Comics was published in France in May last year and an Englishversion is 45.______ (late) in production.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)
第一节 (满分15分)
1. 介绍你的家乡;
2. 表示欢迎并乐意充当导游。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Steven,
I'm glad youre coming to my hometown soon._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
第二節 (满分25分)
It was my first university day of the new term, which I had been looking forward to inthe summer vacation. Mother decided Dad should accompany me though I thought I couldmanage it myself. Everything here appeared a little fresh to me; yet I still had butterfies inmy stomach. The letter of admission said my dormitory was Room 512 on the fifth floor.
I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two biggermore. By the time I set foot on the fifth floor, I got entirely burnt out and at the same timehad a feeling of loneliness. Worse still, Dad missed a step and fell on his back, sending mynew suitcases rolling down the stairs.“ Oh, no! ” he screamed, his face turning red. I knewa storm was on the way. Whenever Dads face turns red, look out.
How could I ever get him to finish unloading my suitcases from the car withoutscreaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls? And whom I would have tospend the rest of the year with? At that point, doors along the narrow passage were openingand strange faces were peering out (探出) with curiosity, as Dad walked with difficultyclose behind. I felt that my college life was getting off on the wrong foot.
“Wish to find the room quickly!” I prayed as I walked with my head bent.“ Get himinto a chair and calmed down.” But then again, would there be a chair in my dormitory? Orwould it be a purely empty room? I didnt know what was in store for me.
Paragraph 1:
Finally, I arrived at Room 512.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
And there on a well?made bed sat a girl, my new roommate.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. In some indigenous communities, including some Nahua communities, not lookingpeople in the eye while speaking to them is a sign of respect, while holding eye contact fora long period, especially when done between two men, can be seen as a symbol ofprovocation. 在一些土著社区中,包括一些纳瓦社区,在与人交谈时不看对方的眼睛是尊重的表现,而长时间保持眼神交流,特别是当这种行为发生在两个男性之间时,可以被视为挑衅的象征。
2. But new technologies since have led to a rapid decline in thatching and many of thethatched cottages that remain have been changed beyond all recognition by developers orhave run into disrepair, a rather upsetting reminder of a bygone age. 但是随后的新技术导致茅草屋顶迅速衰落,许多仍然存在的茅草屋要么被开发商改造得面目全非,要么陷入破败,这是对往昔岁月的一种令人不安的提醒。
【点石成金】该句中and 是并列连词,连接两个并列分句,第二个并列分句中,many of the thatched cottages that remain是主语,have been changed和 have run into disrepair是并列的谓语,指出了这些茅草屋目前的两种状态。