旅行 探索世界的美


疯狂英语·读写版 2024年3期


第一部分 语言基础(共两节,满分24 分)

第一节 单句填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. One interesting aspect of this bilingual series is that it caters to both the domestic and foreign markets, especially in reading for both_________(pleasant) and language learning.

2. As is known to us,_________(curtain) are large pieces of material which hang from the top of a window.

3. Leave a basin of water outside in_________(freeze) weather.

4. A storm of laughter_________(arise) and even the tiniest child joined in.

5. The animal was still_________(breathe), so we knew it was still alive.

6. To my_________(astonish), he has made such rapid progress in English this term.

7. He glanced down the classified_________(advertise) while waiting for the bus.

8. My sister became a_________(photograph), going around the world with her camera in her hand.

9. We can see misty clouds_________(rise) from the great Niagara Falls.

10. They went to Toronto because they wanted to visit the_________(large) Chinatown there.

11. This is an automatic reply,_________(confirm) that your e?mail has been received.

12. I took what he said_________(literal), but he really meant something else.

13._________(see) from the top of the hill, the school looks like a big garden.

14. He was one of Australia's most_________(distinguish) artists, renowned for his landscapes.

15. I was out of_________(breathe) when I finally arrived at my school, only to find that it was Saturday.

第二节 完成句子(共9小题;每小题1分,满分9分)

1. 当站在山顶上时,我能看到远处的古塔。( 动词?ing形式作状语)

______________________, I can see as far as the ancient tower.

2. 直到我的朋友告诉我,我才意识到我出了差错。( 倒装句)

Not until my friend told me______________________.

3. 我进入大厅后,惊奇地发现有那么多人。( when)

______________________, I was astonished to see so many people there.

4. 當我在珠海旅行时,我会步行而不是乘公共汽车。( as)

______________________, I would travel on foot rather than by bus.

5. 据说不久前我们村发生了一场火灾,许多房子被毁了。( break out)

______________________in our village not long ago. Many houses were destroyed.

6. 与通常的看法相反,适当的运动事实上会降低食欲。( contrary to)

______________________, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.

7. 大风猛烈地刮着,尽管天气寒冷,我们继续前行。( with的复合结构)

______________________, we proceed to move on even though it is freezing cold.

8. 从列车的窗户往外望去,壮丽的山峰和湛蓝的湖水真的令我们惊叹。 (分词作状语)

______________________, the spectacular mountain peaks and blue lake literally take our breath away.

9.他的志向是成為第一个登上火星的中国宇航员。(to do作定语)

His ambition is to become______________________.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50 分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



Bridges are one of the best constructional inventions in the history and some have be?come household tourist destinations.

Storseisundet Bridge (Norway)

Storseisundet Bridge is one of the most popular tourist routes in the country. Themountain views from the top are truly spectacular, but the route is a little demanding. Thebridge is often described as“ the road to nowhere”, as it seems to stretch into the far dis?tance. If you are a fan of that thrill you get on a roller coaster, crossing this bridge will bean incredible experience.

Keshwa Chaca Bridge (Peru)

While most bridges are made of wood or steel, Keshwa Chaca Bridge is made of wovengrass and it has lasted for 500 years. It was the Incas who initially built the bridge. Womenbraided small thin ropes which the men then used to braid large support cables. The resultis this fantastic bridge which demonstrates the talents of the Incas and their amazing con?struction methods.

U Bein Bridge (Myanmar)

Being one of the most famous bridges in the world, U Bein Bridge crosses theTaungthaman Lake in Myanmar and is 1.2 kilometers long. Constructed in 1851, itsregarded as the global oldest teakwood bridge. It is now a popular attraction that makes forsome beautiful photos at sunset. Locals stand along the bridge selling souvenirs and youcan cross the entire bridge by foot.

Slaters Bridge (England)

Slaters Bridge is located in the Lake District, Englands largest national park. Each year, more than 15 million people come to explore the largest lakes, forests and mountainsin this attraction. This bridge is handmade—it has a long slate slab that crosses the RiverBrathay from Little Langdale Tarn to Elterwater. In 2017, it was designated a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site.

1.“ The road to nowhere” is used to describe Storseisundet Bridge's___________.

A. location B. height C. length D. space

2. Which bridge attracts those who enjoy sunset scenery?

A. U Bein Bridge. B. Storseisundet Bridge.

C. Slater's Bridge. D. Keshwa Chaca Bridge.

3. What is special about the Slater's Bridge?

A. It owns the England's largest lakes.

B. Its constructed to cross two rivers.

C. It lies near England's largest national park.

D. It belongs to a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Hayley Arceneaux managed to live after bone cancer. So she wasn't afraid of a littlespace travel. She was on SpaceX's first private flight to circle Earth. St. Jude ChildrensResearch Hospital chose Arceneaux for the honor. She was a patient before she got a jobat St. Jude. Arceneaux joined three other people on the flight. She was the medical officer.At 29 years old, she was the youngest American to go into space. Arceneaux was the firstperson in space with an artificial (人造的) body part. When she was 10, Arceneaux wasgiven an artificial knee at St. Jude.

The SpaceX flight circled Earth. It lasted two to four days. Billionaire Jared Isaacmanpaid for the flight. He raised money for St. Jude, which researches childhood cancers. Isaac?man asked St. Jude to pick one person. Without telling its workers, leaders at the centerchose from a group of workers who were also former patients.

When Arceneaux was home in Tennessee, the call came out of the blue. Her answerwas“ Yes! Yes! Please!”. But she also checked with her family members. Her brother andher sister?in?law work in the space industry. They told her space travel is safe.

Arceneaux is a lifelong space fan. She is also a risk?taker.

“My fight against cancer really prepared me for space travel,” she said.“ It made mestrong. ” She couldn't wait to show kids with cancer that “the sky is not the limitanymore”. She thought it would mean so much to these kids to see a former cancer patientin space.

Isaacman is also a risk?taker. He led the spaceflight.

He set out to raise $200 million for St. Jude. He said he would provide 50% of the money.

“It's not all...about getting people excited to travel in space someday,” Isaacman said.“It's also about an encouraging message of what we can achieve here on Earth.”

4. What did St. Jude offer to Arceneaux?

A. A chance to travel in space.

B. Free medical treatment.

C. A round?the?world trip.

D. An artificial arm.

5. How did Arceneaux feel when she was called?

A. Proud. B. Angry. C. Upset. D. Excited.

6. What did Arceneaux think of the trip?

A. It would be supported by her family.

B. It would encourage kids with cancer.

C. It would be bad for her health.

D. It would cost a lot of money.

7. Which of the following can best describe Arceneaux?

A. Adventurous and caring.

B. Friendly and hopeful.

C. Helpful and strict.

D. Honest and kind.


After completing my first year of studies, I decided to relax by taking a trip throughone of the most richly cultured countries in Asia: Nepal.

The first thing I noticed about Nepal was its people who are kind and friendly, readyto help someone in need. I'm saying so because of what I've witnessed between the citizensthemselves, rather than how they treated me as a visitor. It is shown in the way bus conduc?tors and passengers alike keep the bus waiting for the last passenger who is lagging behind(落后). It is evident in how a motorist smiles and waves off a kid who runs onto the streetafter his ball. The people are like a hot bowl of soup on a rainy day.

The first place I visited in Nepal was the Sauraha Village in the district of Chitwan. Itis an amazingly peaceful place, where the people live life at their own pace. It is a greatarea to see some of the wildlife, such as rhinos and elephants. The capital city of Kath?mandu was where I spent most of my time. The city is usually very dusty, so make sure towear a mask. Another great area in Kathmandu is the district of Thamel. Unlike most otherdistricts, Thamel is very busy throughout the day. Out of all the places I've been to withinNepal, Pokhara is undoubtedly the best place to visit. There are a lot of fun things to tryout. I've gone paragliding as well as boating in Fewa Lake, but you can also go rafting, zipflying and paramotoring.

Nepal is a very affordable destination to travel to. I traveled through the country forabout two months, and spent a little over 500 US dollars. Accommodation around Nepal isinexpensive, mostly varying from about 500 to 1500 rupees per night per person. During mystay in Kathmandu, I stayed at a great hotel for two weeks, for 300 rupees per night, whichis a great deal.

In a word, Nepal is a fantastic place. Whether you are looking to relax in the wildnessand peace of nature, or for an exciting new adventure, Nepal has a variety of choices tooffer.

8. Why does the author mention bus conductors in paragraph 2?

A. To thank them for all their hard work.

B. To introduce Nepal's public transportation.

C. To explain Nepalese people's sense of time.

D. To show the friendliness of Nepalese people.

9. What do we know about the Sauraha Village?

A. It is busy.

B. It is dusty.

C. It offers visitors a lot of activities.

D. It is a great place to see wild animals.

10. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

A. How much it costs to travel in Nepal.

B. The places the author visited in Nepal.

C. What the author experienced in Kathmandu.

D. The working people the author met in Kathmandu.

11. How does the author develop the text?

A. By following time order.

B. By showing district differences.

C. By explaining people's behavior.

D. By describing his/her own experiences.


Starting in Darwin, our small group stepped onboard a comfortable vehicle designedfor the terrain ( 地形) in the region. We enjoyed a warm welcome onboard from our experienced Journey Director, Gordon, whose knowledge about the Northern Territory madethe trip truly special. One of the things I enjoyed most was listening to Gordon sharingstories about our location and where we were traveling next. His in?depth information andstories about traveling in the Top End made us all feel like the locals!

One of the first highlights on the trip is Litchfield National Park with a stop at WangiFalls for a chance to jump in and take a swim in the clear pool beneath the falls. Thisrefreshing (使人精力充沛的) pool set the tone for the many Northern Territory highlightswe would experience over the next few days. Everyone felt like a new person coming out ofthe pool.

The following day he took us to Kakadu National Park. Seeing the beauty of Kakadufrom both the ground and sky reflects the hugeness of this wilderness area. From the sky,you can see crocodiles (鳄鱼) in the rivers. From the ground, you can see remarkableplants and animals up close; the entire park is enveloped by natural beauty. This experi?ence comes close to the amazing wildlife and habitats youd find in Africa.

Then we traveled to Nourlangie, or Burrungkuy in the local indigenous ( 土著的)language, arriving armed with insider knowledge about what we were going to see. ThisUNESCO World Heritage?listed rock art site is known for its indigenous rock art, offering afascinating record of thousands of years of indigenous life. Once we arrived, we took a shortwalk to the rock art sites with paintings dating back over 20,000 years. The stories behindthese sites reflect how the indigenous people have survived and carried on their traditionsfor thousands of years.

On our last day, we stopped at Edith Falls, where some of the group who were trainingfor mountain climbs hiked up to another swimming spot at the top of the falls. On arrival inDarwin, we said a tearful goodbye to our Journey Director Gordon who helped to create aonce?in?a?lifetime experience.

12. In what way did the author feel like the locals?

A. The author was in a local vehicle.

B. The author had a good idea of the local area.

C. The author was on good terms with the locals.

D. The author traveled to the region once again.

13. How did the author feel after visiting Wangi Falls?

A. Calm. B. Proud.

C. Energised. D. Disappointed.

14. What can we say about the author's trip to Kakadu National Park?

A. It involved lots of danger.

B. It was a road and flight trip.

C. It allowed the author to go hiking there.

D. It was different from trips to Africa.

15. Which can best describe the authors trip to Nourlangie?

A. Challenging. B. Fact?finding.

C. Well?prepared. D. Nature?admiring.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


Useful tips for budget?conscious travelers

Traveling can be an experience of a lifetime. Being in the center of another culture isboth exciting and eye?opening.16Still, here are four useful tips for the budget?conscious traveler.

Don't travel during the peak season

17In Manhattan, New York, it's during the winter holidays. In Cebu, Philip?pines, it's the summer months. Traveling during these peak times certainly means higherprices and large crowds. A great way to avoid all of these is to simply go when it's not highseason.


Within most regions there are local airlines that provide inexpensive solutions togetting around. This is especially handy when you have multiple destinations in mind foryour trip. All you have to do is look up flight bookings and youre on your way. Once you'rein a region, getting around gets much simpler and a whole lot cheaper.

Choose economical accommodations

Hotel chains and expensive options may be nice, but they're the opposite of a budget?friendly experience.19If you're an app expert, you can also check out room rentalapps. They have an extensive network of apartments and units in wonderful neighborhoodsfor those who prefer a more local feel.

Don't spend all your money on food

One of the best things about travel is to enjoy all the wonderful food. Tasting theauthentic versions of your favorite dishes is an absolute delight. But be careful. Having afew good meals out is to be expected, but having every meal at an expensive restaurant is avery quick way to drain your money.20

A. Use flight bookings.

B. Use regional airlines.

C. Every region has a peak season.

D. It also allows you to relax your busy heads.

E. Instead, try and find hostel options.

F. But traveling can seem too expensive.

G. So feel free to try the local snacks.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


I arrived late in Thessaloniki after my flight was delayed over three hours. 21 , my hostess still picked me up from the22and made the 40?minute23toher place. We got there at around 11 pm!

Sadly, I realized I had almost reached my24limit. I decided that I wouldn't bespending any money on dinner that night.25 , I'd choose a budget?friendly breakfastthe next day.

Upon hearing this, the mother of the lady gave me a26 , said something in Greek,laughed, and left. I27this was a goodnight embrace (拥抱) and I prepared to go tobed.

A little bit later the older lady28 , with a big plate of cheese, boiled eggs, andsalad. She wouldn't allow me to go to bed29a late?night dinner. I was totally30 by this kind gesture towards a stranger (me).

The meal was delicious, and31I tried to offer the lady money as a thank?you forher32 , she refused. All the worries of the day disappeared and I went to bed smilingand with a(n)33stomach.

When I was leaving the next morning, I left 20 euros and a thank?you note, andI34them, but I can make sure they would be found after I left.

This hospitable (好客的) Greek family fed a hungry stranger and really35mytime in Greece. I loved everything Thessaloniki had to offer in the way of history, culture,and natural beauty.

21. A. Luckily B. Strangely C. Eventually D. Hopefully

22. A. station B. harbor C. airport D. border

23. A. walk B. drive C. cycling D. race

24. A. age B. speed C. time D. budget

25. A. Anyway B. Instead C. Otherwise D. Thus

26. A. smile B. hug C. warning D. signal

27. A. expected B. admitted C. discovered D. assumed

28. A. left B. escaped C. returned D. followed

29. A. after B. beyond C. despite D. without

30. A. surprised B. annoyed C. confused D. disappointed

31. A. unless B. since C. although D. if

32. A. politeness B. encouragement C. patience D. generosity

33. A. painful B. full C. upset D. strong

34. A. hid B. kept C. changed D. replaced

35. A. wasted B. occupied C. made D. limited

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


“Traveling to China seems like traveling to another world. Its many famous scenicattractions impressed me 36. __________(great),” an American said. The following is37.__________he wrote on his website.

My friends and I had a visit in Xi'an, 38.__________old city with a long history inChina. The hosts were retired or stayed at home without a job, and they were friendly to39.__________(visitor) from different countries coming their homes.

We 40.__________(taste) the true home?cooked dishes in the home of the family thatwe visited. For the dinner, the host would prepare a list of menus in advance (提前). Ourtour guide asked 41.__________(we) for advice about the food, so the host would try to cookwhat we wanted to eat at his home. We just enjoyed the locally cooked dishes. It was quitea different and exciting experience.

Many foreigners enjoy 42.__________(learn) how to make Chinese dumplings. We43.__________(offer) a general cooking class in the local family. The host taught us to makedumplings step by step with lots of 44.__________(patient). And we didn't need to pay anymoney 45.__________this. Travel China Guide offers this kind of service free of charge.

The family visit in Xi'an was a good chance for us to get to know Chinese people'sdaily life.

第四部分 寫作(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节 (满分15分)


1. 旅游过程;

2. 你的感受。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Tom,



Li Hua

第二节 (满分25分)


I was in Zimbabwe on a hike with 2 adults and 12 teenagers. On a three?day triparound waterfalls, we were just using a map and not following a marked path. This isprobably why we had this extremely unusual experience.

We came to a dam with a 20 to 30?meter?long sandy beach, which looked veryunnatural and totally took our breath away. At the place where the beach stopped, therewere large round rocks, and it was a very attractive sight. We all agreed that the area wouldmake a good campsite, so we set up for the night and then set out to do some exploring of the area nearby.

One hour later, some members of our team found a cave. The mouth was small and wehad to slowly move forward on our hands and knees to get inside. After we managed to getthrough, the cave opened up to be about 3 meters high and 10 meters long. It was amazing.There was a crack in the ceiling allowing a line of light to come through. Naturally, thewhole team was excited about the find and decided to sleep inside the cave. We moved ourcampsite inside the cave and fell into an easy sleep that night.

At one oclock in the morning, I was shaken awake by the leader of the hike. He wastelling everyone to get out of the cave because it already had a resident—a leopard, waitingsecretly and anxiously just outside (leopards often choose caves to reside in). I did notbother to talk to him as this guy was always making childish tricks and jokes, so I rolledover and pretended to sleep. The next thing I knew, my sleeping bag was pulled off and Iwas being“ ordered” to get out now or I would be responsible for myself.


Paragraph 1:

I then realized he was not kidding._____________________

Paragraph 2:

Lucky for us, the leopard eventually walked away.____________________________


Adult bees teach their babies how to dance