Travel the world on a cruise ship乘船环游世界


疯狂英语·读写版 2024年3期

Julia Buckley

主题语境:环球旅行 篇幅:364词 建议用时:7分钟

1 Have you ever dreamed of giving it allup, leaving it all behind and hitting the roadto escape all your responsibilities? It soundsgood, doesnt it? But it also sounds expen?sive. Now a cruise company is launching a3?year, 210,000?kilometer, escape?your?daily?life cruise for a relatively affordable $30,000per person per year.

2 The company had opened bookings for its 3?year voyage on the MV Gemini,which set sail from Istanbul on November 1, 2023, and you should get your passport,vaccinations and remote working abilities prepared.

3 The company is promising to tick off 375 ports around the world, visiting 135 coun?tries and all seven continents. The ship covers more than 210,000 kilometers over the threeyears. It even slots in trips to 103 tropical islands. It goes around South America (hoppingsouth to Antarctica), island?hops around the Caribbean, takes in both coasts of CentralAmerica, and then goes up the west coast of North America, crossing over to Hawaii. Stopsin Asia include Japan, the Republic of Korea and China. It also takes in most of the classic Southeast Asia destinations, from Bali, Da Nang in Vietnam and the Cambodiancoast to Bangkok, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

4 It loops (成环形运动) around Australia and New Zealand, island?hops through theSouth Pacific, journeys round India and Sri Lanka and then visits Maldives and Sey?chelles before crossing west to Africa, hitting the continent at Zanzibar and then loopingdown to Cape Town and up the west coast of Africa. It also sails round the Mediterraneanand Northern Europe.

5 Because of the nature of the voyage, apart from traditional cruise ship amenities,restaurants and entertainments, the MV Gemini is also kitted out with remote workingfacilities. The company promises a full?scale business center complete with meeting rooms,14 offices, a business library and a lounge, presumably for coffee breaks. Access is free.The cruise also includes free high?speed Wi?Fi.

6 Beyond the business center, there is plenty to keep you busy: a sun deck, aswimming pool, a wellness center, an auditorium and multiple dining options. Onboardinstructors will be on hand to teach dances and music. There is a gym and a salon on boardtoo.



1. Where did the MV Gemini set sail from?

A. Malta. B. Istanbul. C. Copenhagen. D. Miami.

2. How many tropical islands does the MV Gemini visit?

A. 135. B. 7. C. 375. D. 103.

3. What type of facilities does the MV Gemini offer for remote working?

A. Dining options only. B. Entertainment features.

C. Full?scale business center. D. Traditional cruise ship facilities.

4. What can we know about the MV Gemini from the text?

A. It travels less than 200,000 kilometers.

B. It provides multiple dining options and music classes.

C. It sails round the Mediterranean and the west coast of Africa.

D. It goes around America and island?hops around the Caribbean.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

The company had opened bookings for its 3?year voyage on the MV Gemini, which setsail from Istanbul on November 1, 2023, and you should get your passport, vaccinationsand remote working abilities prepared. 该公司已经开放预订为期三年的“双子”号游轮之旅,该游轮于2023年11月1日从伊斯坦布尔起航,并且你应该准备好护照,接种疫苗,并具备远程工作能力。


Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks.

The day I 1._________(decide) to get my passport was the turning point of my life, sig?naling the start of my life?changing journey to travel around the globe. Passport inhand, I set 2._________with a sense of boundless curiosity, ready to tick off each locationfrom my list of destinations.

Apart 3._________the busy cities and iconic monuments that every global traveler4._________(aim) to visit, my eyes were also set on the paths less 5._________(travel)—thequaint villages, dense jungles, and quiet landscapes where simplicity and beauty are inquiet harmony.

My travels were complete with many experiences each country 6._________(offer):tasting delicious food on the streets of Bangkok, 7._________(dance) to energetic sambarhythms at Rios carnival, and gazing in awe (敬畏) at the architectural wonders of ancientRome.

Each encounter, each photograph, each flavor added to my memories I 8._________(collect) along the way. More than just 9._________(mark) my passport with stamps, it wasabout the 10._________(enlighten) moments, connections, and self?discovery that made myworld tour an odyssey of the soul.


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