My hearing aid was a box that was tied to my shoulders and hung from my neck. I car?ried it because when I was young, I became deaf. After consulting with a lot of educationalexperts, doctors and parents of other deaf children, my parents decided to send me to aschool where all of my classmates and teachers would have normal hearing, instead of send?ing me to a private school for the deaf. So I was the only deaf child at Blue Creek El?ementary School.
I experienced great anxiety throughout elementary school because, in addition to theproblems of fitting in with the other students, I also struggled with most of my schoolwork. Iseemed to spend every spare moment doing homework just so I could keep up. I could feelthat my parents and teachers were deeply disappointed in me because of my academicstruggles. The teachers didnt know what to do with me nor did they show much interest in any of my poor performances.
My hearing disability required me to ask everyone from time to time,“ What did he orshe say?” I worried that everyone would soon grow tired of repeating everything back to me.When the kids made fun of me, I had no way but to accept it. I was sure that I was a badperson; my self?esteem (自尊心) was quite low. I saw myself as an ugly kid wearing a boxaround his neck who wasn't even smart enough to keep up with the rest of the other kids.
Mrs Jordan, my 5th grade teacher, changed all of that with a simple two?word phrase.One morning, she asked the class a question. I read her lips from my front?row seat andimmediately raised my hand. I couldn't believe it—for once I knew the answer.
Paragraph 1:
But, when she called on me, I was afraid.__________________
Paragraph 2:
For the first time in my young life, I was a star in my class.__________________
1. 基本要素梳理
2. 故事情节分析
根据文章以下描述“When I was young, I became deaf.”“I experienced great anxietythroughout elementary school.”“I also struggled with most of my schoolwork. I could feelthat my parents and teachers were deeply disappointed in me.”“I worried that everyonewould soon grow tired of repeating everything back to me. When the kids made fun of me, Ihad no way but to accept it. I was sure that I was a bad person; my self?esteem was quitelow. I saw myself as an ugly kid wearing a box around his neck who wasn't even smartenough to keep up with the rest of the other kids.”可知,故事的主人公在遇到乔丹老师之前,是一个被同学嘲笑、遭老師冷落、让父母失望的有听力障碍的孩子。
根据续写部分第一段的段首句“But, when she called on me, I was afraid.”,并综合前文对人物的性格分析,我们可以推断出续写部分第一段的内容应为“我”站起来回答老师问题前的害怕和焦虑,以及同学们和老师对此的反应。因此,为了与前文人物性格保持一致,我们可以用细节描写的方式对人物的动作和心理进行刻画,如在描写“我”站起来回答问题前的情景时,可用以下句子刻画人物内心紧张和害怕的心理:
1. My head was sweating and my heart was pounding.( 动作和心理描写)
2. I froze on my seat, still and trembling.( 动作和心理描写)
3. She wore a sweet smile on her face, nodding and signaling me to reply.( 动作描写)
4. With her encouragement, I stood up slowly and offered my answer.( 动作描写)
5.“ Good job,” said Mrs Jordan with amazement and delight.( 语言描写)
该句更直观地体现了乔丹老师的善良,同时也很好地衔接了前文的“Mrs Jordan...changed all of that with a simple two?word phrase.”。
6. My classmates were shocked at the very beginning and then burst into thunderingapplause.( 心理和動作描写)
根据续写部分第二段的段首句“For the first time in my young life, I was a star inmy class.”可推断,该段的内容为主人公获得认可和重拾信心后的心理变化,因此我们可用以下句子刻画主人公的变化和成长:
7. Hearing such touching praise and warm applause, I stood there, embarrassed butexcited.( 动作和心理描写)
8. I couldn't find a suitable word to describe my feelings there and then, but I did feeltears streaming down my face.( 心理描写)
9. I gradually cheered myself up, regained my confidence and never let my weaknessprevent me trying.( 心理描写)
Paragraph 1:
But, when she called on me, I was afraid. My head was sweating and my heart waspounding. Everyone in the classroom was waiting, silent, while I froze on my seat, still andtrembling. A moment later, some students began to whisper and even shrugged, showingimpatience and disrespect. However, Mrs Jordan made a stop sign and turned to me. Shewore a sweet smile on her face, nodding and signaling me to reply. With her encourage?ment, I stood up slowly and offered my answer.“ Good job,” said Mrs Jordan with amaze?ment and delight. My classmates were shocked at the very beginning and then burst intothundering applause.
Paragraph 2:
For the first time in my young life, I was a star in my class. Hearing such touching praise and warm applause, I stood there, embarrassed but excited. I couldnt find a suitableword to describe my feelings there and then, but I did feel tears streaming down my face.All those self?doubt moments disappeared completely at that time. That was a turning pointof my life. I gradually cheered myself up, regained my confidence and never let myweakness prevent me trying. So grateful was I to Mrs Jordan that even today I could neverforget her simple two?word phrase and inspiring smile, which meant a lot to me.
In a quiet little village surrounded by rolling hills, Lucy and her brother Max werewalking to the family's strawberry fields to pick some strawberries when they came acrossan injured baby owl (猫头鹰). The tiny owl was lying on the ground, with one of its wingsbadly hurt and its big brown eyes looking helplessly at the teens. Lucy and Max wereanimal lovers and they knew they had to do something to help the poor little creature.
“We have to save this baby owl, Max,” Lucy said as she crouched down beside the bird.
Max nodded“, I agree. But where can we take it?”
Lucy thought for a moment and then remembered a wildlife rehabilitation center (野生动物康复中心) located a few miles away. They quickly placed the baby owl in the smallbox they had planned to put strawberries in. Max took off his shirt to cover the box to keepthe bird warm. They carefully placed the box in their backpack and headed out to thecenter.
The journey was not without its challenges. The skies suddenly darkened and the rainbegan to pour down, wetting Lucy and Max completely in seconds. But they were deter?mined to save the baby owl, so they trudged on (步履艰难地走), searching for shelter fromthe rain. They finally found a big tree to hide under and huddled (蜷缩) together, tryingto keep the box dry.
As the rain continued to fall, Lucy and Max looked at the baby owl in the box. It was sosmall and weak. They felt a sense of determination and protectiveness towards the littlebird. They knew that they had to save it, no matter what.
Gradually, the rain got weaker and Lucy and Max continued their journey. Theywalked along a winding path, which was wet and slippery. They had to use some treebranches as walking sticks to provide them with extra support and to ensure their stability.
Paragraph 1:
Lucy and Max finally approached the wildlife rehabilitation center, wet and dirty._______________
Paragraph 2:
The weeks passed quickly, and one day Lucy and Max received a call from the head of the wildlife rehabilitation center.______________________
1. 续写这篇文章的时候,我用了哪些细节描写来塑造人物形象?
2. 在续写中,我用细节描写塑造的人物形象是否与前文的人物在性格上保持了一致?
3. 在细节描写方面,我还有哪些地方做得不够?